This is an archived copy of the 2013-14 calendar. To access the most recent version of the calendar, please visit


Department of Philosophy
Paterson Hall 3A46

  • M.A. Philosophy
  • M.A. Philosophy with Specialization in Digital Humanities

M.A. Philosophy

Academic Regulations

See the General Regulations section of this Calendar.

Admission Requirements

The minimum requirement for admission to the master's program is an Honours B.A. degree (or the equivalent) in Philosophy, with at least B+ standing (or the equivalent).

Qualifying-year and M.A. applicants from an institution other than Carleton University must submit two papers.

Qualifying Year

Applicants who do not hold an Honours degree (or the equivalent) will be required to register in a qualifying-year program before proceeding to the master's program. Regulations governing the qualifying year are outlined in the General Regulations section of this Calendar.

Program Requirements


M.A. Philosophy - Thesis option (5.0 credits)
1.  1.0 credit in:1.0
PHIL 5850 [0.5]
PHIL 5900 [0.5]
Research Seminar
2.  2.0 credits in:2.0
PHIL 5909 [2.0]
M.A. Thesis (must be defended at an oral examination)
3.  2.0 credits in courses, subject to the following limitations:2.0
They may include one, but not both of the following:
PHIL 5700 [0.5]
Fall Colloquium
PHIL 5750 [0.5]
Winter Colloquium
They may include up to 1.0 credit from:
PHIL 5000 [0.5]
Special Topic in Philosophy
PHIL 5200 [0.5]
Topics in Philosophy of Mind or Philosophy of Language
PHIL 5250 [0.5]
Topics in Logic, Epistemology, Metaphysics or Philosophy of Science
PHIL 5300 [0.5]
Topics in Value Theory
PHIL 5350 [0.5]
Topics in Ethics or Political Philosophy
PHIL 5500 [0.5]
Topics in Contemporary Philosophy
PHIL 5600 [0.5]
Topics in the History of Philosophy
or, with permission of the department other approved courses at the graduate or 4000-level at Carleton or other universities
They may include up to 1.0 credit in tutorials or, with permission of the department, approved graduate-only courses at the graduate level in other departments or at other universities
They must include at least 0.5 credit in two of the following areas of study:
History of Philosopy
Philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, logic, epistemology, or metaphysics
Moral, social, or political philosophy
Total Credits5.0


M.A. Philosophy - Research Essay option (5.0 credits)
1.  1.0 credit in:1.0
PHIL 5850 [0.5]
PHIL 5900 [0.5]
Research Seminar
2.  1.0 credit in:1.0
PHIL 5908 [1.0]
Research Essay
3.  1.0 credit from:1.0
PHIL 5700 [0.5]
Fall Colloquium
PHIL 5750 [0.5]
Winter Colloquium
or, with the permission of the department, approved graduate-level courses in other departments or at other universities
4. Up to 1.0 credit from:1.0
PHIL 5000 [0.5]
Special Topic in Philosophy
PHIL 5200 [0.5]
Topics in Philosophy of Mind or Philosophy of Language
PHIL 5250 [0.5]
Topics in Logic, Epistemology, Metaphysics or Philosophy of Science
PHIL 5300 [0.5]
Topics in Value Theory
PHIL 5350 [0.5]
Topics in Ethics or Political Philosophy
PHIL 5500 [0.5]
Topics in Contemporary Philosophy
PHIL 5600 [0.5]
Topics in the History of Philosophy
or, with permission of the department, approved courses at graduate or 4000-level at Carleton or other universities
5. Up to 1.0 credit in tutorials, or, with permission of the department, approved graduate-level courses in other departments or at other universities1.0
Courses chosen must include at least 0.5 credit in two of the following areas of study:
History and philosophy
Philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, logic, epistemology, or metaphysics
Moral, social, or political philosophy
Total Credits5.0


M.A. Philosophy with Specialization in Digital Humanities


M.A. Philosophy with Specialization in Digital Humanities - Thesis option (5.0 credits)
1.  1.0 credit in:1.0
PHIL 5850 [0.5]
PHIL 5900 [0.5]
Research Seminar
2.  2.0 credits in:2.0
PHIL 5909 [2.0]
M.A. Thesis
3.  1.0 credits in courses, subject to the following limitations:1.0
- They may include PHIL 5700 or PHIL 5750 but not both
- They may include up to 0.5 credit from PHIL 5000, PHIL 5200, PHIL 5250, PHIL 5300, PHIL 5350, PHIL 5500, PHIL 5600, or, with permission of the department, other approved courses at the graduate or 4000-level at Carleton or other universities
- They may include up to 0.5 credit in tutorials, or, with permission of the department, approved graduate-only courses at the graduate level in other departments or at other universities
- They must include at least 0.5 credit in two of the following areas of study: history of philosophy, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, logic, epistemology, or metaphysics, moral, social, or political philosophy
4.  0.5 credit in:0.5
DIGH 5000 [0.5]
Issues in the Digital Humanities
5.  0.5 credit in DIGH (DIGH 5011, DIGH 5012, or annually listed DIGH course)0.5
6.  0.0 credit in:0.0
DIGH 5800 [0.0]
Digital Humanities: Professional Development
Total Credits5.0



M.A. Philosophy with Specialization in Digital Humanities - Research Essay option (5.0 credits)
1.  1.0 credit in:1.0
PHIL 5850 [0.5]
PHIL 5900 [0.5]
Research Seminar
2.  1.0 credit in:1.0
PHIL 5908 [1.0]
Research Essay
3.  1.0 credit from:1.0
PHIL 5700 [0.5]
Fall Colloquium
PHIL 5750 [0.5]
Winter Colloquium
Or, with permission of the department, approved graduate-level courses in other departments or at other universities
4.  1.0 credit from:1.0
PHIL 5000 [0.5]
Special Topic in Philosophy
PHIL 5200 [0.5]
Topics in Philosophy of Mind or Philosophy of Language
PHIL 5250 [0.5]
Topics in Logic, Epistemology, Metaphysics or Philosophy of Science
PHIL 5300 [0.5]
Topics in Value Theory
PHIL 5350 [0.5]
Topics in Ethics or Political Philosophy
PHIL 5500 [0.5]
Topics in Contemporary Philosophy
PHIL 5600 [0.5]
Topics in the History of Philosophy
Or, with permission of the department, approved courses at graduate or 4000-level at Carleton or other universities
5.  0.5 credit in DIGH 50000.5
6.  0.5 credit in DIGH (DIGH 5011, DIGH 5012, or annually listed DIGH course)0.5
7.  0.0 credit in:
DIGH 5800 [0.0]
Digital Humanities: Professional Development
Total Credits5.0

Guidelines for Completion of Master's Degree

Full-time students enrolled in the 5.0-credit M.A. program are expected to complete PHIL 5850 , PHIL 5900and 2.0 further credits by the end of the second term of study.  The thesis or research essay approval form should be submitted by the end of the fourth week of the third term of study.  All full-time students are expected to submit the thesis or research essay by the end of the fourth term of study.

Part-time students enrolled in the 5.0 credit M.A. program are expected to complete PHIL 5850, PHIL 5900 and 2.0 further credits by the end of the third year of study.   The thesis or research essay approval form should be submitted by the end of the second month of the fourth year of study.  All part-time students are expected to submit the thesis or research essay by the end of the fifth year of study.

Course Selection

Not all courses are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at . Full course descriptions can be found in the courses section of this Calendar.

Special Topics
PHIL 5000 [0.5]Special Topic in Philosophy
PHIL 5004 [0.5]Tutorial in the History of Philosophy I
PHIL 5005 [0.5]Tutorial in the History of Philosophy II
PHIL 5104 [0.5]Tutorial in the Work of an Individual Philosopher I
PHIL 5105 [0.5]Tutorial in the Work of an Individual Philosopher II
PHIL 5204 [0.5]Tutorial in Logic, Epistemology, or Metaphysics I
PHIL 5205 [0.5]Tutorial in Logic, Epistemology, or Metaphysics II
PHIL 5304 [0.5]Tutorial in Selected Problems of Philosophy I
PHIL 5305 [0.5]Tutorial in Selected Problems of Philosophy II
PHIL 5700 [0.5]Fall Colloquium
PHIL 5750 [0.5]Winter Colloquium
PHIL 5200 [0.5]Topics in Philosophy of Mind or Philosophy of Language
PHIL 5250 [0.5]Topics in Logic, Epistemology, Metaphysics or Philosophy of Science
PHIL 5300 [0.5]Topics in Value Theory
PHIL 5350 [0.5]Topics in Ethics or Political Philosophy
PHIL 5500 [0.5]Topics in Contemporary Philosophy
PHIL 5600 [0.5]Topics in the History of Philosophy
PHIL 5850 [0.5]Proseminar
PHIL 5900 [0.5]Research Seminar
PHIL 5908 [1.0]Research Essay
PHIL 5909 [2.0]M.A. Thesis


Philosophy (PHIL) Courses

PHIL 5000 [0.5 credit]
Special Topic in Philosophy

A detailed study of a special topic in philosophy. Topics may vary from year to year.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PHIL 4100, for which additional credit is precluded when topics are the same.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PHIL 4100, for which additional credit is precluded.

PHIL 5004 [0.5 credit]
Tutorial in the History of Philosophy I

Detailed study of a period or issue in the history of philosophy.

PHIL 5005 [0.5 credit]
Tutorial in the History of Philosophy II

Detailed study of a period or issue in the history of philosophy.

PHIL 5104 [0.5 credit]
Tutorial in the Work of an Individual Philosopher I

A critical and systematic study of the work of an individual philosopher.

PHIL 5105 [0.5 credit]
Tutorial in the Work of an Individual Philosopher II

A critical and systematic study of the work of an individual philosopher.

PHIL 5200 [0.5 credit]
Topics in Philosophy of Mind or Philosophy of Language

A detailed study of an issue or the work of selected philosophers in the general area of philosophy of mind and/or philosophy of language. Topics may vary from year to year. Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PHIL 4210 or PHIL 4220, for which additional credit is precluded when topics are the same.

PHIL 5204 [0.5 credit]
Tutorial in Logic, Epistemology, or Metaphysics I

An attempt to find a solution to a specific problem in logic, epistemology, or metaphysics.

PHIL 5205 [0.5 credit]
Tutorial in Logic, Epistemology, or Metaphysics II

An attempt to find a solution to a specific problem in logic, epistemology, or metaphysics.

PHIL 5250 [0.5 credit]
Topics in Logic, Epistemology, Metaphysics or Philosophy of Science

A detailed study of an issue or the work of selected philosophers in the general areas of logic, epistemology, metaphysics or philosophy of science. Topics may vary from year to year.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PHIL 4230, for which additional credit is precluded when topics are the same.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PHIL 4230, for which additional credit is precluded.

PHIL 5300 [0.5 credit]
Topics in Value Theory

A detailed study of an issue or the work of selected philosophers in the general area of value theory. Topics may vary from year to year.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PHIL 4300, for which additional credit is precluded when topics are the same.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PHIL 4300, for which additional credit is precluded.

PHIL 5304 [0.5 credit]
Tutorial in Selected Problems of Philosophy I

An attempt to find a solution to a specific problem in some area other than logic, epistemology, or metaphysics.

PHIL 5305 [0.5 credit]
Tutorial in Selected Problems of Philosophy II

An attempt to find a solution to a specific problem in some area other than logic, epistemology, or metaphysics.

PHIL 5350 [0.5 credit]
Topics in Ethics or Political Philosophy

A detailed study of an issue or the work of selected philosophers in the general areas of ethics or political philosophy. Topics may vary from year to year. Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PHIL 4320 or PHIL 4330, for which additional credit is precluded when topics are the same.

PHIL 5500 [0.5 credit]
Topics in Contemporary Philosophy

A detailed study of an issue or the work of selected philosophers in contemporary philosophy. Topics may vary from year to year. Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PHIL 4007 or PHIL 4008, for which additional credit is precluded when topics are the same.

PHIL 5600 [0.5 credit]
Topics in the History of Philosophy

A detailed study within the history of philosophy: a period, an issue or the work of selected philosophers. Topics may vary from year to year. Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PHIL 4003, PHIL 4004, PHIL 4005, or PHIL 4006, for which additional credit is precluded when topics are the same.

PHIL 5700 [0.5 credit]
Fall Colloquium

Students prepare for and attend the departmental colloquium series (typically including 10 to 12 sessions in one term), submitting in writing a critical analysis of some aspect of the presentation or discussion for each colloquium they attend.

PHIL 5750 [0.5 credit]
Winter Colloquium

Students prepare for and attend the departmental colloquium series (typically including 10 to 12 events in one term), submitting in writing a critical analysis of some aspect of the presentation or discussion for each colloquium they attend.

PHIL 5800 [1.0 credit]
Graduate Seminar

PHIL 5850 [0.5 credit]

Students in this seminar will engage with contemporary philosophical research by exploring relations and interactions between two broad fields: philosophy of mind, language, and knowledge; and moral, social, and political philosophy. Specific topics will vary from year to year.

PHIL 5900 [0.5 credit]
Research Seminar

Students select a contemporary philosophical position or historical interpretation and the surrounding debate in the philosophical or scholarly literature upon which to base a thesis proposal using literature review and an essay.

PHIL 5908 [1.0 credit]
Research Essay

PHIL 5909 [2.0 credits]
M.A. Thesis

Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at

Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at

October 7, 2014 09:51 AM