This is an archived copy of the 2013-14 calendar. To access the most recent version of the calendar, please visit

The Academic Year 2014-2015

NOTE: This is the academic year schedule for the 2014-15 undergraduate session.  To view the academic year schedule for the 2013-14 undergraduate session, go to the 2013-14 academic year page .

The following schedule contains the dates prescribed by the University Senate for academic activities. Dates relating to fee payment, cancellation of course selections, late charges, and other fees or charges will be published in the Important Dates and Deadlines section of the Registration Website ( ) The academic year is divided into three terms:

  • Summer term: May - August
  • Fall term: September - December
  • Winter term: January - April

Courses are offered in the following patterns:

  • Early summer: May - June
  • Late summer: July - August
  • Full summer: May - August
  • Fall term: September - December
  • Winter term: January - April
  • Fall/winter: September - April

Courses are offered during the day and the evening.  

Date Activity
September 1, 2014Statutory holiday. University closed.
Last day for receipt of applications from potential Fall (November) graduates.
September 2, 2014Fall term begins. Classes begin on September 4, 2014.
Orientation for Teaching Assistants.
September 2 - 3, 2014Academic Orientation. All students are expected to be on campus. Class and laboratory preparations, departmental introductions for students and other academic preparation activities will be held.
September 4, 2014Fall and fall/winter classes begin.
September 17, 2014Last day of registration for fall term and fall/winter courses.
Last day to change courses or sections (including auditing) for fall term and fall/winter courses.
September 26-28, 2014Summer deferred final examinations held.
September 30, 2014Last day to withdraw from fall term and fall/winter courses with a full fee adjustment.
October 10, 2014December examination schedule (fall-term final and fall/winter mid-terms) available online.
October 13, 2014Statutory holiday. University closed.
October 15, 2014Last day for receipt of applications for admission to an undergraduate degree program for the winter term from applicants whose documents originate from outside Canada or the United States.
October 27-31, 2014Fall break, no classes.
November 7, 2014Last day to submit, to the Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities, Formal Examination Accommodation Forms for December examinations.
November 15, 2014Last day for receipt of applications for admission to an undergraduate degree program for the winter term.
November 24, 2014Last day for tests or examinations in courses below the 4000-level before the final examination period (see Examination Regulations in the Academic Regulations of the University section of the Calendar).
December 1, 2014Last day for receipt of applications from potential winter (February) graduates.
December 8, 2014Fall term ends.
Last day of fall term classes.
Last day for handing in term work and the last day that can be specified by a course instructor as a due date for term work for fall term courses.
Last day for receipt of applications for undergraduate degree program transfers for winter term.
December 9, 2014No classes or examinations take place.
December 10-21, 2014Final examinations in fall term courses and mid-term examinations in fall/winter courses may be held. Examinations are normally held all seven days of the week.
December 15, 2014Fall Co-op Work Term Reports due.
December 21, 2014All take-home examinations are due.
December 25, 2014 - January 2, 2015University closed.

Date Activity
January 5, 2015University reopens.
Winter term classes begin.
January 16, 2015Last day for registration for winter term courses.
Last day to change courses or sections (including auditing) for winter term courses.
January 31, 2015Last day for withdrawal from winter term and winter portion of fall/winter courses with full fee adjustment.
February 1, 2015Last day for receipt of applications for admission to the Bachelor of Architectural Studies and the Bachelor of Social Work degree programs for the fall/winter session.
February 13, 2015April examination schedule available online.
February 13-21, 2015Fall term deferred examinations will be held.
February 16, 2015Statutory holiday, University closed.
February 16-20, 2015Winter Break, no classes.
March 1, 2015Last day for receipt of applications from potential spring (June) graduates.
Last day for receipt of applications for admission to Bachelor of Humanities, Bachelor of Industrial Design, Bachelor of Information Technology (Interactive Multimedia and Design), Bachelor of Journalism, and the Bachelor of Music degree programs for the fall/winter session.
Last day for receipt of applications for admission to undergraduate programs for the summer term.
March 6, 2015Last day to submit, to the Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities, Formal Examination Accommodation Forms for April examinations.
March 24, 2015Last day for tests or examinations in courses below the 4000-level before the final examination period (see Examination Regulations in the Academic Regulations of the University section of this Calendar).
April 1, 2015Last day for receipt of applications for admission to undergraduate degree programs for the fall/winter session, from candidates whose documents originate outside Canada or the United States, except for applications due February 1 or March 1.
April 3, 2015Statutory holiday. University closed.
April 8, 2015Winter term ends.
Last day of fall/winter and winter term classes.
Classes follow a Friday schedule.
Last day for academic withdrawal from fall/winter and winter term courses.
Last day for handing in term work and the last day that can be specified by a course instructor as a due date for term work for fall/winter and winter-term courses.
April 9-10, 2015No classes or examinations take place.
April 11-23, 2015Final examinations in winter term and fall/winter courses may be held. Examinations are normally held all seven days of the week.
April 15, 2015Winter Co-op Work Term Reports are due.
April 23, 2015All take-home examinations are due on this day.
May 1, 2015Last day for receipt of applications for undergraduate internal degree transfers to allow for registration for the summer session.
June 1, 2015Last day for receipt of applications for admission to an undergraduate program for the fall/winter session, except for applications due February 1 or March 1 or April 1.
June 8-18, 2015Fall/winter and winter term deferred final examinations will be held.

Date Activity
March 1, 2015Last day for receipt of applications for admission to an undergraduate degree program for the summer term.
May 1, 2015Last day for receipt of applications for undergraduate degree program transfers for the summer term.
May 4, 2015Early- and full-summer classes begin.
May 11, 2015Last day for registration and course changes (including auditing) for early summer courses.
May 15, 2015Last day for registration and course changes (including auditing) for full summer courses.
May 18, 2015Statutory holiday. University closed.
May 22, 2015Last day to withdraw from early summer and full summer courses with a full fee adjustment.
June 5, 2015Last day to submit, to the Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities, Formal Examination Accommodation Forms for June examinations.
June 8-18, 2015Fall/winter and winter term deferred final examinations will be held.
June 9, 2015Last day for tests or examinations in early and full summer courses below the 4000-level before the final examination period (see Examination Regulations in the Academic Regulations of the University section of this Calendar).
June 16, 2015Last day of early summer classes. NOTE: Full summer classes resume July 2.
Last day for academic withdrawal from early summer courses.
Last day for handing in term assignments, subject to any earlier course deadline.
June 19-25, 2015Early summer final examinations and mid-term examinations in full summer courses may be held.
Examinations are normally held all seven days of the week.
July 1, 2015Statutory holiday. University closed.
July 2, 2015Late summer classes begin. Full summer classes resume.
July 9, 2015Last day for registration and course changes (including auditing) for late summer courses.
July 23, 2015Last day to withdraw from late summer courses with a full fee adjustment.
July 24, 2015Last day to submit, to the Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities, Formal Examination Accommodation Forms for August examinations.
August 3, 2015Statutory Holiday. University closed.
August 7, 2015Last day for tests or examinations in late summer and full summer courses below the 4000-level before the final examination period (see Examination Regulations in the Academic Regulations of the University section of this Calendar).
August 14, 2015Last day of late summer and full summer classes.
Classes follow a Monday schedule.
Last day for academic withdrawal from late summer and full summer courses and any other courses that end this term.
Last day for handing in term assignments, subject to any earlier course deadline.
Summer Co-op Work Term Reports are due.
August 17-23, 2015Summer examinations may be held. Examinations are normally held all seven days of the week.
September 25-27, 2015Summer term deferred final examinations will be held.
October 7, 2014 09:52 AM