Environmental Engineering - Joint (ENVJ) Courses
ENVJ 5101 [0.5 credit] (CHG 4301)
Air Pollution Control Process
Air Pollution Control Process
ENVJ 5105 [0.5 credit] (CHG 8132)
Adsorption Separation Process
Adsorption Separation Process
ENVJ 5304 [0.5 credit] (CHG 8158)
Porous Media
Porous Media
ENVJ 5500 [0.5 credit] (CHG 8153)
Statistical Modeling and Control of Dynamic Processes
Statistical Modeling and Control of Dynamic Processes
ENVJ 5501 [0.5 credit] (CHG 8181)
Biochemical Engineering
Biochemical Engineering
ENVJ 5502 [0.5 credit] (CHG 8192)
Membrane Applications in Environmental Engineering
Membrane Applications in Environmental Engineering
ENVJ 5503 [0.5 credit] (CHG 8198)
Reverse Osmosis
Reverse Osmosis
ENVJ 5504 [0.5 credit]
Membrane Separation Processes
Membrane Separation Processes
ENVJ 5505 [0.5 credit] (CHG 8195)
Advanced Numerical Methods in Transport Phenomena
Advanced Numerical Methods in Transport Phenomena
ENVJ 5506 [0.5 credit] (CHG 8186)
Modeling of Steady-State Processes
Modeling of Steady-State Processes
ENVJ 5507 [0.5 credit] (CHG 8196)
Interfacial Phenomena in Engineering
Interfacial Phenomena in Engineering
ENVJ 5604 [0.5 credit] (CVG 5128)
Water Resources Planning and Policy
Water Resources Planning and Policy
ENVJ 5608 [0.5 credit] (CVG 5135)
Water Supply and Sanitation in Developing Countries
Water Supply and Sanitation in Developing Countries
ENVJ 5700 [0.5 credit] (CVG 5139)
Environmental Assessment of Civil Engineering Projects
Environmental Assessment of Civil Engineering Projects
ENVJ 5701 [1.0 credit]
Special Topics Enviro Engin I
Special Topics Enviro Engin I
ENVJ 5702 [1.0 credit]
Special Topics Enviro Engin II
Special Topics Enviro Engin II
ENVJ 5703 [1.0 credit]
Special Topic Enviro Engin III
Special Topic Enviro Engin III
ENVJ 5900 [0.5 credit] (CVG 5130)
Wastewater Treatment Process Design
Wastewater Treatment Process Design
ENVJ 5901 [0.5 credit] (CVG 5132)
Unit Operations of Water Treatment
Unit Operations of Water Treatment
ENVJ 5902 [0.5 credit] (CVG 5138)
Advanced Water Treatment
Advanced Water Treatment
ENVJ 5903 [0.5 credit] (CVG 5331)
Sludge Utilization and Disposal
Sludge Utilization and Disposal
ENVJ 5905 [0.5 credit] (CVG 5137)
Water and Wastewater Treatment Process Analysis
Water and Wastewater Treatment Process Analysis
ENVJ 5906 [0.5 credit] (CVG 5133)
Solid Waste Disposal
Solid Waste Disposal
ENVJ 5907 [0.5 credit] (CVG 5134)
Chemical Analysis for Environmental Engineering
Chemical Analysis for Environmental Engineering
ENVJ 5908 [0.5 credit] (CVG 5179)
Anaerobic Digestion
Anaerobic Digestion
ENVJ 5909 [0.5 credit] (CVG 5180)
Biological Nutrient Removal
Biological Nutrient Removal
ENVJ 5911 [0.25 credit] (CVG 5232)
Unit Operations of Water Treatment Lab
Unit Operations of Water Treatment Lab
ENVJ 5912 [0.25 credit] (CVG 5238)
Advanced Water Treatment Processes Lab
Advanced Water Treatment Processes Lab
ENVJ 6002 [0.5 credit]
Sludge Processing, Utilization
Sludge Processing, Utilization
ENVJ 8191 [0.5 credit] (CHG 8191)
Selected Topics in Chemical Engineering
Selected Topics in Chemical Engineering
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca
Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca