Public Administration (PADM) Courses
PADM 5111 [0.5 credit]
Microeconomics for Policy Analysis
Key concepts in microeconomic theory and their application to public policy. Topics may include incentives, rational choice theory, market structure, welfare economics, and strategic behaviour.
Microeconomics for Policy Analysis
Key concepts in microeconomic theory and their application to public policy. Topics may include incentives, rational choice theory, market structure, welfare economics, and strategic behaviour.
PADM 5112 [0.5 credit]
Macroeconomics for Policy Analysis
Theoretical foundations and current policy debates concerning economic growth and sustainable development, globalization and the open economy, stabilization policy, and fiscal and monetary policy are analyzed in the Canadian and international context.
Macroeconomics for Policy Analysis
Theoretical foundations and current policy debates concerning economic growth and sustainable development, globalization and the open economy, stabilization policy, and fiscal and monetary policy are analyzed in the Canadian and international context.
PADM 5113 [0.5 credit]
Research Methods and Design I
Methods used in qualitative policy research. Topics may include the formulation of research problems, research design and techniques for collecting and managing evidence, and the role of qualitative research in the analysis of public policies and programs.
Research Methods and Design I
Methods used in qualitative policy research. Topics may include the formulation of research problems, research design and techniques for collecting and managing evidence, and the role of qualitative research in the analysis of public policies and programs.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5603.
PADM 5114 [0.5 credit]
Research Methods and Design II
Descriptive statistics, probability theory and sampling distributions, hypothesis testing of quantitative and qualitative population parameters, and regression analysis.
Research Methods and Design II
Descriptive statistics, probability theory and sampling distributions, hypothesis testing of quantitative and qualitative population parameters, and regression analysis.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5501.
PADM 5115 [0.5 credit]
Introduction to State and Society
Classic and contemporary debates about the relationship between the state, society, and economy. The development of the state, and changing conceptions of citizenship, democracy, and nationalism as well as the state's role in the post-WWII international order and the challenges of globalization.
Introduction to State and Society
Classic and contemporary debates about the relationship between the state, society, and economy. The development of the state, and changing conceptions of citizenship, democracy, and nationalism as well as the state's role in the post-WWII international order and the challenges of globalization.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5607.
PADM 5117 [0.5 credit]
Public Management
Principles and processes of public-sector management as they function through cabinet-parliamentary government, federalism, the public service bureaucracy and the judiciary. Institutional reforms and changes in the philosophy of public sector management.
Public Management
Principles and processes of public-sector management as they function through cabinet-parliamentary government, federalism, the public service bureaucracy and the judiciary. Institutional reforms and changes in the philosophy of public sector management.
PADM 5120 [0.5 credit]
Modern Challenges to Governance
Modern challenges to states, citizens, and policy-making, explored with the help of contemporary and historical thinkers. Topics may include: inequality; national security and intelligence gathering; identity; globalization and global finance; trade agreements and property rights; climate change and environmental challenges.
Modern Challenges to Governance
Modern challenges to states, citizens, and policy-making, explored with the help of contemporary and historical thinkers. Topics may include: inequality; national security and intelligence gathering; identity; globalization and global finance; trade agreements and property rights; climate change and environmental challenges.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5115.
PADM 5121 [0.5 credit]
Policy Analysis: The Practical Art of Change
Contemporary techniques of policy analysis. Topics may include: risk assessment, policy design, options analysis, and scenario-writing.
Policy Analysis: The Practical Art of Change
Contemporary techniques of policy analysis. Topics may include: risk assessment, policy design, options analysis, and scenario-writing.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5116.
PADM 5122 [0.5 credit]
Public Management: Principles and Approaches
Principles and processes of public-sector management as they function through cabinet-parliamentary government, federalism, the public service and the judiciary. Institutional reforms and changes in the philosophy of public sector management.
Public Management: Principles and Approaches
Principles and processes of public-sector management as they function through cabinet-parliamentary government, federalism, the public service and the judiciary. Institutional reforms and changes in the philosophy of public sector management.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5117.
PADM 5123 [0.5 credit]
Public Management in Practice
Contemporary public management practices. Topics may include: financial management, leadership, performance management, organizational design, human resource management, implementation.
Public Management in Practice
Contemporary public management practices. Topics may include: financial management, leadership, performance management, organizational design, human resource management, implementation.
PADM 5124 [0.5 credit]
Law and Ethics
The legal and normative environment of Canadian public administration, law, institutions and processes. The relationship between ethics, accountability and good governance. Canadian legal history, adjudicative procedures, delegation of powers to public authorities, procedural justice in decision making.
Law and Ethics
The legal and normative environment of Canadian public administration, law, institutions and processes. The relationship between ethics, accountability and good governance. Canadian legal history, adjudicative procedures, delegation of powers to public authorities, procedural justice in decision making.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5412 and PADM 5413.
PADM 5125 [0.5 credit]
Qualitative Methods for Public Policy
Qualitative methods and dimensions of policy research. Topics may include the formulation of research problems, research design and techniques for collecting and managing evidence, and the role of qualitative research in the analysis of public policies and programs.
Qualitative Methods for Public Policy
Qualitative methods and dimensions of policy research. Topics may include the formulation of research problems, research design and techniques for collecting and managing evidence, and the role of qualitative research in the analysis of public policies and programs.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5113.
PADM 5126 [0.5 credit]
Quantitative Methods for Public Policy
Descriptive statistics, probability theory and sampling distributions, hypothesis testing of quantitative and qualitative population parameters, and regression analysis.
Quantitative Methods for Public Policy
Descriptive statistics, probability theory and sampling distributions, hypothesis testing of quantitative and qualitative population parameters, and regression analysis.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5114.
PADM 5127 [0.5 credit]
Microeconomics for Policy Analysis
Key concepts in microeconomic theory and their application to public policy. Topics may include incentives, rational choice theory, market structure, welfare economics, and strategic behaviour.
Microeconomics for Policy Analysis
Key concepts in microeconomic theory and their application to public policy. Topics may include incentives, rational choice theory, market structure, welfare economics, and strategic behaviour.
PADM 5128 [0.5 credit]
Macroeconomics for Policy Analysis
Theoretical foundations and current policy issues that relate to the level and growth of expenditure and production are analyzed in the Canadian and international context.
Macroeconomics for Policy Analysis
Theoretical foundations and current policy issues that relate to the level and growth of expenditure and production are analyzed in the Canadian and international context.
PADM 5129 [0.5 credit]
Capstone Course
An integrative workshop-based course in which teams of students develop and present strategies to address a policy problem.
Capstone Course
An integrative workshop-based course in which teams of students develop and present strategies to address a policy problem.
PADM 5211 [0.5 credit]
Intergovernmental Relations
Major cost-sharing and fiscal transfer agreements. The intergovernmental mechanisms for policy and administrative coordination in selected policy fields.
Intergovernmental Relations
Major cost-sharing and fiscal transfer agreements. The intergovernmental mechanisms for policy and administrative coordination in selected policy fields.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5003.
PADM 5212 [0.5 credit]
Civil Society and Public Policy
The influence of various interests, social movements, voluntary organizations and citizens in the policy process in a Canadian and comparative context.
Civil Society and Public Policy
The influence of various interests, social movements, voluntary organizations and citizens in the policy process in a Canadian and comparative context.
PADM 5213 [0.5 credit]
Gender and Public Policy
The impact of public policy on gender relations and how gender relations shape policy. Topics covered may include gender inequalities in earnings and employment, macroeconomic policy, gender and development, and gender-based analysis.
Gender and Public Policy
The impact of public policy on gender relations and how gender relations shape policy. Topics covered may include gender inequalities in earnings and employment, macroeconomic policy, gender and development, and gender-based analysis.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 4701 and PADM 5701.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4213, for which additional credit is precluded.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4213, for which additional credit is precluded.
PADM 5214 [0.5 credit]
Budgetary Policy in the Public Sector
Selected aspects of the expenditure and revenue budget and budgetary process at all levels of government. Critical review of actual budgets and budgetary processes.
Budgetary Policy in the Public Sector
Selected aspects of the expenditure and revenue budget and budgetary process at all levels of government. Critical review of actual budgets and budgetary processes.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5103.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4214, for which additional credit is precluded.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4214, for which additional credit is precluded.
PADM 5215 [0.5 credit]
Benefit-Cost Analysis
Benefit-cost analysis and its application to public-sector investment, pricing policy, discount rates, marginal cost and shadow pricing, and the handling of risk and uncertainty.
Benefit-Cost Analysis
Benefit-cost analysis and its application to public-sector investment, pricing policy, discount rates, marginal cost and shadow pricing, and the handling of risk and uncertainty.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5200 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): PADM 5127 or equivalent.
Prerequisite(s): PADM 5127 or equivalent.
PADM 5216 [0.5 credit]
Economic Models of Politics and Public Policy
Microfoundations of collective action, majority rule, political institutions and bureaucracy. Applications to various issues in Canadian and international public policy.
Economic Models of Politics and Public Policy
Microfoundations of collective action, majority rule, political institutions and bureaucracy. Applications to various issues in Canadian and international public policy.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5609 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): PADM 5127 or equivalent.
Prerequisite(s): PADM 5127 or equivalent.
PADM 5217 [0.5 credit]
Applied Microeconomic Policy Analysis
Microeconomic theory applied to public policy problems and issues.
Applied Microeconomic Policy Analysis
Microeconomic theory applied to public policy problems and issues.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5204 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): PADM 5127 or equivalent.
Prerequisite(s): PADM 5127 or equivalent.
PADM 5218 [0.5 credit]
Analysis of Socio-economic Data
Correlation and regression analyses to test hypotheses about the relationships between socio-economic variables.
Analysis of Socio-economic Data
Correlation and regression analyses to test hypotheses about the relationships between socio-economic variables.
PADM 5219 [0.5 credit]
Advanced Statistical Policy Analysis
Econometric research on selected policy issues using selected econometric techniques.
Advanced Statistical Policy Analysis
Econometric research on selected policy issues using selected econometric techniques.
PADM 5220 [0.5 credit]
Regulation and Public Policy
Political, economic, legal, and organizational theories of regulation in the Canadian and comparative context. Processes and consequences of regulatory practice in selected Canadian public policy fields.
Regulation and Public Policy
Political, economic, legal, and organizational theories of regulation in the Canadian and comparative context. Processes and consequences of regulatory practice in selected Canadian public policy fields.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5002.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4220, for which additional credit is precluded.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4220, for which additional credit is precluded.
PADM 5221 [0.5 credit]
Health Policy in Canada
Canadian health policies and programs set in a comparative political-economic and institutional context.
Health Policy in Canada
Canadian health policies and programs set in a comparative political-economic and institutional context.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 4009 and PADM 5009.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4221, for which additional credit is precluded.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4221, for which additional credit is precluded.
PADM 5222 [0.5 credit]
Economics and Health Policy
This course applies microeconomic theory to a discussion of health policy. Focus on issues of particular interest to a student of Canadian health care policy.
Economics and Health Policy
This course applies microeconomic theory to a discussion of health policy. Focus on issues of particular interest to a student of Canadian health care policy.
Prerequisite(s): PADM 5127 or equivalent.
PADM 5223 [0.5 credit]
Canadian Economic Policy
Overview of Canadian economic development and how it has been affected by governments. Topics may be drawn from monetary, fiscal, industrial, trade, labour market or competition policies, viewed in contemporary and historical contexts.
Canadian Economic Policy
Overview of Canadian economic development and how it has been affected by governments. Topics may be drawn from monetary, fiscal, industrial, trade, labour market or competition policies, viewed in contemporary and historical contexts.
PADM 5224 [0.5 credit]
Aboriginal Policy
Canadian policies and programs on aboriginal peoples and aboriginal peoples' own policies as nations set in a comparative political-economic and institutional context.
Aboriginal Policy
Canadian policies and programs on aboriginal peoples and aboriginal peoples' own policies as nations set in a comparative political-economic and institutional context.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 4806 and PADM 5806.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4224, for which additional credit is precluded.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4224, for which additional credit is precluded.
PADM 5225 [0.5 credit]
Trade Policy
Canadian multilateral and regional trade policies and programs set in a comparative political-economic and institutional context.
Trade Policy
Canadian multilateral and regional trade policies and programs set in a comparative political-economic and institutional context.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 4807 and PADM 5807.
Prerequisite(s): PADM 5127 or equivalent.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4225, for which additional credit is precluded.
Prerequisite(s): PADM 5127 or equivalent.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4225, for which additional credit is precluded.
PADM 5226 [0.5 credit]
Tax Policy
Canadian tax policies set in a comparative political-economic and institutional context.
Tax Policy
Canadian tax policies set in a comparative political-economic and institutional context.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 4509 and PADM 5509.
Prerequisite(s): PADM 5127 or equivalent.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4226, for which additional credit is precluded.
Prerequisite(s): PADM 5127 or equivalent.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4226, for which additional credit is precluded.
PADM 5227 [0.5 credit]
Education Policy
Canadian policies and programs on education set in a comparative political-economic and institutional context.
Education Policy
Canadian policies and programs on education set in a comparative political-economic and institutional context.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 4809 and PADM 5809.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4227, for which additional credit is precluded.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4227, for which additional credit is precluded.
PADM 5228 [0.5 credit]
Social Policy
The nature and historical development of social programs in capitalist countries, with particular focus on Canada. The course will concentrate on developing a critical understanding of the social forces shaping these programs.
Social Policy
The nature and historical development of social programs in capitalist countries, with particular focus on Canada. The course will concentrate on developing a critical understanding of the social forces shaping these programs.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 4604 and PADM 5604.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4228, for which additional credit is precluded.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4228, for which additional credit is precluded.
PADM 5229 [0.5 credit]
The Health of Populations
Assessment of the medical model, and perspectives on the social and economic determinants of health, population health, and community health. The health of particular groups in Canada (e.g., women, Aboriginal peoples). International comparisons will be made.
The Health of Populations
Assessment of the medical model, and perspectives on the social and economic determinants of health, population health, and community health. The health of particular groups in Canada (e.g., women, Aboriginal peoples). International comparisons will be made.
PADM 5230 [0.5 credit]
Ethics for Public Policy
The development and application of ethical theories to examine not simply what governments could do, but what they should do on the basis of consequences, principles, or motivations. Applications could include policies affecting climate change, income inequality, end of life, privacy, use of force.
Ethics for Public Policy
The development and application of ethical theories to examine not simply what governments could do, but what they should do on the basis of consequences, principles, or motivations. Applications could include policies affecting climate change, income inequality, end of life, privacy, use of force.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4230, for which additional credit is precluded.
Seminar three hours a week.
Seminar three hours a week.
PADM 5272 [0.5 credit]
Policy Seminar (Policy Analysis Concentration)
One or more selected policy areas or specialized aspects of policy analysis. The policy field or topic will change each year.
Policy Seminar (Policy Analysis Concentration)
One or more selected policy areas or specialized aspects of policy analysis. The policy field or topic will change each year.
PADM 5291 [0.5 credit]
Directed Studies (Policy Analysis Concentration)
A tutorial or directed reading course on selected subjects related to policy analysis.
Directed Studies (Policy Analysis Concentration)
A tutorial or directed reading course on selected subjects related to policy analysis.
PADM 5411 [0.5 credit]
Organization Theory
Focusing on major theoretical approaches to organizations, the course develops practical insights into issues such as organizational design, leadership, technology, culture and diversity, motivation and power. It applies these insights to organizations in both the public and private sectors in a variety of national contexts.
Organization Theory
Focusing on major theoretical approaches to organizations, the course develops practical insights into issues such as organizational design, leadership, technology, culture and diversity, motivation and power. It applies these insights to organizations in both the public and private sectors in a variety of national contexts.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5300.
PADM 5413 [0.5 credit]
Law of Public Authorities I
The legal environment of Canadian public administration, Canadian law, institutions and processes. Canadian legal history, adversarial adjudicative procedures, delegation of powers to public authorities, procedural justice in government decision making, and controls on public authorities and enforcement of ethics.
Law of Public Authorities I
The legal environment of Canadian public administration, Canadian law, institutions and processes. Canadian legal history, adversarial adjudicative procedures, delegation of powers to public authorities, procedural justice in government decision making, and controls on public authorities and enforcement of ethics.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5306.
PADM 5414 [0.5 credit]
Law of Public Authorities II
Characteristics and selected problems of control of administrative action. Topics may include: varieties of constitutional, legal and judicial control, impact of the Charter, reforms to administrative law control systems in Canada, and comparisons with developments outside Canada.
Law of Public Authorities II
Characteristics and selected problems of control of administrative action. Topics may include: varieties of constitutional, legal and judicial control, impact of the Charter, reforms to administrative law control systems in Canada, and comparisons with developments outside Canada.
PADM 5415 [0.5 credit]
Strategic Management in the Public Sector
Key concepts, principles and tools of strategic management, and their use in planning and policy implementation in the public sector. Reviews critical perspectives and cases in order to identify some of the limitations of strategic management.
Strategic Management in the Public Sector
Key concepts, principles and tools of strategic management, and their use in planning and policy implementation in the public sector. Reviews critical perspectives and cases in order to identify some of the limitations of strategic management.
PADM 5416 [0.5 credit]
Budgetary Management for the Public Sector
Theory and practice of budgeting in the public sector. From a management perspective, the course focuses on the objectives, methods and systems for the control and reporting of expenditures.
Budgetary Management for the Public Sector
Theory and practice of budgeting in the public sector. From a management perspective, the course focuses on the objectives, methods and systems for the control and reporting of expenditures.
PADM 5417 [0.5 credit]
Principles of Finance
The use of financial assets to obtain funds, evaluative criteria to compare alternative uses of funds, and derivative contracts to manage risk. Public sector applications of these practices are emphasized.
Principles of Finance
The use of financial assets to obtain funds, evaluative criteria to compare alternative uses of funds, and derivative contracts to manage risk. Public sector applications of these practices are emphasized.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5101.
PADM 5418 [0.5 credit]
Human Resources Management
The field of human resources management including the roles of human resource departments, employee motivation, staffing, compensation, benefits, training and development and employee relations.
Human Resources Management
The field of human resources management including the roles of human resource departments, employee motivation, staffing, compensation, benefits, training and development and employee relations.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5801.
PADM 5419 [0.5 credit]
Industrial Relations and Public Sector Collective Bargaining
The basic concepts of industrial relations, with respect to both public and private sector employees and organizations.
Industrial Relations and Public Sector Collective Bargaining
The basic concepts of industrial relations, with respect to both public and private sector employees and organizations.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5804.
PADM 5420 [0.5 credit]
Policy and Program Evaluation
Selected concepts, issues, and processes in applied governmental planning and evaluation, utilizing both Canadian and comparative experiences.
Policy and Program Evaluation
Selected concepts, issues, and processes in applied governmental planning and evaluation, utilizing both Canadian and comparative experiences.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5602.
PADM 5421 [0.5 credit]
Globalizing Public Management
Public sector reform has swept the developed and developing world in the last two decades. The dynamics of this global movement, the models exported and adopted, and the success and failure of these exports.
Globalizing Public Management
Public sector reform has swept the developed and developing world in the last two decades. The dynamics of this global movement, the models exported and adopted, and the success and failure of these exports.
PADM 5422 [0.5 credit]
Urban and Local Government
The role of municipal government in the context of Canadian federalism. Current economic, political and social trends affecting Canada's major urban centres including growth, amalgamation, fiscal reform, immigration, housing, community engagement, and sustainable development.
Urban and Local Government
The role of municipal government in the context of Canadian federalism. Current economic, political and social trends affecting Canada's major urban centres including growth, amalgamation, fiscal reform, immigration, housing, community engagement, and sustainable development.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5106.
PADM 5423 [0.5 credit]
Third Sector Governance and Management
Governance and management of voluntary/nonprofit organizations and their role in democracy, public policy, and service delivery.
Third Sector Governance and Management
Governance and management of voluntary/nonprofit organizations and their role in democracy, public policy, and service delivery.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5109.
PADM 5424 [0.5 credit]
Evaluation Cases and Applications
Selected case studies and emerging theories and issues in the development, design, management and implementation of policy and program evaluation.
Evaluation Cases and Applications
Selected case studies and emerging theories and issues in the development, design, management and implementation of policy and program evaluation.
Prerequisite(s): PADM 5420.
PADM 5441 [0.5 credit]
Introduction to Policy and Program Evaluation
Survey of evaluation in Canada and internationally. Topics include: Canadian context for public sector evaluation practice; approaches to research in evaluation; essentials of effective evaluation design, including logic modeling, theories of change/action, and contribution/attribution constructs.
Introduction to Policy and Program Evaluation
Survey of evaluation in Canada and internationally. Topics include: Canadian context for public sector evaluation practice; approaches to research in evaluation; essentials of effective evaluation design, including logic modeling, theories of change/action, and contribution/attribution constructs.
PADM 5442 [0.5 credit]
Quantitative Research Methods in Evaluation
Descriptive and inferential statistics, probability theory and sampling distributions, hypothesis testing of quantitative and qualitative population parameters, and regression analysis as these apply to the field of program evaluation.
Quantitative Research Methods in Evaluation
Descriptive and inferential statistics, probability theory and sampling distributions, hypothesis testing of quantitative and qualitative population parameters, and regression analysis as these apply to the field of program evaluation.
PADM 5443 [0.5 credit]
Qualitative Research Methods in Evaluation
Methods used in qualitative evaluation research. Topics include: formulating evaluation research questions; deriving research designs from questions; qualitative data gathering techniques and approaches; managing evidence, ethics reviews, and analysis of qualitative data.
Qualitative Research Methods in Evaluation
Methods used in qualitative evaluation research. Topics include: formulating evaluation research questions; deriving research designs from questions; qualitative data gathering techniques and approaches; managing evidence, ethics reviews, and analysis of qualitative data.
PADM 5444 [0.5 credit]
Benefit-Cost Analysis for Program Evaluation
Approaches to benefit-cost analysis in the Canadian evaluation context. Topics include: the role of benefit-cost analysis within program evaluation; its application to public sector investments, pricing and other forms of policy valuation; discount rates, marginal cost, and shadow pricing; risk and uncertainty.
Benefit-Cost Analysis for Program Evaluation
Approaches to benefit-cost analysis in the Canadian evaluation context. Topics include: the role of benefit-cost analysis within program evaluation; its application to public sector investments, pricing and other forms of policy valuation; discount rates, marginal cost, and shadow pricing; risk and uncertainty.
PADM 5445 [0.5 credit]
Program Evaluation Planning and Designs
Application of specific evaluation research designs to actual projects. Topics include: designs for formative, summative and developmental programs; designs for policy evaluation; attribution and contribution analysis; applied logic modeling; and managing evaluation projects at the planning stages.
Program Evaluation Planning and Designs
Application of specific evaluation research designs to actual projects. Topics include: designs for formative, summative and developmental programs; designs for policy evaluation; attribution and contribution analysis; applied logic modeling; and managing evaluation projects at the planning stages.
PADM 5446 [0.5 credit]
Program Evaluation Conduct, Analysis and Reporting
Application of evaluation conduct to actual projects. Topics include: selecting data analysis methods specific to a project; forming evaluation findings and recommendations; data visualization; reporting techniques; and management of evaluation projects at the conduct stages.
Program Evaluation Conduct, Analysis and Reporting
Application of evaluation conduct to actual projects. Topics include: selecting data analysis methods specific to a project; forming evaluation findings and recommendations; data visualization; reporting techniques; and management of evaluation projects at the conduct stages.
PADM 5472 [0.5 credit]
Policy Seminar (Public Management Topics)
One or more selected policy areas or specialized aspects of public management. The policy field or topic will change each year.
Policy Seminar (Public Management Topics)
One or more selected policy areas or specialized aspects of public management. The policy field or topic will change each year.
PADM 5510 [0.5 credit]
Energy Economics
Micro- and macroeconomic concepts and techniques applied to such topics as international energy markets, energy production, and energy consumption.
Energy Economics
Micro- and macroeconomic concepts and techniques applied to such topics as international energy markets, energy production, and energy consumption.
PADM 5511 [0.5 credit]
Energy Management
The fundamentals of energy management, focusing on current practices in both private and public sector organizations.
Energy Management
The fundamentals of energy management, focusing on current practices in both private and public sector organizations.
PADM 5512 [0.5 credit]
International Politics of Sustainable Energy
Recent historical and contemporary developments in the role of energy in inter- and intranational relations, involving such topics as Canada/US relations, the international political economy of oil, energy security, and climate change.
International Politics of Sustainable Energy
Recent historical and contemporary developments in the role of energy in inter- and intranational relations, involving such topics as Canada/US relations, the international political economy of oil, energy security, and climate change.
PADM 5515 [0.5 credit]
Sustainable Energy Policy
The institutions involved in energy policy, the processes through which policy is made, and the substantive energy-related issues currently preoccupying policy makers.
Sustainable Energy Policy
The institutions involved in energy policy, the processes through which policy is made, and the substantive energy-related issues currently preoccupying policy makers.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5615.
PADM 5572 [0.5 credit]
Policy Seminar (Sustainable Energy)
One or more selected topics or specialized aspects of sustainable energy policy. The topic will change each year.
Policy Seminar (Sustainable Energy)
One or more selected topics or specialized aspects of sustainable energy policy. The topic will change each year.
PADM 5611 [0.5 credit]
Science and Technology Policies
Theory and practice regarding governmental policies for science and technology, and the use of scientific knowledge in the policy and regulatory processes of government. Concerns regarding the ethical issues and the transparency of science in government.
Science and Technology Policies
Theory and practice regarding governmental policies for science and technology, and the use of scientific knowledge in the policy and regulatory processes of government. Concerns regarding the ethical issues and the transparency of science in government.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5400.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4611, for which additional credit is precluded.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4611, for which additional credit is precluded.
PADM 5612 [0.5 credit]
Industrial Policy, Innovation and Sustainable Production
Sustainable production theory and key drivers, barriers and opportunities influencing innovation in industrial systems and processes. The relationship of public policies and industry practices are explored in a number of sectors.
Industrial Policy, Innovation and Sustainable Production
Sustainable production theory and key drivers, barriers and opportunities influencing innovation in industrial systems and processes. The relationship of public policies and industry practices are explored in a number of sectors.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 4600 and PADM 5600.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4612, for which additional credit is precluded.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4612, for which additional credit is precluded.
PADM 5613 [0.5 credit]
Science, Risk and Evaluation
Risk-benefit theories and practices and related issues in the evaluation of science and technology; how they are handled in applied regulatory and policy institutions in selected sectors (e.g. pesticides; health protection; biotechnology).
Science, Risk and Evaluation
Risk-benefit theories and practices and related issues in the evaluation of science and technology; how they are handled in applied regulatory and policy institutions in selected sectors (e.g. pesticides; health protection; biotechnology).
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5403.
PADM 5614 [0.5 credit]
Natural Resource Management
Governance and management of natural resources from a Canadian and international perspective. The use of various management instruments, regulatory approaches and community-based and co-management institutions are evaluated with evidence from several case studies from around the world.
Natural Resource Management
Governance and management of natural resources from a Canadian and international perspective. The use of various management instruments, regulatory approaches and community-based and co-management institutions are evaluated with evidence from several case studies from around the world.
PADM 5615 [0.5 credit]
Politics and Policy of Energy in Canada
Dilemmas associated with energy policy in Canada. Economic, social and environmental dimensions of energy decision making; Canadian issues within the context of a changing international scene and long term energy transitions.
Politics and Policy of Energy in Canada
Dilemmas associated with energy policy in Canada. Economic, social and environmental dimensions of energy decision making; Canadian issues within the context of a changing international scene and long term energy transitions.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5515.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4615, for which additional credit is precluded.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4615, for which additional credit is precluded.
PADM 5616 [0.5 credit]
Environmental Policy
Canadian environmental policies and programs set in a comparative political-economic and institutional context.
Environmental Policy
Canadian environmental policies and programs set in a comparative political-economic and institutional context.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 4008 and PADM 5008.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4616, for which additional credit is precluded.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4616, for which additional credit is precluded.
PADM 5617 [0.5 credit]
Implementing Sustainable Development in Industrialized Countries
Genesis and evolution of the idea of sustainable development and the ways in which it is influencing public policy and public sector structures and processes. Canada's performance in implementing sustainable development will be assessed in comparison with other industrialized countries.
Implementing Sustainable Development in Industrialized Countries
Genesis and evolution of the idea of sustainable development and the ways in which it is influencing public policy and public sector structures and processes. Canada's performance in implementing sustainable development will be assessed in comparison with other industrialized countries.
PADM 5618 [0.5 credit]
Environmental and Ecological Economics
Environmental and ecological economics with applications to public policy and environmental management issues. Concepts of sustainability, non-market valuation and ecological stability, the determination of environmental targets, and the use of policy instruments, incentives and emissions markets.
Environmental and Ecological Economics
Environmental and ecological economics with applications to public policy and environmental management issues. Concepts of sustainability, non-market valuation and ecological stability, the determination of environmental targets, and the use of policy instruments, incentives and emissions markets.
Prerequisite(s): PADM 5127 or equivalent.
PADM 5619 [0.5 credit]
Urban Sustainability
Impact of economic growth and social change on cities and their attempts to forge sustainable growth. Incorporating political and fiscal issues, the focus is on 'smart growth' policies and initiatives in areas such as environmental control, transport, land use, housing and infrastructure.
Urban Sustainability
Impact of economic growth and social change on cities and their attempts to forge sustainable growth. Incorporating political and fiscal issues, the focus is on 'smart growth' policies and initiatives in areas such as environmental control, transport, land use, housing and infrastructure.
PADM 5620 [0.5 credit]
The Science, Politics and Economics of Global Climate Change
Scientific issues at the core of climate change and the domestic and international policy responses. Various environmental, economic, and political implications for both the developed and developing worlds and for the various regions of Canada.
The Science, Politics and Economics of Global Climate Change
Scientific issues at the core of climate change and the domestic and international policy responses. Various environmental, economic, and political implications for both the developed and developing worlds and for the various regions of Canada.
PADM 5672 [0.5 credit]
Policy Seminar (Innovation, Science and Environment Topics)
One or more selected policy areas and topics related to innovation, science and environment. The topic will change each year.
Policy Seminar (Innovation, Science and Environment Topics)
One or more selected policy areas and topics related to innovation, science and environment. The topic will change each year.
PADM 5691 [0.5 credit]
Directed Studies (Innovation, Science and Environment Concentration)
A tutorial or directed reading course on selected subjects related to innovation, science and the environment.
Directed Studies (Innovation, Science and Environment Concentration)
A tutorial or directed reading course on selected subjects related to innovation, science and the environment.
PADM 5702 [0.5 credit]
Policy Seminars
Policy Seminars
PADM 5703 [0.5 credit]
Directed Studies
A tutorial or directed reading course on selected subjects.
Directed Studies
A tutorial or directed reading course on selected subjects.
PADM 5711 [0.5 credit]
Indigenous-Canada Relations: Governance and Policy History
Introduction to pre-contact history of select Indigenous nations and peoples, overview of contact period: the treaty relationship, evolving jurisprudence, changing power dynamics, federal and provincial administrative practices, contemporary and traditional forms of First Nations, Métis and Inuit governance. Contrasting approaches to understanding foundational events.
Indigenous-Canada Relations: Governance and Policy History
Introduction to pre-contact history of select Indigenous nations and peoples, overview of contact period: the treaty relationship, evolving jurisprudence, changing power dynamics, federal and provincial administrative practices, contemporary and traditional forms of First Nations, Métis and Inuit governance. Contrasting approaches to understanding foundational events.
PADM 5712 [0.5 credit]
Issues in Contemporary Governance: First Nations, Métis and Inuit
Diverse approaches to understanding and responding to the main governance issues facing contemporary and traditional First Nations, Inuit and Métis governments and organizations in Ontario and in the rest of Canada.
Issues in Contemporary Governance: First Nations, Métis and Inuit
Diverse approaches to understanding and responding to the main governance issues facing contemporary and traditional First Nations, Inuit and Métis governments and organizations in Ontario and in the rest of Canada.
PADM 5713 [0.5 credit]
Leadership and Management in Indigenous Organizations and Governments
Leadership, organizational development and innovation in various cultural contexts relevant to Indigenous peoples, organizational design, recruitment and human resources management, decision-making, project planning and implementation, media and communications. Practicum included.
Leadership and Management in Indigenous Organizations and Governments
Leadership, organizational development and innovation in various cultural contexts relevant to Indigenous peoples, organizational design, recruitment and human resources management, decision-making, project planning and implementation, media and communications. Practicum included.
PADM 5714 [0.5 credit]
Financial Management in First Nations, Métis and Inuit Governments and Organizations
Legislation, regulations, and financial management practices that apply in First Nations, Métis, Inuit organizations and governments. Sources and measures to mitigate and eliminate historical disparity, including asset management, strategic investment, and capital aggregation.
Financial Management in First Nations, Métis and Inuit Governments and Organizations
Legislation, regulations, and financial management practices that apply in First Nations, Métis, Inuit organizations and governments. Sources and measures to mitigate and eliminate historical disparity, including asset management, strategic investment, and capital aggregation.
PADM 5715 [0.5 credit]
Policy Research and Evaluation for Indigenous Policy and Administration
Policy research and program evaluation; applied research ethics, cultural and community protocols, legal frameworks, formulation of research problems, research design, and techniques for collecting and managing community-based and other data; research methodologies of specific Indigenous nations and peoples, and scholarly debates about epistemology and practice.
Policy Research and Evaluation for Indigenous Policy and Administration
Policy research and program evaluation; applied research ethics, cultural and community protocols, legal frameworks, formulation of research problems, research design, and techniques for collecting and managing community-based and other data; research methodologies of specific Indigenous nations and peoples, and scholarly debates about epistemology and practice.
PADM 5716 [0.5 credit]
Economic and Community Development in Indigenous Territories
Community economic development theories; the ethics, benefits and costs of traditional, current and new approaches pertinent to building stable economies in rural and urban Aboriginal settings.
Economic and Community Development in Indigenous Territories
Community economic development theories; the ethics, benefits and costs of traditional, current and new approaches pertinent to building stable economies in rural and urban Aboriginal settings.
PADM 5717 [0.5 credit]
Aboriginal Peoples and Canadian Law
Canadian law relating to Aboriginal peoples from colonial times to the present. Jurisprudence on Aboriginal and treaty rights: the duty to consult, fiduciary duties, the honour of the Crown, nation-to-nation relations; introduction to First Nations, Métis and Inuit legal traditions, and international law.
Aboriginal Peoples and Canadian Law
Canadian law relating to Aboriginal peoples from colonial times to the present. Jurisprudence on Aboriginal and treaty rights: the duty to consult, fiduciary duties, the honour of the Crown, nation-to-nation relations; introduction to First Nations, Métis and Inuit legal traditions, and international law.
PADM 5718 [0.5 credit]
Indigenous People and Urban Policy and Administration
Policies and programs of and for Indigenous people living in Canadian cities, with a focus on institutional and intergovernmental challenges and opportunities for change.
Indigenous People and Urban Policy and Administration
Policies and programs of and for Indigenous people living in Canadian cities, with a focus on institutional and intergovernmental challenges and opportunities for change.
PADM 5719 [0.5 credit]
Aboriginal Health and Social Policy
Development and delivery of health and social policies pertinent to Aboriginal people living in diverse circumstances in Canada; theories and practices.
Aboriginal Health and Social Policy
Development and delivery of health and social policies pertinent to Aboriginal people living in diverse circumstances in Canada; theories and practices.
PADM 5772 [0.5 credit]
Policy Seminar (Indigenous Policy and Administration)
One or more selected policy areas or specialized aspects of Indigenous Policy and Administration. The policy field or topic will change each year.
Policy Seminar (Indigenous Policy and Administration)
One or more selected policy areas or specialized aspects of Indigenous Policy and Administration. The policy field or topic will change each year.
PADM 5811 [0.5 credit]
The International Policy Framework
The evolution of the main international rules and institutions governing the economic relationships among nation states, with emphasis on the changing roles of the Bretton Woods institutions (IMF, World Bank, GATT/ WTO).
The International Policy Framework
The evolution of the main international rules and institutions governing the economic relationships among nation states, with emphasis on the changing roles of the Bretton Woods institutions (IMF, World Bank, GATT/ WTO).
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5001.
PADM 5812 [0.5 credit]
Governance in Developing Countries
The roles of the state and civil society in the governance of developing countries in the context of public sector reform and globalization.
Governance in Developing Countries
The roles of the state and civil society in the governance of developing countries in the context of public sector reform and globalization.
PADM 5813 [0.5 credit]
The Evolution of World Bank/IMF Policy Conditionality
The changing nature of World Bank/IMF policy conditionality with emphasis on the period since the onset of the 1982 debt crisis.
The Evolution of World Bank/IMF Policy Conditionality
The changing nature of World Bank/IMF policy conditionality with emphasis on the period since the onset of the 1982 debt crisis.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5808.
PADM 5814 [0.5 credit]
Program and Project Management
The context, critical issues and methods relating to the planning and implementation of development programs and projects.
Program and Project Management
The context, critical issues and methods relating to the planning and implementation of development programs and projects.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 5107.
PADM 5815 [0.5 credit]
Civil Society Organizations and Development
The context, roles, structures and strategies of nongovernmental organizations in the development process at the global, national and local levels. The role of development aid and NGOs is considered.
Civil Society Organizations and Development
The context, roles, structures and strategies of nongovernmental organizations in the development process at the global, national and local levels. The role of development aid and NGOs is considered.
Also listed as IDMG 5615.
PADM 5816 [0.5 credit]
Program Evaluation in Developing Countries
The context, critical issues and methods relating to the evaluation of development interventions.
Program Evaluation in Developing Countries
The context, critical issues and methods relating to the evaluation of development interventions.
PADM 5817 [0.5 credit]
Health Policy in Developing Countries
Debates regarding health policy in the developing world, in the context of the global health sector reform movement, trade and intellectual property regimes, and strategies of corporate and NGO actors. Issues of gender, class and the determinants of health.
Health Policy in Developing Countries
Debates regarding health policy in the developing world, in the context of the global health sector reform movement, trade and intellectual property regimes, and strategies of corporate and NGO actors. Issues of gender, class and the determinants of health.
Also listed as IDMG 5617.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4817, for which additional credit is precluded.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PADM 4817, for which additional credit is precluded.
PADM 5818 [0.5 credit]
Theories of Development
A survey of the theories and evidence to explain processes of growth and development, and their unevenness, in low-income countries and transition economies.
Theories of Development
A survey of the theories and evidence to explain processes of growth and development, and their unevenness, in low-income countries and transition economies.
Precludes additional credit for INAF 5007.
PADM 5872 [0.5 credit]
Policy Seminar (International and Development Concentration)
One or more selected policy areas and topics related to policy and administration in the international and development context. The topic will change each year.
Policy Seminar (International and Development Concentration)
One or more selected policy areas and topics related to policy and administration in the international and development context. The topic will change each year.
PADM 5891 [0.5 credit]
Directed Studies (International and Development Concentration)
A tutorial or directed reading course on selected subjects related to international and development issues.
Directed Studies (International and Development Concentration)
A tutorial or directed reading course on selected subjects related to international and development issues.
PADM 5908 [1.0 credit]
Research Essay
Research Essay
PADM 5909 [2.0 credits]
M.A. Thesis
M.A. Thesis
PADM 5913 [0.0 credit]
Co-operative Work Term
Co-operative Work Term
Prerequisite(s): registration in the Co-operative Education Option of the M.A. program and permission of the Co-op Supervisor.
PADM 6111 [0.5 credit]
Markets, Prices and Government
The contributions and limitations of microeconomic theory for analyzing the behaviour of public and private decision makers. Issues include different forms of market failure, and different understandings of the appropriate role of government in addressing them.
Markets, Prices and Government
The contributions and limitations of microeconomic theory for analyzing the behaviour of public and private decision makers. Issues include different forms of market failure, and different understandings of the appropriate role of government in addressing them.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 6008 and PADM 6102.
PADM 6112 [0.5 credit]
Policy Institutions and Processes
Economic and political science approaches to the role of ideas, interests and institutions in the public policy process and instrument choice. Topics may include policy paradigms and political culture, interest groups, theories of state formation, behaviour of bureaucracies and legislative institutions.
Policy Institutions and Processes
Economic and political science approaches to the role of ideas, interests and institutions in the public policy process and instrument choice. Topics may include policy paradigms and political culture, interest groups, theories of state formation, behaviour of bureaucracies and legislative institutions.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 6005, PADM 6007 and PADM 6105.
PADM 6113 [0.5 credit]
Public Policy Analysis
The application of economic and political science approaches to public policy analysis in Canadian and comparative settings. The policy fields examined may include social welfare and labour market policy, tax and trade policy, science policy and environment policy.
Public Policy Analysis
The application of economic and political science approaches to public policy analysis in Canadian and comparative settings. The policy fields examined may include social welfare and labour market policy, tax and trade policy, science policy and environment policy.
Precludes additional credit for PADM 6004, PADM 6009 and PADM 6106.
PADM 6114 [0.5 credit]
Foundations of Policy Analysis
Assessment and comparison of key theoretical traditions in explaining and analyzing public policy.
Foundations of Policy Analysis
Assessment and comparison of key theoretical traditions in explaining and analyzing public policy.
PADM 6200 [0.5 credit]
Doctoral Research Seminar
Issues in developing research proposals and conducting public policy research; includes research presentations by senior doctoral students and faculty. Required for second-year doctoral students who present their thesis proposals. Issues surrounding quantitative or qualitative methods in public policy analysis may be discussed. Graded Pass/Fail.
Doctoral Research Seminar
Issues in developing research proposals and conducting public policy research; includes research presentations by senior doctoral students and faculty. Required for second-year doctoral students who present their thesis proposals. Issues surrounding quantitative or qualitative methods in public policy analysis may be discussed. Graded Pass/Fail.
PADM 6900 [0.5 credit]
Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination
Ph.D. preparation for the comprehensive examination. The grade to be awarded will be that obtained on the comprehensive examination.
Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination
Ph.D. preparation for the comprehensive examination. The grade to be awarded will be that obtained on the comprehensive examination.
PADM 6901 [0.5 credit]
Ph.D. Specialization Tutorial
A Ph.D. tutorial covering advanced theory and research in an area of specialization generally related to public policy. Specific topics will be selected in consultation with, and must be approved by, the academic supervisor and Ph.D. co-ordinator.
Ph.D. Specialization Tutorial
A Ph.D. tutorial covering advanced theory and research in an area of specialization generally related to public policy. Specific topics will be selected in consultation with, and must be approved by, the academic supervisor and Ph.D. co-ordinator.
PADM 6902 [0.5 credit]
Ph.D. Specialization Tutorial
A Ph.D. tutorial covering advanced theory and research in an area of specialization generally related to public policy. Specific topics will be selected in consultation with, and must be approved by, the academic supervisor and Ph.D. co-ordinator.
Ph.D. Specialization Tutorial
A Ph.D. tutorial covering advanced theory and research in an area of specialization generally related to public policy. Specific topics will be selected in consultation with, and must be approved by, the academic supervisor and Ph.D. co-ordinator.
PADM 6909 [6.5 credits]
Ph.D. Thesis
Students will normally be supervised by faculty in the School of Public Administration but may also seek supervision from faculty in other social sciences departments, schools, and institutes.
Ph.D. Thesis
Students will normally be supervised by faculty in the School of Public Administration but may also seek supervision from faculty in other social sciences departments, schools, and institutes.
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca
Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca