Check this page for news of corrections and updates to the 2017-18 Calendars.
Academic Year
- The Fall 2018, Winter 2019, and Summer 2019 academic schedules have been posted to the Academic Year section of the Calendar (posted December 22, 2017)
- Deadlines for course outline availability for Fall 2018, Winter 2019, and Summer 2019 terms posted to the Academic Year section of the Calendar (posted May 11, 2018)
Graduate and Undergraduate Calendar
- Addition of statement regarding Use of Student Work in Program Assessment (Graduate Calendar Section 18, Undergraduate Calendar Section 3.4) (posted August 29, 2017)
- Revision to Other Grading Notations (Graduate Calendar Section 10.2, Undergraduate Calendar Section 2.3) to reflect approved change to the description of AUD grading mode, as approved by Senate in October 2015 (posted December 22, 2017)
Graduate Calendar
- Section 9.3 of the General Regulations, concerning Special/Deferred Final Examinations has been updated (posted June 22, 2017)
- Section 10.1 and 10.2 of the General Regulations concerning the Grading System has been updated (posted July 17, 2017)
- Section 9.2 of the General Regulations has been updated to include information about examination regulations. (posted July 17, 2017)