Check this page for news of corrections and updates to the 2018-19 Calendars.
Graduate and Undergraduate Calendar Updates
- The Academic Year: Summer 2018 dates and deadlines added to "The Academic Year" section of the main Calendars page (posted June 6, 2018).
- Calendar Archives: 2017-2018 editions of the Calendar added to "Calendar Archives" page (posted June 26, 2018).
- Glossary: Added glossary definition of Practical Assessments (posted November 6, 2018).
- The Academic Year: Fall 2019, Winter 2020 and Summer 2020 dates and deadlines added to "The Academic Year" section of the Calendar (posted November 7, 2018).
- Glossary: Added glossary definitions of Dual Degree and Experiential Learning (posted February 19, 2019).
- The Academic Year: Last day of classes for 2019 winter term updated and changes to the 2019 winter term final examination period posted to "The Academic Year" section of the Calendar (posted February 19, 2019).
- Glossary: Added glossary definition of Learning Outcomes (posted March 19, 2019).
Graduate Calendar Updates
- General Regulations: Clarification on Graduate level graduation requirements for co-op designation (posted July 24, 2018).
- Graduate Courses Index Page: Added Data Science (DATA) page to course listings (posted October 30, 2018).
- ELEC 5701: Removed preclusion and prerequisite statements that are no longer applicable (updated November 9, 2018).
- Graduate Programs: Added Ph.D. in Management program, regulations and admission requirements to Management programs page (posted November 15, 2018).
- Graduate Programs: Added regulations and admission tabs for the M.Sc. in Management to Business programs page (posted November 15, 2018).
- INAF 6909: Correction of credit value for 2018-19 Calendar to 4.5 credits (posted December 17, 2018).
Undergraduate Calendar Updates
- Undergraduate Programs: Program requirements posted for the Certificate in Nunavut Public Service Studies (posted February 19, 2019).