Aerospace Engineering (AERO)
African Studies (AFRI)
American Sign Language (ASLA)
Anthropology (ANTH)
Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies (ALDS)
Arabic (ARAB)
Archaeology (ARCY)
Theory/History (ARCH)
Technical (ARCC)
Urban (ARCU)
Techniques (ARCN)
Design Studios/Design Thesis/Research (ARCS)
Art History (ARTH)
Biochemistry (BIOC)
Biology (BIOL)
Business (BUSI)
Canadian Studies (CDNS)
Centre for Initiatives in Education (CIED)
Chemistry (CHEM)
Childhood and Youth Studies (CHST)
Chinese (CHIN)
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Classical Civilization (CLCV)
Co-operative Education (COOP)
Cognitive Science (CGSC)
Communication and Media Studies (COMS)
Communication Courses for Disciplines and Professions (CCDP)
Computer Science (COMP)
Criminology and Criminal Justice (CRCJ)
Digital Humanities (DIGH)
Disability Studies (DBST)
Earth Sciences (ERTH)
Economics (ECON)
Electronics (ELEC)
Engineering Common Core Courses (ECOR)
English (ENGL)
English as a Second Language (ESLA)
Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
Environmental Science (ENSC)
Environmental Studies (ENST)
European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (EURR)
Film Studies (FILM)
First-Year Seminars (FYSM)
Food Science (FOOD)
French (FREN)
French Interdisciplinary Studies (FINS)
Geography (GEOG)
Geomatics (GEOM)
German (GERM)
Global and International Studies (GINS)
Global Politics (GPOL)
Greek (GREK)
Health Sciences (HLTH)
Hebrew (HEBR)
History (HIST)
Human Rights (HUMR)
Humanities (HUMS)
Indigenous Studies (INDG)
Industrial Design (IDES)
Information Technology
Information Resource Management (IRM)
Information Technology (BIT)
Interactive Multimedia and Design (IMD)
Network Technology (NET)
Optical Systems and Sensors (OSS)
Information Technology (ITEC)
Integrated Science (INSC)
Interdisciplinary Public Affairs (IPAF)
Interdisciplinary Science (ISCI)
Interdisciplinary Science and Practice (ISAP)
Interdisciplinary Studies (DIST)
International Affairs (INAF)
Italian (ITAL)
Japanese (JAPA)
Journalism and Communication (JOUR)
Korean (KORE)
Language Studies (LANG)
Latin (LATN)
Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS)
Law (LAWS)
Linguistics (LING)
Mathematics (MATH)
Mechanical Engineering (MECH)
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAAE)
Media Production and Design (MPAD)
Medieval and Early Modern Studies (MEMS)
Migration and Diaspora Studies (MGDS)
Music (MUSI)
Natural Sciences (NSCI)
Neuroscience (NEUR)
Performance in Public Sphere (PIPS)
Philosophy (PHIL)
Physics (PHYS)
Political Management(POLM)
Political Science (PSCI)
Portuguese (PORT)
Psychology (PSYC)
Public Affairs and Policy Management (PAPM)
Public Policy and Administration (PADM)
Religion (RELI)
Russian (RUSS)
Sexuality Studies (SXST)
Social Work (SOWK)
Sociology (SOCI)
South Asian Studies (SAST)
Spanish (SPAN)
Statistics (STAT)
Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering (SREE)
Systems and Computer Engineering (SYSC)
Technology, Society, Environment Studies (TSES)
Women's and Gender Studies (WGST)
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca
Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca