Cognitive Science (CGSC) Courses
Cognition and Artificial Cognitive Systems
An introduction to the contribution of artificial intelligence and computer modeling of cognitive processes to cognitive science.
Experimental Research in Cognition
An introduction to the contribution of experimental psychology to cognitive science.
Language and Cognition
An introduction to the contribution of theoretical linguistics and linguistic research to cognitive science.
Cognition and Conceptual Issues
An introduction to the contribution of philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, and other conceptual investigations to cognitive science.
Cognition and Neuroscience
An introduction to the contribution of neuroscience to cognitive science.
Issues in Cognitive Science
A survey of the central problems and issues of cognitive research to start the process of acquiring the interdisciplinary breadth required to understand research in cognitive science.
Experimental Methods and Statistics
An introduction to the design of experiments and the statistics needed to interpret data in cognitive science.
Formal Methods
The class introduces students to various formal methods relevant to cognitive science, possibly including (but not limited to) formal logic, the theory of computation, probability theory, decision theory.
Prerequisite(s): permission of the department.
Linguistic Analysis, Culture and Cognition
Universals of language from a cross-cultural perspective. Study of lesser-known languages leading to critical understanding of universal human concepts and communication practices in culture-specific configurations. Cross-linguistic analysis as a means to general understanding of diversity and universality in human cognition.
Cognitive Modelling for Cognitive Science
Introduction to the field of cognitive modelling. Different modelling systems and how to evaluate them against human data; how to create cognitive models using the ACT-R cognitive architecture.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as CGSC 4601, for which additional credit is precluded.
Special Topics in Cognitive Science
Seminar on current, important issues related to Cognition and Neuroscience, Philosophy, Computer Science, Linguistics and/or Psychology. Topics will vary from year to year.
Independent Research
Permission to register and approval of research plan must be obtained from the graduate supervisor. A final research report must be filed in the departmental office prior to submission of course grade. The course may be repeated for credit.
Research Project
Students may enroll in multiple sections of this course (as necessary) to complete their Research credits.
M. Cog. Thesis
Methodology Rotation I
Students spend one term in a laboratory or other research venue using a method for studying cognition (behavioural, linguistic-theoretic, computational, conceptual, neuroscientific). Assignments will be as specified by each rotation supervisor.
Methodology Rotation II
Students spend one term in a laboratory or other research venue using a different method for studying cognition (behavioural, linguistic-theoretic, computational, conceptual, neuroscientific). Assignments will be as specified by each rotation supervisor.
Advanced Statistics for Cognitive Science
Topics may include data wrangling, data visualization, advanced regression, mixed effects models, and procedures for seeing structure in data (e.g., clustering, multidimensional scaling).
Special Topics in Cognitive Science
Seminar course on a topic of interest to students in Cognitive Science. Topics will vary from year to year.
Proseminar in Cognitive Science
A survey of the central problems and issues of natural and artificial cognition and a brief examination of contemporary neuroscience.
Directed Studies in Cognitive Science I
Directed Studies in Cognitive Science II
Ph.D. Thesis
Note: Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca.
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca