Civil Engineering - Joint (CIVJ) Courses
Numerical Methods for Geotechnical Engineering
Mechanics of Unsaturated Soils
Geotechnical Hazards
Rock Mechanics
Rock exploration, laboratory and in-situ testing, rock mass classification, deformation and strength, failure criteria, stresses in rock, foundations on rock.
Water Resources Management
Global water supply and demand, integrated water resources management, modeling and optimization of water resources systems, reservoir management, uncertainty modeling, climate change and water, decision under uncertainty.
Construction Cost Estimating
General overview of construction cost estimating. Techniques and construction cost estimating process; elements of project cost; conceptual and detailed cost estimation methods; risk assessment and range estimating; work breakdown structure applied in building projects. Computer applications in building construction cost estimating and infrastructure projects.
Construction Life Cycle Analysis
General overview of analyzing the economics of construction projects by applying the concept of time value of money. Financing strategies for construction projects and profitability analysis; correlation between value engineering, life cycle cost analysis and assessment for construction projects. Breakeven, sensitivity and risk analysis.
Project Information Management
Topics in contractual relationships between construction project teams. Different type of construction contracts and their application. Preparation of project documents. Evaluation of different types of project organization structure and associated project delivery systems. Bidding strategies. Network analysis using deterministic and stochastic methods for construction-time.
Loads on structures
Overview of loads on buildings according to Canadian codes and standards. Dead and live loads, snow loads, wind loads, earthquake loads, loads on non-structural components; vibrations. Selected topics in the practical design of building structures.
Blast Engineering
Overview of explosives and blast loads on structural and non-structural infrastructure components; dynamic analysis of elements under blast-induced shock waves and dynamic pressures; elastic and inelastic response; incremental equation of motion and nonlinear analysis; development of resistance functions; pressure-impulse (P-I) diagrams; blast-resistant building design.
Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures
Durability of concrete bridges and building structures in Canada; assessment and evaluation of damaged concrete structures; repair, rehabilitation and strengthening techniques; applicable design codes and guidelines; monitoring technologies for structures; implications for infrastructure management.
Diagnosis and Prognosis of Concrete Infrastructure
Condition assessment of concrete infrastructure using experimental (i.e. visual, nondestructive, microscopic and mechanical) and analytical approaches; overview of repair and maintenance techniques according to damage type and extent; Serviceability performance and appraisal guides for aging infrastructure; design for durability through performance based design approaches.
Characterization Methods for Materials
Modern materials characterization techniques especially with respect to civil engineering materials. Choosing the right characterization methods in order to determine the properties of materials such as chemical composition, atomic structure, and surface properties used in their research. Interpreting the results of each method.
Instrumentation and Experimental Design for Civil Engineering
Introduction to instrumentation in civil engineering applications. Instrument types and performance, strain gauges, transducers, measurement of position, velocity, acceleration, force, pressure, temperature and flow. Data collection and data acquisition systems; diagnostics and calibration, closed versus open-loop control; servomotor types and servo-valves.
Advanced Structural Dynamics
Advanced Structural Steel Design
Theory of Elasticity
Theory of Plates and Shells
Advanced Concrete Technology
Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure in Changing Climate
Development of infrastructure with long-term sustainability and resiliency under various extreme events; climate change drivers, climate modelling and climate change impact studies. The concepts of sustainability, resiliency, and reliability. Climatic and flooding hazards. Uncertainty and non-stationarity processes.
Wind Engineering
Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design
Finite Element Methods I
Numerical Methods of Structural Analysis
Finite Element Methods II
Structural Stability
Prestressed Concrete Design
Earthquake Engineering
Elements of Bridge Engineering
Random Vibrations
Long Span Structures
Bridge Design
Durability of Concrete Structures
Seismic Analysis and Design of Concrete Structures
Hydraulic Structures
Computational Hydrodynamics
Sediment Transport
River Hydraulics
Coastal Engineering
Solid Waste Disposal
Special Topics in Civil Engineering
Special Topics in Civil Engineering
Special Topics in Civil Engineering
Special Topics in Civil Engineering
Special Topics in Civil Engineering
Special Topics in Civil Engineering
Special Topics in Civil Engineering
Special Topics in Civil Engineering
Special Topics in Civil Engineering
Special Topics in Civil Engineering
Special Topics in Civil Engineering
Special Topics in Civil Engineering
Special Topics in Civil Engineering
Special Topics in Civil Engineering
Special Topics in Civil Engineering
Special Topics in Civil Engineering
Special Topics in Civil Engineering
Special Topics in Civil Engineering
Special Topics in Civil Engineering
Special Topics in Civil Engineering
Special Topics in Civil Engineering
Note: Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca.
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca