Electrical Engineering - Joint (EACJ) Courses
Advanced Channel Coding
Fourier Optics
Photonics Networks
Knowledge-Based Systems
Topics in Electronics I
Topics in Electronics II
Sujets choisis en electronique
Survivable Optical Networks
Machine Vision
Directed Studies
Intro to Embedded Systems
Parallel Processing with VLSI
Distributed Database Systems
Secure Comm and Data Encryption
Stochastic Systems
Multimedia Communications
Switching and Traffic Theory
Stochastic Processes
Topics in Electromagnetics
Smart Antennas
Intro to Mobile Communications
Queuing Systems
Optical Communications Systems
Analysis/Perf Eval: Comp Comm
Distributed System Software
Virtual Environments
Quality Service Mgmt/Multimed
Source Coding and Data Compress.
Wireless Ad Hoc Networking
Topics in Systems and Control I
Software Engineering Proj Mgmt
Topics in Systems and Control II
Sujets choisis en systemes
Health Care Engineering
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Sujets choisis electromagnetiq
Digital Watermarking
Internetworking Technologies
Network Security and Cryptography
Matrix MethodandAlgor Sign Proce
Neural Networks and Fuzzy System
Electromagnetic Waves
Numerical Methods: Electromag
Ondes Electromagnetiques
Topics in Electromagnetics I
Topics in Electromagnetics II
Methodes numeriques en genie
Digital Comm by Satellite
Information Theory
Detection and Estimation
Error Control Coding
Principles of Digital Comm
Digital Signal Processing
Traitement numer des signaux
Image Proc and Image Comm
Topics in Signal Processing I
Topics in Signal Processing II
Topics in Signal Processing 3
Topics in Communications I
Topics in Communications II
Computer-Communication Network
Sujets choisis en telecommun
Reliable Digital Systems
Advanced Digital Communication
Digital Logic Design
Neural Networks and Fuzzy System
Adaptive Signal Processing
Topics in Computers I
Topics in Computers II
Sujets choisis sur les ordinat
Signal Proc: Intr Convex Optim
Note: Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca.
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca