Environmental Engineering (ENVE) Courses
Advanced Wastewater Treatment
Fundamentals, applications, and design of biological, physical, and chemical treatment processes employed for advanced treatment of domestic and industrial wastewater. Reuse applications and guidelines.
Filtration and Membranes in Water Treatment
Filtration is a key process for removal of contaminants from water sources. This course discusses various filtration processes including slow sand filtration, conventional filtration, biological filtration, and low and high pressure membrane applications in a lecture and seminar format. Previous water related course knowledge expected.
Air Pollution Control
Air quality and pollution; definitions, measurement and monitoring methods. Criteria pollutants, air toxics, particulate matter, secondary pollutants. Pollutant formation mechanisms. Major sources and control methods. Meteorology and principles of dispersion modeling. Principles of receptor modeling. Indoor air quality.
Indoor Environmental Quality
Indoor environmental quality (air quality, thermal, visual, and acoustic comfort); physical and chemical parameters for characterization. Types and sources of indoor air pollution and discomfort; measurement techniques. Heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting practices and issues. Modeling of and design for indoor environmental quality.
Atmospheric Aerosols
Atmospheric aerosol characterization and size distribution, theoretical fundamentals of physical and chemical processes that govern formation and transformation of aerosols in the atmosphere such as nucleation, coagulation, condensation/evaporation, and aerosol thermodynamics; interactions between aerosols and climate, aerosol sampling and measurement.
Atmospheric Chemical Transport Modelling
Fundamentals of Eulerian atmospheric modelling; overview of global and regional atmospheric models, basic principles of numerical methods used in air quality models; applications of air quality models; uncertainty and sensitivity analysis in air quality modelling.
Radiative Transfer and Remote Sensing
Exploration of interactions between light, Earth’s surface, and the atmosphere. Topics include the radiative transfer equation, scattering and phase functions, and inverse theory. Applications to atmospheric science, climate, hydrology, and land use.
Climate Change and Engineering
Survey of the physical science of climate change, impacts on the built environment, and climate adaptation in engineering. Greenhouse gases, global warming, paleoclimatology, and Earth system responses. Climate change impacts on structural, water, transportation, and energy systems. Climate vulnerability assessment, examples of design adaptation.
Geo-Environmental Engineering
Landfill design; hydrogeologic principles, water budget, landfill liners, geosynthetics, landfill covers, quality control and quality assurance, clay/leachate interaction, composite liner design and leachate collection systems. Landfill operation, maintenance and monitoring. Design of environmental control and containment systems; slurry walls, grout curtains, Case studies.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as ENVE 4002, for which additional credit is precluded.
Resource Industry Waste Management
Application of geotechnique and hydraulics to management of resource extraction residuals such as tailings, waste rock, and sludge from hard rock mines and bitumen extraction operations. Geotechnique of conventional and high density tailings disposal. Pipeline transport of concentrated suspensions. Closure technologies for mine waste impoundments.
Sludge Treatment and Disposal
Aspects of sludge treatment, management, and disposal; sludge generation and characterization, thickening, preliminary treatment processes, aerobic and anaerobic digestion, lime stabilization, conditioning, dewatering, composting, land application and other disposal options, and thermal processes.
Energy and Resource Recovery from Waste
Principles, design and application of biochemical and thermal processes for recovery of energy and value-added materials from different solid wastes and wastewater. Biochemical processes; biotransformation pathways, reactor analysis and chemical kinetics. Thermal treatment systems; process design, thermodynamics of material recovery.
Contaminant Hydrogeology
Theory of flow through porous media; soil characterization, soil properties, anisotropy, heterogeneity. Contaminant transport. Well hydraulics and pump tests. Introduction to numerical modeling; finite difference, finite elements, conceptual model, boundary conditions. Site remediation and remediation technologies.
Multiphase Flow in Soils
Theory of unsaturated flow and multiphase flow; capillary pressure-saturation relationships, relative permeability relationships, wettability, hysteresis, fluid entrapment, residual saturations, governing equations for flow and transport. Richard's Equation for unsaturated flow. Modeling of multiphase flow.
Topics in Environmental Engineering
Courses in special topics in environmental engineering not covered by other graduate courses.
Topics in Environmental Engineering
Courses in special topics in environmental engineering not covered by other graduate courses.
Topics in Environmental Engineering
Courses in special topics in environmental engineering not covered by other graduate courses.
Topics in Environmental Engineering
Courses in special topics in environmental engineering not covered by other graduate courses.
Topics in Environmental Engineering
Courses in special topics in environmental engineering not covered by other graduate courses.
Master's Seminar
M.A.Sc. and M.Eng (project option) students in the Environmental Engineering program are required to participate in these seminar series by attending all seminars and making at least one presentation during their graduate studies.
Environmental Engineering Project
Students enrolled in the M.Eng. program by course work will conduct an engineering study, analysis, or design project under the general supervision of a member of the Department.
Directed Studies 1
Prerequisite(s): open only to students in an Environmental Engineering Master's program.
Master's Thesis
Directed Studies 2
Prerequisite(s): open only to students in the Environmental Engineering Ph.D. program.
Ph.D. Thesis
Ph.D. Seminar
Ph.D. students in the Environmental Engineering program are required to participate in these seminar series by attending all seminars and making at least one presentation during their graduate studies.
Note: Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca.
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca