Philanthopy and Nonprofit Leadership (PANL) Courses
Foundations of Philanthropy
The motivations, values and ethics, and history of philanthropy, and a critical examination of its role in relation to government, business and society. Trends and emerging challenges in philanthropy and voluntary action over time and in different cultures and regions.
Policy and Legal Environment
The legal, tax and regulatory context in which philanthropy, charities and nonprofits operate; the processes of policy formation and means of participating in them.
Finances for Philanthropy and the Nonprofit Sector
Revenue source development, business planning, financial management and accountability covering a range of financing options.
Governance and Leadership
Theories of leadership, ethical decision making, and the function of governance, boards and strategic planning in directing effective sustainable organizations, building external relationships and managing multiple accountabilities.
Organizational Development
Theories and application of organizational development for nonprofit and philanthropic organizations; human resource management for staff and volunteers, control systems, and project and risk management.
Research Methods
Understanding of qualitative and quantitative methods with application to philanthropy and nonprofit research. Topics may include research design, techniques for collecting and managing evidence, an introduction to qualitative and statistical analysis and communication of results.
Policy and Program Evaluation
Selected concepts, issues and processes in applied planning and evaluation, utilizing both Canadian and comparative experiences.
This course requires supervised work experience over 10 weeks in an appropriate placement approved by the graduate supervisor. It culminates in a 25-30 page (or equivalent) analytical work graded by the academic supervisor.
Capstone Project
An integrative research project on a topic related to the philanthropic or nonprofit sector.
Prerequisite(s): completion of core courses.
Planning and Management of Integrated Fundraising
Strategic and tactical management, oversight and ethical considerations of a diversity of fundraising methods; donor relationships; planning and managing integrated campaigns.
Responsible and Impact Investing
The financial instruments, organizational implications and measurement of program-related and other investments that lever economic, social and environmental value by organizations in or straddling the nonprofit and for-profit sectors.
Social Media, Communications and Marketing
The use of social media and other information technologies for brand building, marketing, fundraising, and social/political activism. An overview of marketing and communications theory, principles and techniques, and their application in philanthropic, nonprofit, and social entrepreneurial environments.
Strategic Philanthropy and Grantmaking for Social Change
Alternative approaches to effective grantmaking and funding practices, including managing the associated accountabilities for both grantmaking bodies and recipient organizations.
Globalization of Philanthropy
Understanding global civil society and the effects that globalization has on giving and organizing. The legal, regulatory and cultural considerations for philanthropy, volunteerism, and civil society organizations that work transnationally.
Advanced Topics in Fundraising
Specialized aspects and advanced methods of fundraising including planned giving, major campaigns, new technologies, ethical issues and leadership skills.
Online course.
Community Philanthropy
Formal and informal mechanisms communities use to mobilize their assets for public benefit and social change; analysis of major innovations and trends in community philanthropy from a global perspective.
Social Innovation
The processes, business models and leadership of ‘social innovation’ – system changing approaches to dealing with social, cultural, economic and environmental challenges. Use of case studies and prototypes to test assumptions and alternatives.
Social Entrepreneurship
The theory, leadership and management of social entrepreneurship, from evaluating the opportunity through implementation. Includes assessment of startup strategies, raising funds, assessing risks, legal aspects, marketing ideas, managing resources and growth, and creation of socially responsible models.
Public Policy Advocacy
Examination of how nonprofit organizations and voluntary action can affect social change and influence public policy processes in both national and international contexts. Practical development of advocacy and public education strategies.
International Civil Society Organizations
Understanding the role of international non-governmental organizations in a global civil society, and how they strategically plan and manage key functions including regime creation, humanitarian and development assistance and internal governance and operations.
Special Topics in Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership
One or more specialized or advanced aspects of philanthropy and nonprofit leadership such as the ethics, history, cross-cultural dimensions and management of particular types of organizations. The topics will change each year.
Directed Studies in Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership
A directed reading course on selected subjects related to philanthropy and nonprofit leadership, as arranged with a faculty supervisor.
Note: Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca.
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca