Sociology (SOCI) Courses
Classical Sociological Theory
Crucial sociological concepts and ideas by the founders of sociology. Attention will be given to Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Pareto, Comte, and Husserl.
Selected Topics in Classical Theory
Topic varies from year to year. Students should check with the Department regarding the topic offered.
Contemporary Sociological Theory
Major theoretical perspectives in sociology, including social behaviourism; social action theories such as symbolic interactionism, phenomenological sociology, ethnomethodology; and structuralist theories such as structural functionalism, neo-Marxism and critical theory.
Selected Topics in Contemporary Theory
Topic varies from year to year. Students should check with the Department regarding the topic offered.
Recurring Debates in Social Thought
Recurring issues and debates in the discipline. Topics such as the nature of social science; the objective world versus social construction; questions of evidence, meaning and measurement; agency versus structure; the relation between research and praxis; knowledge and power, may be considered.
Social Change and Economic Development
Critical examination of studies of change and development in historical and contemporary national and transnational systems.
Multiple Regression Analysis
An in-depth study of multiple regression analysis and its application in social science research. Interpretation and communication of the results are emphasized. The course provides an overview of descriptive and inferential statistics. Students learn how to use STATA/SAS to analyze social survey data.
Advanced Multivariate Analysis
Commonly-used advanced statistical techniques. Topics may include factor analysis, multinominal logistic regression analysis, event history analysis, analysis of covariance, multilevel models and structural equation modeling. STATA/SAS is used in addition to specialized statistical software.
Selected Topics in Social Research
Topic varies from year to year. Students should check with the Department regarding the topic offered.
Research Design and Data Analysis
An integrated approach to the problems involved in the analysis of quantitative data, research design and procedures.
Advanced Qualitative Research Methods
In-depth study of a range of qualitative research methodologies. Students will sharpen their practical skills in developing research questions, gathering and analyzing data and presenting results. Students will engage in discussions of theoretical, methodological, and ethical issues and challenges in qualitative research.
Comparative Methods in Social Research
Current analytical problems and applications of comparative methods in social research. Students are expected to individually conduct research or to participate in a group research project in which one or more of these methods will be applied.
Consuming Passions: The Regulation of Consumption, Appearance and Sexuality
Examination of the rise of consumption and private pleasures and their regulation and self-regulation.
Canadian Society
A critical examination of sociological models of modern societies and their relevance to Canada.
Sociology of Occupations and Professions
A consideration of the development of occupational recruitment patterns and workforce issues, with attention to their sociological implications.
Sociology of Formal Organizations
A consideration of the forms and processes of bureaucracy in modern society, government and industry.
Sociology of Science and Technology
Study of the interaction among science, technology and change in modern societies.
Sociology of Education
The relations between education and other social institutions, the structure of educational opportunity, educational systems and organizations, and the sociology of learning.
Food Studies
A sociological analysis of food cultures. Possible topics include: the relationship between food and identity; social movements organized around food; and the production, preparation, consumption, and disposal of food.
Police and Capital
The idea of `police' as a general historical project aimed at the fabrication of social order and the development of liberal philosophy, political economy and security. Contemporary public and private security provision considered in light of commodification, class conflict, and risk thinking.
Cultural Studies
The relations between cultural practices and other social practices in definite social formations. Discussions are grounded through the choice of specific Canadian research on topics such as media, art, music, education, pedagogy, etc.
Feminist Analyses
Current theory and research in recent feminist analysis.
Cultural Theory
A survey of developments in European and North American Marxist and Post-Marxist cultural theories of the past quarter century.
Political Sociology
An examination of theoretical and empirical work on selected aspects of the state, politics and political behaviour, primarily in North America and Europe.
Critical Disability Studies
Course engages contemporary disability theory, culture, and activism to consider bodily difference and its relation to the workings of power and social control, accessibility, normalization, ableism, and medicalization. Students will gain an understanding of the contemporary debates, theories, and methodologies of critical disability studies.
The Sociology of Solidarity
The possibilities and practices of solidarity raise core questions about how we understand the social, the other and how we can live together. The course explores these questions in inter-personal, community and global contexts.
Race, Ethnicity and Class in Contemporary Societies
Various theoretical approaches concerning the persistence and re-emergence of ethnic and/or racial groups are examined. Particular emphasis is given to the intersection and overlap of ethnicity and race with social class.
Power and Stratification
An examination of theories of elite behaviour, social class, and ideology.
Citizenship and Globalization
Examination of debates about the changing nature of citizenship in the context of globalization of capital, culture and peoples. Employing post-Marshallian, political economic, post-structuralist, post-colonial and feminist perspectives, the seminar explores the emergence of market-driven, hierarchical and cosmopolitan notions of citizenship and transnational identities.
Governmentality and Politics
Examination of Foucault's concept of governmentality and work which has developed this idea, especially the relevance of governmentality for global political studies. Topics may include: sovereignty, biopolitics, technopolitics, neoliberalism and citizenship.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PSCI 4303, for which additional credit is precluded.
Feminism and Materialism
Recent developments of feminist materialist theory and analyses. Topics may include: the gender division of labour; family and economy; gender and class; gender, race and ethnicity; sexuality; reproduction; theory and politics.
The Politics of Social Movements and the State
Origins, ideologies, strategies and political implications of social and popular movements. May include attention to the peace, feminist, LGBT2SQ, disability, ecology, and anti-racism movements, as well as conservative, religious, and ethnonationalist movements.
Phenomenology for Anthropologists and Sociologists
This seminar builds theoretical and methodological bridges between phenomenology and anthropology/sociology. Students read key texts from, among others, Husserl,Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Plessner, Schultz, and Waldenfels and learn to apply concepts in research. Topics include body and senses, intersubjectivity and life-world, selfhood and otherness.
Selected Topics in Work and Labour II
Topics and emphasis vary from term to term according to current policies and events influencing the distribution and benefits of work and labour including migration, technological and environmental change, privatization, austerity, and transnational legislation.
Selected Topics in Work and Labour I
Topics and emphasis vary from term to term according to current policies and events influencing the distribution and benefits of work and labour including migration, technological and environmental change, privatization, austerity, and transnational legislation.
Selected Problems in Political Economy I
A selected topic from current research in political economy. As the topic varies from year to year, students should check with the Department regarding the current offering.
Selected Problems in Political Economy II
A selected topic from current research in political economy. As the topic varies from year to year, students should check with the Department regarding the current offering.
Critical Discourse Analysis
Examination of the relations between discourse, social semiotics, extradiscursive semiotics and social organization.
Demographic Analysis
Examination of classical debates and contemporary demographic issues such as low fertility, population aging and migration policies. Introduction to the concepts, tools and techniques that demographers use; focus on empirical demographic research.
Selected Topics in Sociology
Topic varies from year to year. Students should check with the Department regarding the topic offered.
Contemporary Theories of Crime and Social Regulation
Recent developments in theories of criminality and social regulation. Particular reference will be made to the regulatory mechanisms of both public and private spheres within legal institutions, corrections, economic institutions, and the family.
Crime, Social Control and Social Change
An examination of the role of the discourses and ideologies surrounding crime, criminal processes, and social change. Topics may include such issues as juvenile justice, victimization, corporate crime, criminalization of indigenous peoples, substance use and abuse.
Departmental Seminar
Topic varies from year to year. Students should check with the Department regarding the topic offered.
Critical Theory
Recent developments in critical theory based upon its initial formulation by the Frankfurt School, with emphasis upon particular contemporary theories in a given year, e.g., J. Habermas, H. Willems, etc.
Modern Marxist Theory
An examination of topics of theory and research in modern Marxist literature; the central focus is on problems of class analysis, the state, and politics in advanced capitalist societies.
Selected Topics in Sociology
Topic varies from year to year. Students should check with the Department regarding the topic offered.
Selected Topics in Sociology
Topic varies from year to year. Students should check with the Department regarding the topic offered.
The Logic of the Research Process
An examination of the research process, including the phases of conceptualization, choice of indicators, sampling, data collection, and analysis. Published articles will be studied as exemplars of the range of possible research strategies.
Placement in Sociology
This course provides an opportunity to enhance educational experience through work placement. Students may not be enrolled in the Co-operative Work Term (SOCI 5913) and the Placement in Sociology (SOCI 5906) simultaneously.
Prerequisite(s): permission of the Department.
M.A. Research Essay
Students may enrol in this course for a maximum of three consecutive terms of study, including one summer term. Students must enrol in this course not later than the beginning of the second full year of study.
M.A. Thesis
Co-operative Work Term
Prerequisite(s): registration in the Sociology Master of Arts Cooperative Education program.
Selected Topics in Sociology
Topic varies from year to year. Students should check with the Department regarding the topic offered.
Doctoral Seminar Year 1
Development of self-awareness and skills as sociological scholars and writers. Foundations of sociological research, research techniques, and attendant theoretical issues. Research project design, grant applications writing, research work management, scholarly writing and presentation.
Doctoral Seminar Year 2
Support for writing comprehensive papers and dissertation research proposal, continued attention to research project design, research work management, scholarly writing and presentation.
Ph.D. Thesis
Note: Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca.
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca