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This is an archived copy of the 2022-2023 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Department of Sociology and Anthropology
(Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)

This section presents the requirements for programs in:

Minor in Community Engagement (4.0 credits)

This minor is open to all undergraduate degree students in any program. Students in any Sociology or Anthropology major should select courses carefully if they wish to use courses from the major in their minor. Such students should always consult the department.

1.  0.5 credit from:0.5
ANTH 2180 [0.5]
Foundations in Community Engagement
SOCI 2180 [0.5]
Foundations in Community Engagement
2.  0.5 credit from:0.5
ANTH 4171 [0.5]
Community Engagement Capstone
SOCI 4171 [0.5]
Community Engagement Capstone
3.  1.0 credit from Engaging the Community courses:1.0
AFRI 3900 [0.5]
ANTH 4000 [0.5]
Field Placement in Anthropology
ANTH 4100 [0.5]
Ethnographic Field Course
ARTH 3701 [0.5]
Art and Architecture on Site
ARTH 4701 [0.5]
Art and Architecture on Site
CDNS 1101 [0.5]
Power, Places and Stories in/of Odawang/Ottawa
CDNS 4800 [1.0]
Internship Practicum
CRCJ 3901 [1.0]
Practicum in Criminology I
CRCJ 3902 [1.0]
Practicum in Criminology II
DIGH 4005 [0.5]
Digital Humanities Practicum
ENST 4450 [0.5]
Community-Engaged Research
GEOG 3030 [0.5]
Regional Field Excursion
GEOG 4000 [0.5]
Field Studies
GEOG 4450 [0.5]
Community-Engaged Research
GINS 3100 [0.5]
Global and International Group Project
GINS 3900 [0.5]
International Placement
GINS 3901 [1.0]
International Placement
GINS 3930 [0.5]
Carleton International Placement
GINS 3931 [1.0]
Carleton International Placement
HIST 3807 [0.5]
Practicum in History
HIST 3815 [0.5]
Group Practicum
HLTH 4909 [1.0]
Capstone Course – Field Placement and Research Project
HUMR 4905 [0.5]
Practicum Placement in Human Rights I
INDG 4001 [0.5]
Indigeneity in the City
INDG 4015 [0.5]
Land as a Relation
INDG 4020 [0.5]
LAWS 4905 [1.0]
Full-Year Service Learning Placement
MPAD 3002 [0.5]
Civic Engagement and Public Institutions I
MPAD 3003 [0.5]
Civic Engagement and Public Institutions II: Minor Design Project
PHIL 2320 [0.5]
Children, Literature, and Philosophy
PSCI 3906 [1.0]
Full-Year Political Science Internship
PSCI 3907 [0.5]
One-Term Political Science Internship
PSYC 3901 [0.5]
Practicum in Psychology
PSYC 3902 [0.5]
Practicum in Psychology
PSYC 3905 [1.0]
Practicum in Psychology
PSYC 4330 [1.0]
Community Mental Health and Well-Being
SOCI 3950 [0.5]
Practicum Placement in Sociology
SOCI 4170 [0.5]
Community-Engaged Sociology
WGST 4800 [0.5]
Women’s and Gender Studies Practicum
WGST 4801 [1.0]
Women's and Gender Studies Practicum
4.  2.0 credits from Critically Understanding Communities courses:2.0
AFRI 3100 [0.5]
African Studies Abroad: Selected Topics
ALDS 3205 [0.5]
English as a Global Language
ANTH 2020 [0.5]
Race and Ethnicity
ANTH 2080 [0.5]
Humans/Animals: the More-than-Human in Social Research
ANTH 2680 [0.5]
Anthropology of "Mainstream" North America
ANTH 3005 [0.5]
Ethnographic Research Methods
ANTH 3010 [0.5]
Language, Culture, and Globalization
ANTH 3020 [0.5]
Studies in Race and Ethnicity
ANTH 3025 [0.5]
Anthropology and Human Rights
ANTH 3310 [0.5]
Studies in Medical Anthropology
ANTH 3355 [0.5]
Anthropology and the Environment
ANTH 3580 [0.5]
Anthropology of Material Culture and Museums
ANTH 3600 [0.5]
Studies in Anthropology and Indigenous Peoples
ANTH 3800 [0.5]
Studies in Applied and Participatory Anthropology
ANTH 4006 [0.5]
Decolonizing Methodologies in the 21st Century: Practicing Engaged Anthropology
ANTH 4610 [0.5]
Advanced Studies in Indigenous Peoples
ANTH 4730 [0.5]
Colonialism and Post-Colonialism
CDNS 2210 [0.5]
Introduction to the Study of Culture in Canada
CRST 2001 [0.5]
Introduction to Critical Race Studies
DBST 2001 [0.5]
Disabling Society
DBST 3001 [0.5]
Disability Studies: Policy and Activism
DIGH 3814 [0.5]
Crafting Digital History
ENGL 3608 [0.5]
Topics in Theatre Management
ENGL 3920 [0.5]
Literary Ecological Fieldwork
ENST 2001 [0.5]
Sustainable Futures: Environmental Challenges and Solutions
FILM 2204 [0.5]
Indigenous Cinema and Media
FYSM 1212 [0.5]
Contemporary Moral, Social, and Religious Issues
GEOG 2023 [0.5]
Cities, Inequality and Urban Change
GEOG 2300 [0.5]
Space, Place and Culture
GEOG 2500 [0.5]
Climate Change: Social Science Perspectives
GEOG 3021 [0.5]
Geographies of Culture and Identity
GEOG 3023 [0.5]
Cities in a Global World
GEOG 3206 [0.5]
Health, Environment, and Society
GEOG 3404 [0.5]
Geographies of Economic Development
GEOG 3501 [0.5]
Geographies of the Canadian North
GEOG 4021 [0.5]
Seminar in Culture, Identity and Place
GEOG 4022 [0.5]
Seminar in People, Resources and Environmental Change
GEOG 4323 [0.5]
Urban and Regional Planning
GINS 3300 [0.5]
Global and International Studies Abroad: Selected Topics
HIST 2811 [0.5]
Public History from Memory to Museums
HIST 3814 [0.5]
Crafting Digital History
HLTH 2003 [0.5]
Social Determinants of Health
HLTH 3101 [0.5]
Global Health
HLTH 3102 [0.5]
Indigenous Health in a Global World
HUMR 3504 [0.5]
Public Health and Human Rights
IDES 2600 [0.5]
Human Factors/Ergonomics in Design
IDES 3107 [0.5]
Design and Sustainability
IDES 3601 [0.5]
Research for Design
INDG 3001 [0.5]
Indigenous Governance
INDG 3011 [0.5]
Indigenous Rights, Resistance, and Resurgence
LAWS 2105 [0.5]
Social Justice and Human Rights
LAWS 3307 [0.5]
Youth and Criminal Law
LAWS 3503 [0.5]
Equality and Discrimination
LAWS 3504 [0.5]
Law and Aboriginal Peoples
LAWS 3800 [0.5]
Law of Environmental Quality
LAWS 4001 [0.5]
Law, Family and Gender
LAWS 4305 [0.5]
Criminal Justice Reform
LAWS 4311 [0.5]
Human Rights in Canadian Prisons
LAWS 4503 [0.5]
Law, Disability and Society
LAWS 4504 [0.5]
Indigenous Criminal Justice
LAWS 4603 [0.5]
Transitional Justice
LAWS 4607 [0.5]
Immigration and Refugee Law
LAWS 4800 [0.5]
Environment and Social Justice
MUSI 2008 [0.5]
Music of the World's Peoples
MUSI 3103 [0.5]
Music in Canada
MUSI 3302 [0.5]
Music and Gender I
MUSI 4102 [0.5]
Ethnomusicology in Theory and Practice
MUSI 4103 [0.5]
Music, Migration and Diaspora in Canada
MUSI 4104 [0.5]
First Peoples Music in Canada
MUSI 4303 [0.5]
Music and Gender II
MUSI 4306 [0.5]
Music and Wellbeing in a Global Context
PHIL 1550 [0.5]
Introduction to Ethics and Social Issues
PHIL 2103 [0.5]
Philosophy of Human Rights
PHIL 2306 [0.5]
Philosophy and Feminism
PHIL 2307 [0.5]
Gender and Philosophy
PHIL 2380 [0.5]
Introduction to Environmental Ethics
PHIL 3340 [0.5]
Topics in Contemporary Social and Political Philosophy
PHIL 3350 [0.5]
Philosophy, Ethics, and Public Affairs
PHIL 3360 [0.5]
Philosophy, Economics, and Public Policy
PHIL 3380 [0.5]
Environments, Technology and Values
PSCI 2500 [0.5]
Gender and Politics
PSCI 3006 [0.5]
Social Power in Canadian Politics
PSYC 2301 [0.5]
Introduction to Health Psychology
SOCI 2010 [0.5]
Critical Approaches to Economic Inequality
SOCI 2020 [0.5]
Race and Ethnicity
SOCI 2030 [0.5]
Work, Industry and Occupations
SOCI 2040 [0.5]
Food, Culture and Society
SOCI 2043 [0.5]
Sociology of the Family
SOCI 2045 [0.5]
Gender and Society
SOCI 2080 [0.5]
Humans/Animals: the More-than-Human in Social Research
SOCI 2170 [0.5]
Foundations in Social Justice
SOCI 2450 [0.5]
Crime and Society
SOCI 2702 [0.5]
Power and Social Change
SOCI 2705 [0.5]
Popular Culture in the Digital Age
SOCI 3010 [0.5]
Power, Oppression and Resistance
SOCI 3019 [0.5]
Sociology of International Migration
SOCI 3020 [0.5]
Studies in Race and Ethnicity
SOCI 3030 [0.5]
Studies in Work, Industry and Occupations: Authority and Expertise
SOCI 3038 [0.5]
Studies in Urban Sociology
SOCI 3040 [0.5]
Studies in the Sociology of Gender
SOCI 3044 [0.5]
Sociology of Sex and Sexuality
SOCI 3050 [0.5]
Studies in the Sociology of Health
SOCI 3055 [0.5]
Studies in Addictions
SOCI 3056 [0.5]
Women and Health
SOCI 3060 [0.5]
Critical Disability Studies
SOCI 3170 [0.5]
Social Justice in Action
SOCI 3300 [0.5]
Studies in the Sociology of Education
SOCI 3430 [0.5]
Studies in Collective Action and Social Movements
SOCI 3480 [0.5]
Law and Social Regulation
SOCI 4040 [0.5]
Feminist Sociology of Intersectionality
SOCI 4730 [0.5]
Colonialism and Post-Colonialism
SOWK 2005 [0.5]
Values and Ethics for Social Work
SOWK 2203 [0.5]
Introduction to Social Work Practice with Groups and Communities
SOWK 3207 [0.5]
Human Rights Practice in Civil Society
SOWK 4000 [0.5]
Social Work and Indigenous Peoples
SOWK 4003 [0.5]
Advanced Social Work Practice with Communities
SXST 2101 [0.5]
Sexuality Studies: A Critical Introduction
SXST 2102 [0.5]
Sexuality, Gender, and Security
SXST 4104 [0.5]
Sexuality and Political Economy
TSES 3001 [0.5]
Technology-Society Interactions
TSES 4006 [0.5]
Technology and Society: Work
WGST 2801 [0.5]
Activism, Feminisms, and Social Justice
5. The remaining requirements of the major discipline(s) and degree must be satisfied.
Total Credits4.0


In addition to the requirements listed here, students must satisfy:

  1. the University regulations including the process of Academic Continuation Evaluation (see the Academic Regulations of the University section of this Calendar).