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MATH 5107 [0.5 credit] (MAT 5141) Algebra I: Rings and Modules

Noetherian and artinian modules and rings. Varieties, Hilbert Basis Theorem, radical ideals, Hilbert Nullstellensatz. Localization and tensor products of modules and algebras. Semisimple rings and modules, Schur's Lemma, Jacobson Density Theorem, Artin-Wedderburn Theorem. Short exact sequences. Free, projective, injective and flat modules.

MATH 5819 [0.5 credit] (MAT 5107) Discrete Applied Mathematics II: Combinatorial Enumeration

Ordinary and exponential generating functions, product formulas, permutations, rooted trees, cycle index, WZ method. Lagrange inversions, singularity analysis of generating functions and asymptotics. Selected topics from one or more of the following areas: random graphs, random combinatorial structures, hypergeometric functions.