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School of Computer Science
(Faculty of Science)
5302 Herzberg Laboratories
613-520-2600 ext. 8751

This section presents the requirements for programs in:

Program Requirements

M.C.S. Computer Science (5.0 credits)

Requirements - Thesis pathway (5.0 credits)
1.  2.5 credits in course work. Course work must include a minimum of 1.5 credits of OCICS courses in three different research areas (see OCICS course listing by research areas).2.5
2.  2.5 credits in:2.5
COMP 5905 [2.5]
M.C.S. Thesis (Each candidate submitting a thesis will be required to undertake an oral defence of the thesis.)
Total Credits5.0
Requirements - Research Project pathway (5.0 credits)
1.  4.0 credits in course work. Course work must include a minimum of 1.5 credits of OCICS courses in three different research areas (see OCICS course listing by research areas).4.0
2.  1.0 credit in Graduate project1.0
COMP 5903 [1.0]
Graduate Project (M.C.S.)
Total Credits5.0

M.C.S. Computer Science
with Collaborative Specialization in Cybersecurity (5.0 credits)

Requirements - Research Project pathway (5.0 credits)
1.  1.0 credit in:1.0
CYBR 5000 [1.0]
Science and Social Science of Cybersecurity
2.  3.0 credits in course work. Course work must include a minimum of 1.5 credits of OCICS courses in three different research areas (see OCICS course listing by research areas).3.0
4.  1.0 credit in graduate project.1.0
COMP 5903 [1.0]
Graduate Project (M.C.S.) (in the area of the specialization)
Total Credits5.0
Requirements - Thesis pathway (5.0 credits)
1.  1.0 credit in:1.0
CYBR 5000 [1.0]
Science and Social Science of Cybersecurity
2.  1.5 credits in course work. Course work must include a minimum of 1.5 credits of OCICS courses in three different research areas (see OCICS course listing by research areas).1.5
3.  2.5 credits in graduate thesis (Each candidate submitting a thesis will be required to undertake an ordal defence of the thesis).2.5
COMP 5905 [2.5]
M.C.S. Thesis (in the area of the specialization)
Total Credits5.0

M.C.S. Computer Science
with Collaborative Specialization in Data Science (5.0 credits)

Requirements - Thesis pathway (5.0 credits)
1.  0.5 credit in:0.5
DATA 5000 [0.5]
Data Science Seminar
2.  2.0 credits in course work. Course work must include a minimum of 1.5 credits of OCICS courses in at least three different research areas. See OCICS course listing by research areas.2.0
3.  2.5 credits in:2.5
COMP 5905 [2.5]
M.C.S. Thesis (M.C.S. Thesis must be in an area of Data Science and requires approval from the Institute of Data Science. Each candidate submitting a thesis will be required to undertake an oral defence of the thesis.)
Total Credits5.0

Ph.D. Computer Science (1.5 credits)

1.  1.5 credits in OCICS courses within the first 4 terms.1.5
The admission committee and the student's advisory committee may impose additional program requirements according to the student's background and research topic.
2. Requirement of two seminars.
3.  0.0 credit in: 0.0
COMP 6907 [0.0]
Doctoral Comprehensive (involving breadth and depth components, must be taken within the first 4 terms)
4.  0.0 credit in:0.0
COMP 6908 [0.0]
Doctoral Proposal (defended at an oral examination within the first 6 terms)
5.  0.0 credits in:
COMP 6909 [0.0]
Ph.D. Thesis (defended at an oral examination)
Total Credits1.5

Graduate Courses

The following graduate courses are offered by the joint Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Computer Science (OCICS). The institute comprises the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at the University of Ottawa and the School of Computer Science (SCS) at Carleton University. Typically, the courses with COMP (CSI) designation are offered by SCS and the courses with CSI (COMP) designation are offer by EECS. Note that not all of the following courses are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings or to determine the term of offering, consult The courses are grouped according to research areas as follows:

Software Engineering
COMP 5001 (CSI 5113) Foundations of Programming Languages
COMP 5104 (CSI 5314) Object-Oriented Software Development
COMP 5110 (CSI 5136) Computer Security and Usability
COMP 5113 (CSI 5350) Machine Learning for Healthcare
COMP 5116 (CSI 5155) Machine Learning
COMP 5117 (CSI 5346) Mining Software Repositories
COMP 5119 (CSI 5345) Internet of Things Security
COMP 5209 (CSI 5135) Visual Analytics
COMP 6104 (CSI 7314) Advanced Topics in Object-Oriented Systems
COMP 6603 (CSI 7161,CSI 7561) Advanced Topics in Programming Systems and Languages
CSI 5111 (COMP 5501) Software Quality Engineering
CSI 5112 (COMP 5207) Software Engineering
CSI 5115 (COMP 5503) Database Analysis and Design
CSI 5118 (COMP 5302) Automated Verification and Validation of Software
CSI 5122 (COMP 5301) Software Usability
CSI 5134 (COMP 5004) Fault Tolerance
SYSC 5101 (ELG 6111) Design of High Performance Software
SYSC 5103 (ELG 6113) Software Agents
SYSC 5105 (ELG 6115) Software Quality Engineering and Management
SYSC 5709 (ELG 6179) Advanced Topics in Software Engineering
Theory of Computing
COMP 5003 (CSI 5308) Principles of Distributed Computing
COMP 5005 (CSI 5390) Learning Systems for Random Environments
COMP 5008 (CSI 5164) Computational Geometry
COMP 5107 (CSI 5185) Statistical and Syntactic Pattern Recognition
COMP 5111 (CSI 5153) Data Management for Business Intelligence
COMP 5112 (CSI 5154) Algorithms for Data Science
COMP 5113 (CSI 5350) Machine Learning for Healthcare
COMP 5116 (CSI 5155) Machine Learning
COMP 5119 (CSI 5345) Internet of Things Security
COMP 5203 (CSI 5173) Data Networks
COMP 5306 (CSI 5100) Data Integration
COMP 5307 (CSI 5101) Knowledge Representation
COMP 5308 (CSI 5102) Topics in Medical Computing
COMP 5310 (CSI 5152) Evolving Information Networks
COMP 5408 (CSI 5121) Advanced Data Structures
COMP 5409 (CSI 5127) Applied Computational Geometry
COMP 5703 (CSI 5163) Algorithm Analysis and Design
COMP 6601 (CSI 7160) Advanced Topics in the Theory of Computing
COMP 6602 (CSI 7170,CSI 7970) Advanced Topics in Distributed Computing
CSI 5108 (COMP 5700) Software Specification and Verification
CSI 5110 (COMP 5707) Principles of Formal Software Development
CSI 5126 (COMP 5108) Algorithms in Bioinformatics
CSI 5148 (COMP 5103) Wireless Ad Hoc Networking
CSI 5149 (COMP 5007) Graphical Models
CSI 5161 (COMP 5606) Topics in System Simulation and Optimization
CSI 5165 (COMP 5709) Combinatorial Algorithms
CSI 5166 (COMP 5805) Applications of Combinatorial Optimization
CSI 5169 (COMP 5304) Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing
CSI 5174 (COMP 5604) Validation Methods for Distributed Systems
CSI 5510 (COMP 5707) Principes de developpement formel de logiciels
CSI 5526 (COMP 5108) Algorithmes en bioinformatique
CSI 5565 (COMP 5709) Algorithmes combinatoires
Computer Applications
COMP 5002 (CSI 5128) Swarm Intelligence
COMP 5100 (CSI 5180,CSI 5580) Topics in Artificial Intelligence
COMP 5110 (CSI 5136) Computer Security and Usability
COMP 5111 (CSI 5153) Data Management for Business Intelligence
COMP 5112 (CSI 5154) Algorithms for Data Science
COMP 5113 (CSI 5350) Machine Learning for Healthcare
COMP 5114 (CSI 5351) Quantum Communications and Networking
COMP 5115 (CSI 5344) Geometry Processing
COMP 5116 (CSI 5155) Machine Learning
COMP 5117 (CSI 5346) Mining Software Repositories
COMP 5118 (CSI 5347) Trends in Big Data Management
COMP 5204 (CSI 5124) Computational Aspects of Geographic Information Systems
COMP 5206 (CSI 5183) Evolutionary Computation and Artificial Life
COMP 5209 (CSI 5135) Visual Analytics
COMP 5210 (CSI 5167) Human-Computer Interaction Models, Theories, and Frameworks
COMP 5220 (CSI 5175) Mobile Commerce Technologies
COMP 5305 (CSI 5129) Advanced Database Systems
COMP 5306 (CSI 5100) Data Integration
COMP 5307 (CSI 5101) Knowledge Representation
COMP 5308 (CSI 5102) Topics in Medical Computing
COMP 5310 (CSI 5152) Evolving Information Networks
COMP 5401 (CSI 5389, CSI 5789) Electronic Commerce Technologies
COMP 5406 (CSI 5105) Network Security and Cryptography
COMP 5407 (CSI 5116) Authentication and Software Security
COMP 6604 (CSI 7162) Advanced Topics in Computer Applications
CSI 5126 (COMP 5108) Algorithms in Bioinformatics
CSI 5146 (COMP 5202) Computer Graphics
CSI 5147 (COMP 5201) Computer Animation
CSI 5151 (COMP 5205) Virtual Environments
CSI 5168 (COMP 5309) Digital Watermarking
CSI 5380 (COMP 5405) Systems and Architectures for Electronic Commerce
CSI 5386 (COMP 5505) Natural Language Processing
CSI 5387 (COMP 5706) Data Mining and Concept Learning
CSI 5388 (COMP 5801) Topics in Machine Learning
CSI 5526 (C0MP 5108) Algorithmes en bioinformatique
CSI 5580 (COMP 5100) Sujet en intelligence artificielle
CSI 5780 (COMP 5405) Systemes et architectures des logiciels pour le commerce electronique
CSI 5787 (COMP 5706) Fouille des donnees et apprentissage des concepts
Computer Systems
COMP 5003 (CSI 5308) Principles of Distributed Computing
COMP 5101 (CSI 5311) Distributed Databases and Transaction Processing Systems
COMP 5102 (CSI 5312) Distributed Operating Systems
COMP 5107 (CSI 5185) Statistical and Syntactic Pattern Recognition
COMP 5118 (CSI 5347) Trends in Big Data Management
COMP 5203 (CSI 5173) Data Networks
COMP 5305 (CSI 5129) Advanced Database Systems
COMP 5401 (CSI 5389, CSI 5789) Electronic Commerce Technologies
COMP 5402 (CSI 5142) Protocols for Mobile and Wireless Networks
COMP 5406 (CSI 5105) Network Security and Cryptography
COMP 5407 (CSI 5116) Authentication and Software Security
COMP 5704 (CSI 5131) Parallel Algorithms and Applications in Data Science
COMP 6100 (CSI 7131) Advanced Parallel and Systolic Algorithms
COMP 6602 (CSI 7170,CSI 6970) Advanced Topics in Distributed Computing
COMP 6605 (CSI 7163) Advanced Topics in Computer Systems
CSI 5134 (COMP 5004) Fault Tolerance
CSI 5147 (COMP 5201) Computer Animation
CSI 5148 (COMP 5103) Wireless Ad Hoc Networking
CSI 5161 (COMP 5606) Principles of Distributed Simulation
CSI 5168 (COMP 5309) Digital Watermarking
CSI 5169 (COMP 5304) Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing
CSI 5174 (COMP 5604) Validation Methods for Distributed Systems
CSI 5380 (COMP 5405) Systems and Architectures for Electronic Commerce
CSI 5780 (COMP 5405) Systemes et architectures des logiciels pour le commerce electronique
COMP 5220 (CSI 5175) Mobile Commerce Technologies
COMP 5900 (CSI 5140) Special Topics in Computer Science
COMP 5901 (CSI 5901) Directed Studies (M.C.S.)
COMP 5903 (CSI 6900) Graduate Project (M.C.S.)
COMP 5905 (CSI 7999) M.C.S. Thesis
COMP 5913 (CGI 6001/CGI 6002) Master's Co-operative Work Term
COMP 6901 (CSI 7901) Directed Studies (Ph.D.)
COMP 6902 (CSI 7900) Graduate Project (Ph.D.)
COMP 6907 (CSI 9998) Doctoral Comprehensive
COMP 6908 (CSI 9997) Doctoral Proposal
COMP 6909 (CSI 9999) Ph.D. Thesis