This is an archived copy of the 2013-14 calendar. To access the most recent version of the calendar, please visit

Bachelor of Architectural Studies Degree

The regulations presented in this section apply to all students in the Bachelor of Architectural Studies Honours program.

In addition to these requirements, students must satisfy the University regulations common to all undergraduate students, including the process of Academic Performance Evaluation (consult the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar)

B.A.S. Hons.

Conservation and Sustainability
Philosophy and Criticism

Students in these programs are governed by the year standing regulations described in section 4.7 of the Academic Regulations of the University section of this Calendar.

B.A.S. Hons.


Year standing for the B.A.S. Design program is defined as follows:

1st year: Admission to the program.

2nd year: Successful completion of ARCS 1105 [1.0] Studio 1 .

3rd year: Successful completion of:

ARCS 2105 [1.5]Studio 2
ARCS 2106 [1.5]Studio 3
ARCS 1005 [0.5]Drawing
ARTH 1100 [0.5]Art and Society: Prehistory to the Renaissance
ARCH 1000 [0.5]Intro. to Architecture
ARTH 1101 [0.5]Art and Society: Renaissance to the Present
ARCH 2300 [0.5]Intro. to Modern Architecture
ARCC 1202 [0.5]History of Structures
ARCC 2202 [0.5]Architectural Technology 1
ARCC 2203 [0.5]Architectural Technology 3
ARCN 2105 [0.5]Computer Modeling of Form
ARCN 2106 [0.5]Introduction to Multimedia
CIVE 2005 [0.5]Architectural Technology 2

4th year: Successful completion of ARCS 3105 [1.5] and ARCS 3106 [1.5].

October 7, 2014 09:52 AM