Department of Earth Sciences
2125 Herzberg Building
This section presents the requirements for programs in:
- M.Sc. Earth Sciences
- M.Sc. Earth Sciences with Specialization in Chemical and Environmental Toxicology
- Ph.D. Earth Sciences
- Ph.D. Earth Sciences with Specialization in Chemical and Environmental Toxicology
Program Requirements
M.Sc. Earth Sciences (5.0 credits)
Requirements: | ||
1. 1.5 credit in course work, 0.5 credit of which may be at the senior undergraduate level | 1.5 | |
2. 3.5 credits in: | 3.5 | |
ERTH 5909 [3.5] | M.Sc. Thesis (defended at an oral examination) | |
3. A pre-defence public lecture, preceding the oral examination, based on the thesis research | ||
4. 0.0 credit in: participation in the OCGC Seminar Series. Each student gives a presentation of one lecture (open to all members of the OCGC) describing the candidate's research study within 16 months of the candidate’s registration in the M.Sc. program. | ||
Total Credits | 5.0 |
M.Sc. Earth Sciences
with Specialization in Chemical and Environmental Toxicology (5.0 credits)
Requirements: | ||
1. 0.5 credit in: | 0.5 | |
Principles of Toxicology | ||
or BIOL 6403 [0.5] | Ecotoxicology | |
or CHEM 5705 [0.5] | Ecotoxicology | |
2. 0.5 credit in: | 0.5 | |
Seminar in Toxicology | ||
3. 0.5 credit in additional course work | 0.5 | |
4. 3.5 credits in: | 3.5 | |
ERTH 5909 [3.5] | M.Sc. Thesis | |
5. A pre-defence public lecture, preceding the oral examination, based on the thesis research | ||
6. 0.0 credit: participation in the OCGC Seminar Series. Each student gives a presentation of one lecture (open to all members of the OCGC) describing the candidate's research study within 16 months of the candidate’s registration in the M.Sc. program. | ||
Total Credits | 5.0 |
Ph.D. Earth Sciences (10.0 credits)
Requirements: | ||
1. 1.0 credit of course work at the graduate level. Additional courses may be prescribed by the thesis advisory committee | 1.0 | |
ERTH 6908 [0.0] | Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination (Conducted by the thesis advisory committee. Includes the presentation of a thesis proposal and involves three areas of geoscience specialization chosen by the student's advisory committee and approved by the Director of the Ottawa-Carleton Geoscience Centre) | |
2. 9.0 credits in: | 9.0 | |
ERTH 6909 [9.0] | Ph.D. Thesis (defended at an oral examination before an examination board that includes an external examiner) | |
3. A pre-defence public lecture, preceding the oral examination, based on the thesis research | 0.0 | |
4. 0.0 credit in: participation in the OCGC Seminar Series. Each student gives a presentation of one lecture (open to all members of the OCGC) describing the candidate's research study within 16 months of the candidate’s registration in the PhD. program. | 0.0 | |
5. Fulfilment of residence requirement: at least four terms of full-time study | 0.0 | |
Total Credits | 10.0 |
Ph.D. Earth Sciences
with Specialization in Chemical and Environmental Toxicology (10.0 credits)
Requirements: | ||
1. 9.0 credits in: | 9.0 | |
ERTH 6909 [9.0] | Ph.D. Thesis (a research thesis on a topic in toxicology supervised by a faculty member of the Collaborative Program in Chemical and Environmental Toxicology, defended at an oral examination before an examination board that includes an external examiner) | |
2. A pre-defence public lecture, preceding the oral examination, based on the thesis research | ||
3. 1.0 credit in: | 1.0 | |
BIOL 6402 [0.5] | Principles of Toxicology | |
or CHEM 5708 [0.5] | Principles of Toxicology | |
BIOL 6405 [1.0] | Seminar in Toxicology | |
or CHEM 5805 [1.0] | Seminar in Toxicology | |
4. 0.0 credit in: | 0.0 | |
ERTH 6908 [0.0] | Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination (Conducted by the thesis advisory committee. Includes the presentation of a thesis proposal) | |
5. 0.0 credit in: participation in the OCGC Seminar Series. Each student gives a presentation of one lecture (open to all members of the OCGC) describing the candidate's research study within 16 months of the candidate’s registration in the Ph.D. program. | 0.0 | |
6. Fulfilment of residence requirement: at least four terms of full-time study | 0.0 | |
Total Credits | 10.0 |
Earth Sciences (ERTH) Courses
Seminars in Earth Sciences I
One-term modular courses covering a spectrum of Earth Science topics and current research problems, ranging from the geology and geophysics of the solid Earth, to its surface environment and crustal resources. A minimum of four modules offered per term, three must be completed to obtain course credit. Students may not take a module for credit that is offered by their supervisor, but may do so with the permission of the OCGC Director. Choice of modules must be approved by the OCGC Director. Course complements ERTH 5002.
Seminars in Earth Sciences II
One-term modular courses covering a spectrum of Earth Science topics and current research problems, ranging from the geology and geophysics of the solid Earth, to its surface environment and crustal resources. A minimum of four modules offered per term, three must be completed to obtain course credit. Students may not take a module for credit that is offered by their supervisor, but may do so with the permission of the OCGC Director. Choice of modules must be approved by the OCGC Director. Course complements ERTH 5001.
An advanced course covering selected topics in mineralogy, such as crystallography, crystal chemistry, crystal structure, mineralogy of rock-forming mineral groups, and instrumental methods in mineralogical research, such as use of electronic optical instruments, spectroscopy, and X-ray crystallography; seminar presentations and practical exercises.
Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory, and Metamorphic Petrology
Phase equilibria, phase diagrams, and the kinetics of mineral reactions; mass transfer; regional and global aspects of metamorphic petrogenesis. Course may include one or two weeks of field-based instruction with costs borne by students.
Advanced Igneous Petrology
Integrates physical and chemical processes with the dynamics of magmatic systems to understand igneous processes. Course may involve a field trip with costs to be paid by students.
Geology and Geochemistry of Ore Deposits
Advanced aspects of geology, geochemistry, genesis, and exploration of ore deposits. Laboratory and field examination of different ore deposit types and their host rocks.
Hydrothermal Ore Deposits
Advanced economic geology course on hydrothermal ore deposits including geology and geochemistry, physical and chemical controls on mineralization, recognition and characterization of ore-fluid reservoirs, nature of large-scale fluid flow and alteration, and applications to exploration.
Natural Hazards in Canada - Risk and Impact
Overview of natural hazards and severe weather phenomena in Canada. Notions of risk, return period, and probability of occurrence of natural disasters. Impact on society and infrastructure. Mitigation policies and strategies.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as ERTH 4815, for which additional credit is precluded.
Siliciclastic Sedimentology
Origin and significance of physical sedimentary processes and structures. Analysis of ancient siliciclastic depositional environments in a facies model and sequence stratigraphic framework. Course involves lectures, seminars and field excursions.
Carbonate Sedimentology
Aspects of modern depositional systems, dynamic facies models, sequence stratigraphy, mineralogy, and diagenesis of carbonate sediments. The practical part of the course will consist of a field-laboratory project that integrates various techniques in carbonate sedimentology (mapping, petrography, staining, cathodoluminescence, fluorescence, SEM).
Extinctions, micro- and macro-evolutionary processes, long-term trends and cycles in the Phanerozoic; functional morphology; application of invertebrates to biostratigraphy, paleoceanography and paleolimnology.
Evolutionary Developmental Biology
This course explores the mechanistic basis of organismic evolution from genetic, morphogenetic and epigenetic perspectives, within a phylogenetic context of living and extinct vertebrates.
Advanced Micropaleontology
Paleobiology, biostratigraphy and paleoecology of microfossils in the context of paleoceanography, paleolimnology and paleoclimatology. Course may involve a field trip with costs to be paid by students.
Glacial and Periglacial Geology
An examination of various sedimentary environments associated with glacial and periglacial processes and their significance for mineral exploration and environmental geochemistry. Study of cold climate non-glacial conditions and the development of permafrost and permafrost-related features, including the effect of groundwater flow on permafrost distribution.
Environmental Geoscience
A study-seminar course in which students will examine, in depth, certain environmental problems, including geological hazards, mineral and energy consumption and environmental degradation. The relation between development and the environment will be considered.
Environmental Isotopes and Groundwater Geochemistry
Stable environmental isotopes (18O, 2H, 13C, 34S, 15N) in studies of groundwater origin and flow, and geothermal studies. Groundwater dating techniques involving tritium and radio-carbon, and exotic radioisotopes (e.g.,36Cl, 39Ar, 85Kr). Low temperature aqueous geochemistry and mineral solubility with emphasis on the carbonate system. Some applications to paleoclimatology will be discussed.
Techniques of Groundwater Resources Evaluation
Governing groundwater flow equations, initial and boundary conditions; simple numerical solutions (spreadsheets); complex numerical solutions (commercial software); and analytical solutions. Applications: aquifer response test analysis, capture zone analysis, groundwater flow modeling, water budgeting, and aquifer vulnerability assessment.
Geochemistry of Natural Waters
Aqueous speciation, solubility of metals, minerals and gas, reaction kinetics and equilibria. Chemistry and dynamics of groundwaters and hydrothermal fluids.
Theory of Flow and Contaminant Transport in Geological Materials
Development of governing groundwater flow equations and solute transport equations from first principles, and application of principles in case studies. Topics may include forces and potentials, fluids, geological materials, contaminants, case studies.
Reactive Transport Modelling
Introduction to the theory of numerical models and application of reactive transport models in hydrogeology. Focus will be on development of appropriate conceptual models of flow, transport and bio- and geochemical reactions and simulation of these conceptual models using reactive transport codes.
Precambrian Geology
Geology and tectonic history of the Canadian Shield, emphasizing modern four-dimensional interpretations (2D mapping, depth, time); comparison and correlation with other Precambrian shields; global Precambrian tectonic evolution through review of continental reconstructions; Precambrian mineral deposits; field trips and research projects.
Computer Techniques in the Earth Sciences
A practical course in the application of computer techniques in the acquisition and interpretation of geoscientific data. Topics may include: remote sensing and geographic information systems; geostatistical analysis techniques; analysis and modeling of geoscientific data.
Tectonic Processes Emphasizing Geochronology and Metamorphism
Applications of empirical, analytical and quantitative techniques to problems in regional geology and crustal tectonics; orogenic processes; heat and metamorphism; isotopic geochronology as applied to thermal history.
Chemistry of the Earth
An examination of the composition of the mantle and crust in selected tectonic settings, such as subduction zones and hot spots. Topics may include how geochemical data constrain geodynamic settings of study areas.
Stable Isotope Geochemistry
Mechanisms of isotope fractionation in nature; physical and chemical isotope fractionation, kinetic isotope effects. Variation of stable isotope ratios (hydrogen, carbon, oxygen and sulphur) in nature. Preparation techniques of natural samples for isotope analysis. Applications of stable isotopes to study magma genesis, ore genesis, nature of water and formation fluids and sedimentary environments.
Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry
Nucleosynthesis; chemical differentiation of the Earth. Evolution of large-scale isotopic reservoirs. Isotopic tracers (143Nd/144Nd, 87Sr/86Sr, common Pb). Geochronology; fundamentals and application of Sm/Nd, Rb/Sr, U/Pb, K/Ar and Lu/Hf methods. Evolution of the solid Earth from the isotopic perspective.
Physics of the Earth
The physics and dynamics of the solid Earth: seismology; gravitational and magnetic fields, thermal state. Geophysical constraints on the structure and composition of the interior. Geodynamic processes.
Structural Geology
Deformation processes and the analysis of geological structures at all scales.
Dynamic and geological aspects of plate tectonics throughout Earth history.
Engineering Seismology
Seismological topics with engineering applications. Characterization of seismicity and seismic sources (areas and faults). Seismic hazard analysis. Empirical and theoretical modeling of strong ground motion in time and frequency domain.
Earthquake Signal Processing
Theoretical and practical aspects of earthquake signal processing, seismic instrumentation, instrument response and application of spectral analysis and response spectra.
Research Topics in Earth Sciences
Directed reading/field/laboratory studies unrelated to thesis research, under the guidance of directors other than the thesis supervisor. A written proposal including research plan, deliverables, and evaluation, must be submitted for departmental approval prior to registration. Written report required.
Field Studies
Field investigations of geological problems, unrelated to thesis research, under the guidance of directors other than the thesis supervisor. Minimum of fifteen days field work. A written proposal including research plan, deliverables, and evaluation must be submitted for departmental approval prior to registration.
M.Sc. Geoscience Seminar
Participation in the Geoscience Seminar Series.
Ph.D. Geoscience Seminar
Participation in the Geoscience Seminar Series.
M.Sc. Thesis
A thesis proposal must be approved by the research advisory committee by the end of the first year of registration.
Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination
The Comprehensive Examination involves a thesis proposal and oral examination in three different areas of specialization. Students will receive a grade of Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory or Pass with Distinction. This exam is taken within the first twelve months of registration in the program.
Ph.D. Thesis
A thesis proposal must be approved by the research advisory committee by the end of the first year of registration.
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca
Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca
See the General Regulations section of this Calendar.
A grade of B- or higher is required for each course counted towards the Master's degree.