Sociology (SOCI) Courses
SOCI 1001 [0.5 credit]
Introduction to Sociology I
Introduction to the comparative study of social groups, classes and institutions. The main emphasis is on industrialized societies with special attention given to Canadian society.
Introduction to Sociology I
Introduction to the comparative study of social groups, classes and institutions. The main emphasis is on industrialized societies with special attention given to Canadian society.
SOCI 1002 [0.5 credit]
Introduction to Sociology II
Sociological inquiry into current issues in Canadian society. Topics may include gender, racial and class inequality, health, education, crime, environment, urbanization and globalization.
Introduction to Sociology II
Sociological inquiry into current issues in Canadian society. Topics may include gender, racial and class inequality, health, education, crime, environment, urbanization and globalization.
Precludes additional credit for SOCI 1000 (no longer offered), SOCI 1003 [1.0], SOCI 1005.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001.
Lectures three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001.
Lectures three hours a week.
SOCI 1003 [1.0 credit]
Introduction to Sociological Perspectives
Introduction to the comparative study of social groups, classes and institutions. The main emphasis is on industrialized societies with special attention given to Canadian societies.
Introduction to Sociological Perspectives
Introduction to the comparative study of social groups, classes and institutions. The main emphasis is on industrialized societies with special attention given to Canadian societies.
SOCI 1005 [0.5 credit]
Sociology for Bachelor of Commerce Students
The origins of sociology, why sociology matters, and how it is practiced. Concepts such as class, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, work, organization, and social movements help students develop their sociological 'eye' for thinking critically about society and their place within it.
Sociology for Bachelor of Commerce Students
The origins of sociology, why sociology matters, and how it is practiced. Concepts such as class, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, work, organization, and social movements help students develop their sociological 'eye' for thinking critically about society and their place within it.
Precludes additional credit for SOCI 1002.
Prerequisite(s): restricted to B.Com. students.
Lectures three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): restricted to B.Com. students.
Lectures three hours a week.
SOCI 2000 [0.5 credit]
Introduction to Sociological Inquiry
This course introduces students to sociological research. Students will learn about the different approaches to sociological research and the epistemological foundations of various methodologies. Topics may include research ethics, the connections between theory and method, and the strengths and limitations of different research strategies.
Introduction to Sociological Inquiry
This course introduces students to sociological research. Students will learn about the different approaches to sociological research and the epistemological foundations of various methodologies. Topics may include research ethics, the connections between theory and method, and the strengths and limitations of different research strategies.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003.
Lecture/discussion groups three hours per week.
Lecture/discussion groups three hours per week.
SOCI 2001 [0.5 credit]
Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods
Introduction to the theory and practice of qualitative sociological research. Topics may include: the logic of the research process; qualitative research and research design; data collection and analysis; ethics; historical development of qualitative methods; key historical and contemporary research projects using qualitative methods.
Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods
Introduction to the theory and practice of qualitative sociological research. Topics may include: the logic of the research process; qualitative research and research design; data collection and analysis; ethics; historical development of qualitative methods; key historical and contemporary research projects using qualitative methods.
Precludes additional credit for SOCI 2003.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0].
Lectures and workshop three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0].
Lectures and workshop three hours a week.
SOCI 2005 [1.0 credit]
Classical Sociological Theory
Theoretical approaches to the study of sociology within their historical, social and intellectual contexts. Particular attention to original texts by Marx, Weber, and Durkheim, among others.
Classical Sociological Theory
Theoretical approaches to the study of sociology within their historical, social and intellectual contexts. Particular attention to original texts by Marx, Weber, and Durkheim, among others.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0].
Lectures and workshop three hours a week.
Lectures and workshop three hours a week.
SOCI 2010 [0.5 credit]
Power and Stratification
Theoretical and empirical examination of social class, with an emphasis upon Canada. Topics relating to class might include education, health care, politics, and labour force participation.
Power and Stratification
Theoretical and empirical examination of social class, with an emphasis upon Canada. Topics relating to class might include education, health care, politics, and labour force participation.
Precludes additional credit for SOCI 3405 and SOCI 3407.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0].
Lectures three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0].
Lectures three hours a week.
SOCI 2020 [0.5 credit]
Race and Ethnicity
Introduction to some of the recent theoretical literature and research on the issues of race, racism and ethnicity. Concepts, controversies and definitions dealing with race and ethnicity from the Canadian context and internationally.
Race and Ethnicity
Introduction to some of the recent theoretical literature and research on the issues of race, racism and ethnicity. Concepts, controversies and definitions dealing with race and ethnicity from the Canadian context and internationally.
SOCI 2030 [0.5 credit]
Work, Industry and Occupations
An analysis of work practices and settings in societies. Topics of interest include the development of industrial and postindustrial societies; the experience of work, the structuring of work in organizations and in the society; conflict, resistance and labour relations, and the impact of new technologies.
Work, Industry and Occupations
An analysis of work practices and settings in societies. Topics of interest include the development of industrial and postindustrial societies; the experience of work, the structuring of work in organizations and in the society; conflict, resistance and labour relations, and the impact of new technologies.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0].
Lectures and workshop three hours a week.
Lectures and workshop three hours a week.
SOCI 2035 [0.5 credit]
Technology, Culture and Society
Introduction to the principal theories and methods used by Science and Technology Studies (STS) scholars to examine the social and cultural shaping of technology. The substantive focus of the course is on the design, development, production, diffusion, consumption and use of technology.
Technology, Culture and Society
Introduction to the principal theories and methods used by Science and Technology Studies (STS) scholars to examine the social and cultural shaping of technology. The substantive focus of the course is on the design, development, production, diffusion, consumption and use of technology.
Also listed as DIGH 2035.
Prerequisite(s): ANTH 1001 or ANTH 1002 or ANTH 1003 [1.0], or 1.0 credit at the 1000-level in SOCI, ENGL, GEOG, HIST, HUMR, INDG, PSCI, RELI or WGST.
Lectures and workshop three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): ANTH 1001 or ANTH 1002 or ANTH 1003 [1.0], or 1.0 credit at the 1000-level in SOCI, ENGL, GEOG, HIST, HUMR, INDG, PSCI, RELI or WGST.
Lectures and workshop three hours a week.
SOCI 2040 [0.5 credit]
Food, Culture and Society
The sociological analysis of food and eating. The relationship between food and identity; the development of social movements organized around food; and more generally, on practices relating to the production, preparation, and consumption of food.
Food, Culture and Society
The sociological analysis of food and eating. The relationship between food and identity; the development of social movements organized around food; and more generally, on practices relating to the production, preparation, and consumption of food.
Prerequisite(s): ANTH 1001 or ANTH 1002 or ANTH 1003 [1.0], or 1.0 credit at the 1000-level in SOCI, ENGL, GEOG, HIST, HUMR, INDG, PSCI, RELI or WGST.
Lectures and workshop three hours a week.
Lectures and workshop three hours a week.
SOCI 2043 [0.5 credit]
Sociology of the Family
Examination of contemporary marriage and family life with emphasis on Canadian society. Current perspectives on how family is conceptualized and changing trends in the social institution of family are highlighted.
Sociology of the Family
Examination of contemporary marriage and family life with emphasis on Canadian society. Current perspectives on how family is conceptualized and changing trends in the social institution of family are highlighted.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0].
Lectures and workshop three hours a week.
Lectures and workshop three hours a week.
SOCI 2045 [0.5 credit]
Gender and Society
How gender and gender relations play out in everyday lives, and how people resist, reproduce, or reinforce gender norms. Considers how gender shapes experiences of family, school, work, media, relationships, bodies, violence, etc. Canadian and global cases are examined.
Gender and Society
How gender and gender relations play out in everyday lives, and how people resist, reproduce, or reinforce gender norms. Considers how gender shapes experiences of family, school, work, media, relationships, bodies, violence, etc. Canadian and global cases are examined.
Precludes additional credit for SOCI 2407 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0].
Lectures and workshop three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0].
Lectures and workshop three hours a week.
SOCI 2050 [0.5 credit]
Sociology of Health
Critical approach to understanding health, illness and healthcare and the extent to which social, cultural, political and economic factors affect our health, our experiences with illness, and our encounters with healthcare systems.
Sociology of Health
Critical approach to understanding health, illness and healthcare and the extent to which social, cultural, political and economic factors affect our health, our experiences with illness, and our encounters with healthcare systems.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0].
Lectures and workshop three hours a week.
Lectures and workshop three hours a week.
SOCI 2150 [0.5 credit]
Social Psychology
Relationship between the individual and the social system. Emphasis on integrating individual and social approaches. Topics include attitudes, cognition, motivations, group processes such as socialization, symbolic interaction, coercion, conformity, leadership, cohesion.
Social Psychology
Relationship between the individual and the social system. Emphasis on integrating individual and social approaches. Topics include attitudes, cognition, motivations, group processes such as socialization, symbolic interaction, coercion, conformity, leadership, cohesion.
Precludes additional credit for PSYC 2100.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0].
Lectures and workshop three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0].
Lectures and workshop three hours a week.
SOCI 2160 [0.5 credit]
War and Society
Sociological theory and research on large-scale conflict. How society and culture shape warfare through processes of socialization, bureaucratization, and ideological representation. Social impacts of war in terms of gender, race and ethnicity, class relations, and cultural values.
War and Society
Sociological theory and research on large-scale conflict. How society and culture shape warfare through processes of socialization, bureaucratization, and ideological representation. Social impacts of war in terms of gender, race and ethnicity, class relations, and cultural values.
Prerequisite(s): second-year standing.
Lectures and workshop three hours a week.
Lectures and workshop three hours a week.
SOCI 2170 [0.5 credit]
Foundations in Social Justice
Introduction to the study of social justice and the theorization of social justice sociology. Critical examination of resistance to oppression, social movements and solidarity both in Canada and transnationally. Exploration of the relationship between the university and community-based action.
Foundations in Social Justice
Introduction to the study of social justice and the theorization of social justice sociology. Critical examination of resistance to oppression, social movements and solidarity both in Canada and transnationally. Exploration of the relationship between the university and community-based action.
SOCI 2200 [0.5 credit]
Canadian Society
Theoretical and empirical examination of Canadian social structure. Substantive topics might include demographics, inequalities, the state and social movements.
Canadian Society
Theoretical and empirical examination of Canadian social structure. Substantive topics might include demographics, inequalities, the state and social movements.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0].
Lectures and workshop three hours a week.
Lectures and workshop three hours a week.
SOCI 2445 [0.5 credit]
Sociology of Deviance
The construction of deviant behaviour and the consequences of such construction for both deviant and conforming persons. Emphasis upon deviance as a normal and necessary result of the socio-cultural processes resulting from, and affecting the activities of a viable society.
Sociology of Deviance
The construction of deviant behaviour and the consequences of such construction for both deviant and conforming persons. Emphasis upon deviance as a normal and necessary result of the socio-cultural processes resulting from, and affecting the activities of a viable society.
Precludes additional credit for SOCI 2505.
Prerequisite(s): grade of C- or higher in SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or in ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0].
Lectures and workshop three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): grade of C- or higher in SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or in ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0].
Lectures and workshop three hours a week.
SOCI 2450 [0.5 credit]
The study of the criminal justice system response to crime and deviance. Institutional arrangements are examined as are the policies and programs by which society reacts to crime.
The study of the criminal justice system response to crime and deviance. Institutional arrangements are examined as are the policies and programs by which society reacts to crime.
Precludes additional credit for SOCI 2701.
Prerequisite(s): grade of C- or higher in SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or in ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0].
Lectures and workshop three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): grade of C- or higher in SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or in ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0].
Lectures and workshop three hours a week.
SOCI 2702 [0.5 credit]
Power and Everyday Life
A thematic investigation of the intersection of relations of power and culture in everyday life. Topics may include leisure, consumption, identity, fashion, sexuality, tourism, health, skills, pollution and work.
Power and Everyday Life
A thematic investigation of the intersection of relations of power and culture in everyday life. Topics may include leisure, consumption, identity, fashion, sexuality, tourism, health, skills, pollution and work.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0].
Lectures three hours a week.
Lectures three hours a week.
SOCI 2705 [0.5 credit]
Popular Culture in the Digital Age
An examination of various approaches to analyzing digital media and their role in the production and consumption of contemporary cultural forms and practices. Students will reflect upon their use of digital media and the influence they have on their lives and popular culture, more generally.
Popular Culture in the Digital Age
An examination of various approaches to analyzing digital media and their role in the production and consumption of contemporary cultural forms and practices. Students will reflect upon their use of digital media and the influence they have on their lives and popular culture, more generally.
Also listed as DIGH 2705.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002 or SOCI 1003 [1.0] or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002 or ANTH 1003 [1.0].
Lecture three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002 or SOCI 1003 [1.0] or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002 or ANTH 1003 [1.0].
Lecture three hours a week.
SOCI 2810 [0.5 credit]
Selected Topics in Sociology
Selected topics in sociology not ordinarily treated in the regular course program. The choice of topics varies from year to year. Students should check with the Department regarding the topic offered.
Selected Topics in Sociology
Selected topics in sociology not ordinarily treated in the regular course program. The choice of topics varies from year to year. Students should check with the Department regarding the topic offered.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003, or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003.
Lecture/discussion groups three hours a week.
Lecture/discussion groups three hours a week.
SOCI 2820 [0.5 credit]
Selected Topics in Sociology
Selected topics in sociology not ordinarily treated in the regular course program. The choice of topics varies from year to year. Students should check with the Department regarding the topic offered.
Selected Topics in Sociology
Selected topics in sociology not ordinarily treated in the regular course program. The choice of topics varies from year to year. Students should check with the Department regarding the topic offered.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0].
Lecture three hours a week.
Lecture three hours a week.
SOCI 2910 [0.5 credit]
Course-Related Tutorials in Sociology
Consult the Department for information.
Course-Related Tutorials in Sociology
Consult the Department for information.
SOCI 2920 [0.5 credit]
Course-Related Tutorials in Sociology
Consult the Department for information.
Course-Related Tutorials in Sociology
Consult the Department for information.
SOCI 3000 [0.5 credit]
Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods
Students will learn about issues of research design, univariate and bivariate analysis, the Chi-square test of significance and measures of association, as well as the relationship between samples and populations.
Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods
Students will learn about issues of research design, univariate and bivariate analysis, the Chi-square test of significance and measures of association, as well as the relationship between samples and populations.
Precludes additional credit for SOCI 2002.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002 or SOCI 1003 [1.0].
Lectures and computer lab three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002 or SOCI 1003 [1.0].
Lectures and computer lab three hours a week.
SOCI 3002 [0.5 credit]
Quantitative Methods: Research Design and Data Analysis
Introduction to multivariate statistics in sociology. Descriptive statistics, foundations of statistical inference, overview of selected hypothesis tests, bivariate correlations and regression, introduction to multiple regression. Analysis of sociological data using SPSS.
Quantitative Methods: Research Design and Data Analysis
Introduction to multivariate statistics in sociology. Descriptive statistics, foundations of statistical inference, overview of selected hypothesis tests, bivariate correlations and regression, introduction to multiple regression. Analysis of sociological data using SPSS.
Precludes additional credit for SOCI 3003.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 3000 or CRCJ 3001 and third-year standing.
Lecture/discussion groups three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 3000 or CRCJ 3001 and third-year standing.
Lecture/discussion groups three hours a week.
SOCI 3004 [0.5 credit]
Qualitative Research: Approaches and Strategies
Introduction to qualitative research design, data collection, and data analysis. Topics may include: sampling, data collection methods, archival research, computer assisted qualitative data analysis (e.g. NVivo, Atlas, Ti), research values and ethics, epistemological issues in research. reflexivity; writing up qualitative research.
Qualitative Research: Approaches and Strategies
Introduction to qualitative research design, data collection, and data analysis. Topics may include: sampling, data collection methods, archival research, computer assisted qualitative data analysis (e.g. NVivo, Atlas, Ti), research values and ethics, epistemological issues in research. reflexivity; writing up qualitative research.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 2001 and third-year standing.
SOCI 3005 [1.0 credit]
Contemporary Sociological Theory
Developments in theoretical sociology since the mid-twentieth century such as systems theory, structuralism and post-structuralism, ethnomethodology, feminism and modern Marxism.
Contemporary Sociological Theory
Developments in theoretical sociology since the mid-twentieth century such as systems theory, structuralism and post-structuralism, ethnomethodology, feminism and modern Marxism.
Precludes additional credit for SOCI 4006.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 2005 and third-year standing.
Lectures and discussion three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 2005 and third-year standing.
Lectures and discussion three hours a week.
SOCI 3010 [0.5 credit]
Studies in Power and Stratification
Theoretical and empirical examination of the bases of structured inequality. Topics might include, in cross-national perspective, social class, gender, race and ethnicity, and age.
Studies in Power and Stratification
Theoretical and empirical examination of the bases of structured inequality. Topics might include, in cross-national perspective, social class, gender, race and ethnicity, and age.
SOCI 3019 [0.5 credit]
Sociology of International Migration
This course draws from global and interdisciplinary theoretical perspectives to examine primarily though not exclusively Canadian immigration policy and the socio-historical forces shaping policy, migration patterns, permanent, temporary and circular migration, the experiences of immigrants, refugees and migrants; and diasporic and transnational communities and identities.
Sociology of International Migration
This course draws from global and interdisciplinary theoretical perspectives to examine primarily though not exclusively Canadian immigration policy and the socio-historical forces shaping policy, migration patterns, permanent, temporary and circular migration, the experiences of immigrants, refugees and migrants; and diasporic and transnational communities and identities.
Prerequisite(s): 1.0 credit from: (SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002) or SOCI 1003 [1.0] or (ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002) or ANTH 1003 [1.0], and third year standing.
SOCI 3020 [0.5 credit]
Studies in Race and Ethnicity
Race, racism and ethnicity in Canada and internationally. Critical perspectives on race and ethnicity, which intersect with other social relations. Racism, Eurocentrism, Orientalism, nationalism, colonialism, international migration, citizenship, and diasporic cultures.
Studies in Race and Ethnicity
Race, racism and ethnicity in Canada and internationally. Critical perspectives on race and ethnicity, which intersect with other social relations. Racism, Eurocentrism, Orientalism, nationalism, colonialism, international migration, citizenship, and diasporic cultures.
Also listed as ANTH 3020.
Prerequisite(s): second-year standing or permission of the instructor.
Lectures three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): second-year standing or permission of the instructor.
Lectures three hours a week.
SOCI 3027 [0.5 credit]
Globalization and Human Rights
Examination of the various dimensions and meanings of globalization and its relationship with human rights, with emphasis on the implications of the emerging global economy for economic, social, political and cultural rights.
Globalization and Human Rights
Examination of the various dimensions and meanings of globalization and its relationship with human rights, with emphasis on the implications of the emerging global economy for economic, social, political and cultural rights.
Also listed as ANTH 3027, PSCI 3802.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0], and third-year standing.
Lectures three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0], and third-year standing.
Lectures three hours a week.
SOCI 3030 [0.5 credit]
Studies in Work, Industry and Occupations: Authority and Expertise
The nature and place of expert knowledge in societies. The development of the practices and organization of the professions and their relation to social stratification, the state, patriarchy and gender; the systematic development of knowledge in societies.
Studies in Work, Industry and Occupations: Authority and Expertise
The nature and place of expert knowledge in societies. The development of the practices and organization of the professions and their relation to social stratification, the state, patriarchy and gender; the systematic development of knowledge in societies.
Precludes additional credit for SOCI 2508.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing.
Lectures three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing.
Lectures three hours a week.
SOCI 3035 [0.5 credit]
Science, Culture and Society: Social Studies of Science
Principal theories and methods used by Science and Technology Studies scholars to examine the social construction of scientific knowledge. Topics may include the demarcation of science from non-science, the relationship between experts and laypersons, and the study of scientific controversies.
Science, Culture and Society: Social Studies of Science
Principal theories and methods used by Science and Technology Studies scholars to examine the social construction of scientific knowledge. Topics may include the demarcation of science from non-science, the relationship between experts and laypersons, and the study of scientific controversies.
Also listed as ANTH 3035.
Prerequisite(s): second-year standing or permission of the instructor.
Lecture three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): second-year standing or permission of the instructor.
Lecture three hours a week.
SOCI 3038 [0.5 credit]
Studies in Urban Sociology
Issues related to people and the urban environment, including the historical process of urbanization, rural-urban transition, the diffusion of urban values and life styles, contemporary urban problems such as urban renewal, pollution and the pressures of the urban environment on social institutions.
Studies in Urban Sociology
Issues related to people and the urban environment, including the historical process of urbanization, rural-urban transition, the diffusion of urban values and life styles, contemporary urban problems such as urban renewal, pollution and the pressures of the urban environment on social institutions.
Precludes additional credit for SOCI 2504.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0], and third-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0], and third-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.
SOCI 3040 [0.5 credit]
Studies in the Sociology of Gender
Sociological and feminist perspectives; applied understandings of gender, gender relations; women's and men's lives in contemporary Canadian society and in historical and cross-cultural terms. Multiple intersections between gender, race, ethnicity, class and sexuality.
Studies in the Sociology of Gender
Sociological and feminist perspectives; applied understandings of gender, gender relations; women's and men's lives in contemporary Canadian society and in historical and cross-cultural terms. Multiple intersections between gender, race, ethnicity, class and sexuality.
SOCI 3044 [0.5 credit]
Sociology of Sex and Sexuality
Key concepts of sex, sexuality, gender, eroticism and pleasure. The history of sex and sexuality with reference to heterosexuality. The regulation of sexual relations and practices. Why are sex and morals linked? Sex and marriage: monogamy and serial monogamy. Sex, love and intimacy. The sexual revolution and the possibility of sexual equality.
Sociology of Sex and Sexuality
Key concepts of sex, sexuality, gender, eroticism and pleasure. The history of sex and sexuality with reference to heterosexuality. The regulation of sexual relations and practices. Why are sex and morals linked? Sex and marriage: monogamy and serial monogamy. Sex, love and intimacy. The sexual revolution and the possibility of sexual equality.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0] or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0].
Lectures and discussion three hours a week.
Lectures and discussion three hours a week.
SOCI 3045 [0.5 credit]
Children and Childhood in a Globalized World
A socio-historical and cross-cultural exploration of constructions, deconstructions, and the experience of childhood in Canada and internationally. Compulsory schooling, child labour, protection and regulation in law, the commodification and equalization of childhood, children's social movements, and the emergence of children's rights discourses.
Children and Childhood in a Globalized World
A socio-historical and cross-cultural exploration of constructions, deconstructions, and the experience of childhood in Canada and internationally. Compulsory schooling, child labour, protection and regulation in law, the commodification and equalization of childhood, children's social movements, and the emergence of children's rights discourses.
Also listed as ANTH 3045.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0], and third-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0], and third-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.
SOCI 3050 [0.5 credit]
Studies in the Sociology of Health
Current theory and research on health, disease and social responses to health issues. Topics include population differences incidence and prevalence of morbidity and mortality, access to care and government health policy. Focus upon cultural definitions of health and their consequences for health promotion practices.
Studies in the Sociology of Health
Current theory and research on health, disease and social responses to health issues. Topics include population differences incidence and prevalence of morbidity and mortality, access to care and government health policy. Focus upon cultural definitions of health and their consequences for health promotion practices.
Precludes additional credit for SOCI 3705.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0], and third-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0], and third-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.
SOCI 3055 [0.5 credit]
Studies in Addictions
Survey of alcohol and other drug use in cross-cultural and sub-group perspectives. Relationships between culture, social structure and patterns of use of psychoactive substances. Topics may include: substance use and the life cycle; gender and psychoactive substances; problem and non-problem use.
Studies in Addictions
Survey of alcohol and other drug use in cross-cultural and sub-group perspectives. Relationships between culture, social structure and patterns of use of psychoactive substances. Topics may include: substance use and the life cycle; gender and psychoactive substances; problem and non-problem use.
Precludes additional credit for SOCI 3001.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0], and third-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0], and third-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.
SOCI 3056 [0.5 credit]
Women and Health
Women's health issues and how they relate to social, political and economic factors. The intersection of gender, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation and able-bodiedness with women's health.
Women and Health
Women's health issues and how they relate to social, political and economic factors. The intersection of gender, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation and able-bodiedness with women's health.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002 or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001and ANTH 1002 or ANTH 1003 [1.0], and third-year standing.
Seminar 3 hours per week.
Seminar 3 hours per week.
SOCI 3100 [0.5 credit]
Situation, Sense and Sociation
Analysis of the influence of one of the senses (space, movement, touch, scent, taste, vision, hearing) on sociation. Multiple sections may be offered in a term.
Situation, Sense and Sociation
Analysis of the influence of one of the senses (space, movement, touch, scent, taste, vision, hearing) on sociation. Multiple sections may be offered in a term.
SOCI 3160 [0.5 credit]
Political Violence
Sociological examination of political violence. Theoretical analysis of violence as social action that is historically situated and shaped by cultural and economic forces; the relationship between political violence and identity, nation/nationalism, modernity and globalisation.
Political Violence
Sociological examination of political violence. Theoretical analysis of violence as social action that is historically situated and shaped by cultural and economic forces; the relationship between political violence and identity, nation/nationalism, modernity and globalisation.
Prerequisite(s): third year standing.
Lectures and workshop three hours a week.
Lectures and workshop three hours a week.
SOCI 3170 [0.5 credit]
Social Justice in Action
Current debates in social justice theory and practice. The course includes substantial engagement with community actors, including activists and advocates as guest speakers. Students will be exposed to social justice principles applied in the community through a variety of approaches.
Social Justice in Action
Current debates in social justice theory and practice. The course includes substantial engagement with community actors, including activists and advocates as guest speakers. Students will be exposed to social justice principles applied in the community through a variety of approaches.
SOCI 3210 [0.5 credit]
Selected Topics in Sociology
Selected topics in sociology not ordinarily treated in the regular course program. The choice of topics varies from year to year. Students should check with the Department regarding the topic offered.
Selected Topics in Sociology
Selected topics in sociology not ordinarily treated in the regular course program. The choice of topics varies from year to year. Students should check with the Department regarding the topic offered.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0], and third-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.
Lecture three hours a week.
SOCI 3220 [0.5 credit]
Selected Topics in Sociology
Selected topics in sociology not ordinarily treated in the regular course program. The choice of topics varies from year to year. Students should check with the Department regarding the topic offered.
Selected Topics in Sociology
Selected topics in sociology not ordinarily treated in the regular course program. The choice of topics varies from year to year. Students should check with the Department regarding the topic offered.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0], and third-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.
Lecture three hours a week.
SOCI 3300 [0.5 credit]
Studies in the Sociology of Education
Critical analysis of selected work in educational sociology. Topics may include sociological theories of education, school ethnography, contemporary educational policy and practice. Note: Topic will vary in keeping with the interests of students and instructor.
Studies in the Sociology of Education
Critical analysis of selected work in educational sociology. Topics may include sociological theories of education, school ethnography, contemporary educational policy and practice. Note: Topic will vary in keeping with the interests of students and instructor.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0], and third-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.
Lecture three hours a week.
SOCI 3400 [0.5 credit]
Studies in Criminal Justice Policy
An examination of criminal justice policy in Canada with an emphasis on conflicting ideologies and the dynamics of policy-making decisions. Consideration is given to the relationship between criminal justice policy and other aspects of social change.
Studies in Criminal Justice Policy
An examination of criminal justice policy in Canada with an emphasis on conflicting ideologies and the dynamics of policy-making decisions. Consideration is given to the relationship between criminal justice policy and other aspects of social change.
Precludes additional credit for SOCI 3703.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 2445 and SOCI 2450 and third-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 2445 and SOCI 2450 and third-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.
SOCI 3410 [0.5 credit]
Studies in Criminal Justice
Developments in criminal justice are examined in the context of broader social issues. Particular emphasis will be placed on contemporary developments in criminal justice institutions, programs and practices.
Studies in Criminal Justice
Developments in criminal justice are examined in the context of broader social issues. Particular emphasis will be placed on contemporary developments in criminal justice institutions, programs and practices.
Precludes additional credit for SOCI 3808.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 2445 and SOCI 2450 and third-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 2445 and SOCI 2450 and third-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.
SOCI 3420 [0.5 credit]
Studies in Gender and Criminal Justice
An overview of current issues related to women as both perpetrators and victims of crime and the Canadian criminal justice system's response to them. Topics may include woman abuse, sexual assault, and federally sentenced women.
Studies in Gender and Criminal Justice
An overview of current issues related to women as both perpetrators and victims of crime and the Canadian criminal justice system's response to them. Topics may include woman abuse, sexual assault, and federally sentenced women.
Precludes additional credit for SOCI 3201.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], and SOCI 2450 and third-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], and SOCI 2450 and third-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.
SOCI 3430 [0.5 credit]
Studies in Collective Action and Social Movements
Survey of the the effects of collective action on social change. Topics may include social movements, protest and activism, crowds, fads rumour or gossip.
Studies in Collective Action and Social Movements
Survey of the the effects of collective action on social change. Topics may include social movements, protest and activism, crowds, fads rumour or gossip.
Precludes additional credit for SOCI 3408.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0], and third-year standing. SOCI 2150 is recommended but not required.
Lecture three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0], and third-year standing. SOCI 2150 is recommended but not required.
Lecture three hours a week.
SOCI 3450 [0.5 credit]
Studies in Law Enforcement
A comparative examination of contemporary law enforcement. Topics may include public versus private policing, centralized versus decentralized policing, and transnational policing.
Studies in Law Enforcement
A comparative examination of contemporary law enforcement. Topics may include public versus private policing, centralized versus decentralized policing, and transnational policing.
Precludes additional credit for SOCI 3507.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 2450 and third-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 2450 and third-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.
SOCI 3480 [0.5 credit]
Studies in the Sociology of Law
Development of law in relation to modernity and capitalism through the theories of Marx, Durkheim, Weber and Foucault.
Studies in the Sociology of Law
Development of law in relation to modernity and capitalism through the theories of Marx, Durkheim, Weber and Foucault.
Also listed as LAWS 3106.
Precludes additional credit for SOCI 3801.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0], and third-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.
Precludes additional credit for SOCI 3801.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0], and third-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.
SOCI 3570 [0.5 credit]
Studies in Art, Culture and Society
Thematic investigation of genres, forms and styles of art, culture and society. Topics may include current debates on social structure and artistic creativity; ideology, cultural memory and politics, patronage and art; cross-cultural representations, taste, social mobility and art; modernism and the avant-garde.
Studies in Art, Culture and Society
Thematic investigation of genres, forms and styles of art, culture and society. Topics may include current debates on social structure and artistic creativity; ideology, cultural memory and politics, patronage and art; cross-cultural representations, taste, social mobility and art; modernism and the avant-garde.
Also listed as ANTH 3570.
Prerequisite(s): second-year standing or permission of the instructor.
Lecture three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): second-year standing or permission of the instructor.
Lecture three hours a week.
SOCI 3710 [0.5 credit]
Introduction to Cultural Studies
Research and theory in the interdisciplinary area of Cultural Studies. Contemporary cultural change in the advanced industrialized societies and its impact on everyday life.
Introduction to Cultural Studies
Research and theory in the interdisciplinary area of Cultural Studies. Contemporary cultural change in the advanced industrialized societies and its impact on everyday life.
Precludes additional credit for ANTH 3710.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0], and third-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0], and third-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.
SOCI 3780 [0.5 credit]
Studies in Power and Everyday Life
Continuing inquiry into the relations between power and various facets of everyday life. Topics may include consumption, leisure, identity, fashion, food, tourism, health and popular culture.
Studies in Power and Everyday Life
Continuing inquiry into the relations between power and various facets of everyday life. Topics may include consumption, leisure, identity, fashion, food, tourism, health and popular culture.
Precludes additional credit for ANTH 3780.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0], and third-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0], and third-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.
SOCI 3805 [0.5 credit]
Studies in Population
Introduction to historical and recent debates on population growth. Examination of changes in marriage, fertility, mortality and migration from an international perspective. Causes and consequences of demographic change.
Studies in Population
Introduction to historical and recent debates on population growth. Examination of changes in marriage, fertility, mortality and migration from an international perspective. Causes and consequences of demographic change.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 2002.
Lecture three hours a week.
Lecture three hours a week.
SOCI 3810 [0.5 credit]
Studies in Social Policy
A critical examination of selected areas of social policy. Topics might include health care, education, and aboriginal policies.
Studies in Social Policy
A critical examination of selected areas of social policy. Topics might include health care, education, and aboriginal policies.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], and third-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.
Lecture three hours a week.
SOCI 3910 [0.5 credit]
Course-Related Tutorials in Sociology
Consult the Department for information, as departmental permission is required.
Course-Related Tutorials in Sociology
Consult the Department for information, as departmental permission is required.
SOCI 3920 [0.5 credit]
Course-Related Tutorials in Sociology
Consult the Department for information, as departmental permission is required.
Course-Related Tutorials in Sociology
Consult the Department for information, as departmental permission is required.
SOCI 3999 [0.0 credit]
Co-operative Work Term
Co-operative Work Term
SOCI 4002 [0.5 credit]
Advanced Studies in Sociological Theory
Close study of the works of an author, tendency, or school of thought in theoretical sociology. Topic will vary in keeping with interests of the students and instructor.
Advanced Studies in Sociological Theory
Close study of the works of an author, tendency, or school of thought in theoretical sociology. Topic will vary in keeping with interests of the students and instructor.
SOCI 4003 [0.5 credit]
Advanced Studies in Qualitative Research
In-depth study into selected issues in qualitative research design, implementation and data analysis. Topics covered may include participant observation, ethnomethodology, ethnography, grounded theory, discourse analysis, narrative analysis, textual analysis, and document analysis. Intersections between epistemologies and methodologies.
Advanced Studies in Qualitative Research
In-depth study into selected issues in qualitative research design, implementation and data analysis. Topics covered may include participant observation, ethnomethodology, ethnography, grounded theory, discourse analysis, narrative analysis, textual analysis, and document analysis. Intersections between epistemologies and methodologies.
Precludes additional credit for ANTH 4003.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 2001 and SOCI 2002 and fourth-year standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 2001 and SOCI 2002 and fourth-year standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
SOCI 4008 [0.5 credit]
Contemporary Issues in Sociology
Reflexive work on sociology as a discipline or on the capacity of sociology to engage with matters of contention in the contemporary world. Topic will vary in keeping with interests of students and instructor.
Contemporary Issues in Sociology
Reflexive work on sociology as a discipline or on the capacity of sociology to engage with matters of contention in the contemporary world. Topic will vary in keeping with interests of students and instructor.
SOCI 4009 [0.5 credit]
Advanced Studies in Quantitative Research
Study of specific quantitative methodological issues. Focus may be on one or two of the following topics: quantitative research design, sampling techniques, survey research methods and various statistical research methods including OLS and logistic regression.
Advanced Studies in Quantitative Research
Study of specific quantitative methodological issues. Focus may be on one or two of the following topics: quantitative research design, sampling techniques, survey research methods and various statistical research methods including OLS and logistic regression.
Precludes additional credit for SOCI 4840.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 3003 and fourth-year standing.
Seminar and lab three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 3003 and fourth-year standing.
Seminar and lab three hours a week.
SOCI 4010 [0.5 credit]
Advanced Studies in Power and Stratification
A research-oriented seminar examining structured social inequalities.
Advanced Studies in Power and Stratification
A research-oriented seminar examining structured social inequalities.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
Seminar three hours a week.
SOCI 4020 [0.5 credit]
Advanced Studies in Race and Ethnicity
Selected topics in race and ethnicity in an international context. Specific topics will vary according to instructors' research interests.
Advanced Studies in Race and Ethnicity
Selected topics in race and ethnicity in an international context. Specific topics will vary according to instructors' research interests.
SOCI 4030 [0.5 credit]
Advanced Studies in Work, Industry and Occupations
A research-oriented seminar that may focus on one or more of the following topics: Work, Organization and Technology; Developments in the Labour Process; Work, Organization and Gender; Organizational Theory; Work and Leisure; Labour Movements; and Work, Organizations and Culture.
Advanced Studies in Work, Industry and Occupations
A research-oriented seminar that may focus on one or more of the following topics: Work, Organization and Technology; Developments in the Labour Process; Work, Organization and Gender; Organizational Theory; Work and Leisure; Labour Movements; and Work, Organizations and Culture.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
Seminar three hours a week.
SOCI 4036 [0.5 credit]
Science and Technology Studies: Selected Topics
The course is concerned with broadening students’ understanding of Science and Technology Studies by focussing on a particular topic relevant to this field of study. The topic selected will vary from year to year. Students should check with the Department regarding the topic offered.
Science and Technology Studies: Selected Topics
The course is concerned with broadening students’ understanding of Science and Technology Studies by focussing on a particular topic relevant to this field of study. The topic selected will vary from year to year. Students should check with the Department regarding the topic offered.
Also listed as ANTH 4036.
Precludes additional credit for SOCI 4401.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
Precludes additional credit for SOCI 4401.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
SOCI 4038 [0.5 credit]
Advanced Studies in Urban Cultures
A research-oriented seminar on social and cultural aspects of urban life, drawing on the local region. Topics may include social space, planning, mobility, diasporic cultures, the metropolis and civil society, the global city and virtual forms of the urban.
Advanced Studies in Urban Cultures
A research-oriented seminar on social and cultural aspects of urban life, drawing on the local region. Topics may include social space, planning, mobility, diasporic cultures, the metropolis and civil society, the global city and virtual forms of the urban.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
Seminar three hours a week.
SOCI 4039 [0.5 credit]
Women in Contemporary Middle East Societies
The socio-economic, political and cultural realities of Middle Eastern women with focus on their lived experiences, voices and stories. Different countries will be chosen as case studies each year.
Women in Contemporary Middle East Societies
The socio-economic, political and cultural realities of Middle Eastern women with focus on their lived experiences, voices and stories. Different countries will be chosen as case studies each year.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002, or SOCI 1003 [1.0], or ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002, or ANTH 1003 [1.0], and fourth-year standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
Seminar three hours a week.
SOCI 4040 [0.5 credit]
Advanced Studies in the Sociology of Gender
Gender and gender relations; intersections between gender, race, ethnicity, class and sexuality. Topics may include gender divisions of labour, employment, domestic life, violence, sexualities, men and masculinities, cross-cultural issues, body image, media, sport, education and religion.
Advanced Studies in the Sociology of Gender
Gender and gender relations; intersections between gender, race, ethnicity, class and sexuality. Topics may include gender divisions of labour, employment, domestic life, violence, sexualities, men and masculinities, cross-cultural issues, body image, media, sport, education and religion.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
Seminar three hours a week.
SOCI 4043 [0.5 credit]
Advanced Studies in the Sociology of the Family
A research-oriented seminar focusing on social policy and family form. Topics may include: immigrant families, divorce, reconstructed families, lone parenting, family poverty, the elderly, motherhood, fatherhood, family roles, and childcare practices.
Advanced Studies in the Sociology of the Family
A research-oriented seminar focusing on social policy and family form. Topics may include: immigrant families, divorce, reconstructed families, lone parenting, family poverty, the elderly, motherhood, fatherhood, family roles, and childcare practices.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
Seminar three hours a week.
SOCI 4045 [0.5 credit]
Sociology of Sex and Sexuality: Selected Topics
Themes within the sociology of sex and sexuality. The topic selected will vary from year to year. Students should check with the Department regarding the topic offered.
Sociology of Sex and Sexuality: Selected Topics
Themes within the sociology of sex and sexuality. The topic selected will vary from year to year. Students should check with the Department regarding the topic offered.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
Seminar three hours a week.
SOCI 4100 [0.5 credit]
Advanced Studies in Situation, Sense and Sociation
The class designs and implements a common fieldwork project of its choosing. Students submit their own analysis of the results.
Advanced Studies in Situation, Sense and Sociation
The class designs and implements a common fieldwork project of its choosing. Students submit their own analysis of the results.
SOCI 4160 [0.5 credit]
War, Terrorism and State Terrorism
Critical theoretical and empirical analysis of violent political conflict. Examination of transformations and continuities of war, terrorism and state terrorism; modalities of political violence, such as torture or disappearance; responses to violent conflict; and the representation and construction of political violence.
War, Terrorism and State Terrorism
Critical theoretical and empirical analysis of violent political conflict. Examination of transformations and continuities of war, terrorism and state terrorism; modalities of political violence, such as torture or disappearance; responses to violent conflict; and the representation and construction of political violence.
Prerequisite(s): fourth year standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
Seminar three hours a week.
SOCI 4170 [0.5 credit]
Community-Engaged Sociology
Students will apply their sociological education working with community organizations in small teams to research issues and advocate for positive social change. Each team’s project will include public education, sociological analysis and creating a tangible product for the partner organization.
Community-Engaged Sociology
Students will apply their sociological education working with community organizations in small teams to research issues and advocate for positive social change. Each team’s project will include public education, sociological analysis and creating a tangible product for the partner organization.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 3170 and SOCI 3430 with a grade of B+ or higher in each and fourth-year standing, or permission from the instructor of SOCI 4170.
Lectures, discussion and project work three hours a week.
Lectures, discussion and project work three hours a week.
SOCI 4200 [0.5 credit]
War, Security and Citizenship
Critical theoretical and multidisciplinary examination of violent conflict, security and citizenship. How wars produce a variety of abject and new subjects, create and reproduce citizenship hierarchies, and expand and contract citizenship entitlements.
War, Security and Citizenship
Critical theoretical and multidisciplinary examination of violent conflict, security and citizenship. How wars produce a variety of abject and new subjects, create and reproduce citizenship hierarchies, and expand and contract citizenship entitlements.
SOCI 4410 [0.5 credit]
Advanced Studies in Criminology
Crime, criminal justice, social processes relating to the implementation of criminal justice policy, or other aspects of criminality and deviance.
Advanced Studies in Criminology
Crime, criminal justice, social processes relating to the implementation of criminal justice policy, or other aspects of criminality and deviance.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
Seminar three hours a week.
SOCI 4420 [0.5 credit]
Advanced Studies in Gender and Criminal Justice
Critical overview of sociological perspectives on women within the criminal justice system. Conceptual, theoretical, methodological and policy issues.
Advanced Studies in Gender and Criminal Justice
Critical overview of sociological perspectives on women within the criminal justice system. Conceptual, theoretical, methodological and policy issues.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
Seminar three hours a week.
SOCI 4430 [0.5 credit]
Advanced Studies in Youth Culture and Juvenile Justice
Establishment and development of the youth justice system in Canada; analysis of juvenile justice policy in relation to crime patterns and youth culture; emphasis on the federal Young Offenders Act and its consequences for the juvenile justice system.
Advanced Studies in Youth Culture and Juvenile Justice
Establishment and development of the youth justice system in Canada; analysis of juvenile justice policy in relation to crime patterns and youth culture; emphasis on the federal Young Offenders Act and its consequences for the juvenile justice system.
Precludes additional credit for SOCI 4704.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
SOCI 4480 [0.5 credit]
Advanced Studies in the Sociology of Law
Contemporary debates about the role of law in society focusing on the potential and limits of law as a vehicle of social transformation.
Advanced Studies in the Sociology of Law
Contemporary debates about the role of law in society focusing on the potential and limits of law as a vehicle of social transformation.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
Seminar three hours a week.
SOCI 4650 [0.5 credit]
Advanced Studies in Power and Everyday Life
Examination of a selected topic in Power and Everyday Life. Topics to be announced in advance each year.
Advanced Studies in Power and Everyday Life
Examination of a selected topic in Power and Everyday Life. Topics to be announced in advance each year.
Precludes additional credit for ANTH 4650.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
SOCI 4701 [0.5 credit]
Special Topic in Criminal Justice and Social Policy
Examination of a selected topic in criminal justice and social policy. Topics to be announced.
Special Topic in Criminal Justice and Social Policy
Examination of a selected topic in criminal justice and social policy. Topics to be announced.
SOCI 4702 [0.5 credit]
Special Topic in Criminal Justice and Social Policy
Examination of a selected topic in criminal justice and social policy. Topics to be announced.
Special Topic in Criminal Justice and Social Policy
Examination of a selected topic in criminal justice and social policy. Topics to be announced.
SOCI 4703 [0.5 credit]
Special Topic in Criminal Justice and Social Policy
Examination of a selected topic in criminal justice and social policy. Topics to be announced.
Special Topic in Criminal Justice and Social Policy
Examination of a selected topic in criminal justice and social policy. Topics to be announced.
SOCI 4710 [0.5 credit]
Directed Research in Power and Everyday Life
A directed research project to be selected in consultation with a member of faculty. Research projects will focus on aspects of the intersection of power and everyday life.
Directed Research in Power and Everyday Life
A directed research project to be selected in consultation with a member of faculty. Research projects will focus on aspects of the intersection of power and everyday life.
Precludes additional credit for ANTH 4710.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing. Contact hours to be negotiated with the research supervisor.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing. Contact hours to be negotiated with the research supervisor.
SOCI 4720 [0.5 credit]
Research Placement in Power and Everyday Life
A supervised research placement directly related to the activities of an organized research unit at Carleton University or other approved organization.
Research Placement in Power and Everyday Life
A supervised research placement directly related to the activities of an organized research unit at Carleton University or other approved organization.
Precludes additional credit for ANTH 4720.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing.
Contact hours to be negotiated with the research supervisor.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing.
Contact hours to be negotiated with the research supervisor.
SOCI 4730 [0.5 credit]
Colonialism and Post-Colonialism
Comparative ethnographic and historical approaches to colonialism including topics such as the formation of colonial regimes, colonial governmentality, servile labour systems, missionization, anti-colonial resistance, cultural hybridization and post-colonial memory. Exploration of debates over the relation between colonialism and the production of social scientific knowledge.
Colonialism and Post-Colonialism
Comparative ethnographic and historical approaches to colonialism including topics such as the formation of colonial regimes, colonial governmentality, servile labour systems, missionization, anti-colonial resistance, cultural hybridization and post-colonial memory. Exploration of debates over the relation between colonialism and the production of social scientific knowledge.
Also listed as ANTH 4730.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing or permission of the instructor.
Seminar three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing or permission of the instructor.
Seminar three hours a week.
SOCI 4740 [0.5 credit]
Advanced Studies in Subjectivity
The experience of selfhood and identity in social and cultural context. Regimes of the body, practices of self-formation, consumption, pleasure, sexuality and social domination. Topic will vary in keeping with interests of students and instructor.
Advanced Studies in Subjectivity
The experience of selfhood and identity in social and cultural context. Regimes of the body, practices of self-formation, consumption, pleasure, sexuality and social domination. Topic will vary in keeping with interests of students and instructor.
Precludes additional credit for ANTH 4740.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
SOCI 4750 [0.5 credit]
Advanced Studies in Globalization and Citizenship
Selected topics on the confluence of processes of globalization, development and citizenship; examination of debates about the meaning and impact of globalization on patterns of inequality and citizenship both internationally and within Canada, and about strategies for progressive development.
Advanced Studies in Globalization and Citizenship
Selected topics on the confluence of processes of globalization, development and citizenship; examination of debates about the meaning and impact of globalization on patterns of inequality and citizenship both internationally and within Canada, and about strategies for progressive development.
SOCI 4760 [0.5 credit]
Advanced Studies in Time and Space
The organization and experience of time and/or space in social and cultural context. Techniques of time discipline, politics of social memory, rhythms of everyday life, etc. Social distance, interchanges, the collapse of space, positioning etc. Topic will vary in keeping with interests of students and instructor.
Advanced Studies in Time and Space
The organization and experience of time and/or space in social and cultural context. Techniques of time discipline, politics of social memory, rhythms of everyday life, etc. Social distance, interchanges, the collapse of space, positioning etc. Topic will vary in keeping with interests of students and instructor.
Precludes additional credit for ANTH 4760.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
SOCI 4770 [0.5 credit]
Advanced Studies in Governmentality
Starting from Foucault's concept of `governmentality', the course explores the discourses, rationalities, and practices of governing; the way in which `governing others' is linked to `self-governance.'.
Advanced Studies in Governmentality
Starting from Foucault's concept of `governmentality', the course explores the discourses, rationalities, and practices of governing; the way in which `governing others' is linked to `self-governance.'.
Precludes additional credit for ANTH 4770.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
SOCI 4810 [0.5 credit]
Advanced Studies in Social Policy
An examination of sociological research and social intervention.
Advanced Studies in Social Policy
An examination of sociological research and social intervention.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
Seminar three hours a week.
SOCI 4820 [0.5 credit]
Field Placement: Research and Analysis
Students participate in a supervised research placement with a government agency, community organization or faculty member. A written summary of the student's research activities is graded.
Field Placement: Research and Analysis
Students participate in a supervised research placement with a government agency, community organization or faculty member. A written summary of the student's research activities is graded.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 3003 and fourth-year standing and permission of the Department.
SOCI 4830 [0.5 credit]
Advanced Studies in Applied Social Research
Practical application of social research insights and technique to topics of interest in public policy and consultancy arenas. Topics include research design, data collection, ethics, data ownership, policy implications, proposal writing, research resource location, secondary data analysis, development of research strategies, and effective report writing.
Advanced Studies in Applied Social Research
Practical application of social research insights and technique to topics of interest in public policy and consultancy arenas. Topics include research design, data collection, ethics, data ownership, policy implications, proposal writing, research resource location, secondary data analysis, development of research strategies, and effective report writing.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
Seminar three hours a week.
SOCI 4850 [0.5 credit]
Contemporary Problems in Sociology
Selected problems in sociology not ordinarily treated in the regular course program. The choice of topics varies from year to year. Students should check with the Department regarding the topic offered.
Contemporary Problems in Sociology
Selected problems in sociology not ordinarily treated in the regular course program. The choice of topics varies from year to year. Students should check with the Department regarding the topic offered.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year Honours standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
Seminar three hours a week.
SOCI 4860 [0.5 credit]
Contemporary Problems in Sociology
Selected problems in sociology not ordinarily treated in the regular course program. The choice of topics varies from year to year. Students should check with the Department regarding the topic offered.
Contemporary Problems in Sociology
Selected problems in sociology not ordinarily treated in the regular course program. The choice of topics varies from year to year. Students should check with the Department regarding the topic offered.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year Honours standing.
Seminar three hours a week.
Seminar three hours a week.
SOCI 4900 [1.0 credit]
Honours Thesis
This course is designed to help Honours candidates conceptualise and write a major research essay. Students develop their essay proposal and Honours Thesis through discussion and criticism in seminars. Common problems of style, sources, conceptualization, research design, analysis and interpretation are discussed.
Honours Thesis
This course is designed to help Honours candidates conceptualise and write a major research essay. Students develop their essay proposal and Honours Thesis through discussion and criticism in seminars. Common problems of style, sources, conceptualization, research design, analysis and interpretation are discussed.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing in the Sociology B.A. Honours with a CGPA of 9.00 or higher in the Major or by permission from the instructor. Students are strongly encouraged to locate a faculty member to supervise their Honours Thesis prior to the start of this course.
Seminars on a bi-weekly basis (three hours).
Seminars on a bi-weekly basis (three hours).
SOCI 4910 [0.5 credit]
Tutorial in Sociology
Consult the Department for information.
Tutorial in Sociology
Consult the Department for information.
SOCI 4920 [0.5 credit]
Tutorial in Sociology
Consult the Department for information.
Tutorial in Sociology
Consult the Department for information.
SOCI 4930 [1.0 credit]
Directed Research
Directed studies to investigate a particular topic.
Directed Research
Directed studies to investigate a particular topic.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year Honours standing in Sociology and permission of the department. Enrolment is limited to Honours students with a CGPA in Sociology of 9.00 or higher and a proposal approved by the Honours Committee.
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca
Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca