Cultural Mediations (CLMD) Courses
CLMD 6101 [1.0 credit]
Perspectives on Interdisciplinarity in Cultural Theory
Theory and practice of interdisciplinary studies of culture. Attention will be paid to those issues in cultural theory of the twentieth century that inform interdisciplinary work today in literature, film, music, art and new media.
Perspectives on Interdisciplinarity in Cultural Theory
Theory and practice of interdisciplinary studies of culture. Attention will be paid to those issues in cultural theory of the twentieth century that inform interdisciplinary work today in literature, film, music, art and new media.
CLMD 6102 [0.5 credit]
Issues in Transnationalism
This course will consider cultural production in the context of global exchange, examining the processes of mediation -- conflict, collaboration, transformation and hybridization -- that govern the movement of populations, objects, and ideas as they travel across borders and between societies.
Issues in Transnationalism
This course will consider cultural production in the context of global exchange, examining the processes of mediation -- conflict, collaboration, transformation and hybridization -- that govern the movement of populations, objects, and ideas as they travel across borders and between societies.
CLMD 6103 [0.5 credit]
Issues of Cultural Mediation and Representation
This course will examine how works from different cultures or works in the same or different media from the same culture pose questions about the nature of representation, interpretation, meaning and affect. Emphasis will be upon the relation between social intelligibility and textual features.
Issues of Cultural Mediation and Representation
This course will examine how works from different cultures or works in the same or different media from the same culture pose questions about the nature of representation, interpretation, meaning and affect. Emphasis will be upon the relation between social intelligibility and textual features.
CLMD 6104 [0.5 credit]
Issues in Cultural Politics
The theory of the subject and its relations, with examples from specific cultural practices in literary studies, film, music, art, popular culture and new media.
Issues in Cultural Politics
The theory of the subject and its relations, with examples from specific cultural practices in literary studies, film, music, art, popular culture and new media.
CLMD 6105 [0.5 credit]
Issues in the Technologies of Culture
The role that technology plays in changing models of literacy, visuality and aurality. The technologies of the cultures of print, vision and sound will be discussed through specific examples of cultural practices in various media.
Issues in the Technologies of Culture
The role that technology plays in changing models of literacy, visuality and aurality. The technologies of the cultures of print, vision and sound will be discussed through specific examples of cultural practices in various media.
CLMD 6106 [0.5 credit]
Issues in History and Culture
History as an object of representation and a condition of human experience. Historical approaches to print, visual, and auditory culture in relation to theoretical texts and specific periods and genres. Topics may include history and the novel, visual culture in history, and historiography.
Issues in History and Culture
History as an object of representation and a condition of human experience. Historical approaches to print, visual, and auditory culture in relation to theoretical texts and specific periods and genres. Topics may include history and the novel, visual culture in history, and historiography.
CLMD 6900 [0.5 credit]
Research and Professional Development
Students develop research methods to prepare for their second comprehensive examination and to write and defend the doctoral dissertation successfully. Practices of academic publishing, conference presentations and academic articles; grant writing, ethical conduct in research and private and public sector employment opportunities.
Research and Professional Development
Students develop research methods to prepare for their second comprehensive examination and to write and defend the doctoral dissertation successfully. Practices of academic publishing, conference presentations and academic articles; grant writing, ethical conduct in research and private and public sector employment opportunities.
CLMD 6901 [0.5 credit]
Directed Readings in Cultural Mediations
This tutorial is designed to permit students to pursue research on topics chosen in consultation with members of faculty and the graduate supervisor.
Directed Readings in Cultural Mediations
This tutorial is designed to permit students to pursue research on topics chosen in consultation with members of faculty and the graduate supervisor.
CLMD 6902 [0.5 credit]
Special Topic in Cultural Mediations
This in-class course offers selected topics in interdisciplinary studies of culture not available in the regular course offerings.
Special Topic in Cultural Mediations
This in-class course offers selected topics in interdisciplinary studies of culture not available in the regular course offerings.
CLMD 6903 [0.5 credit]
Special Topic in Cultural Mediations
This in-class course offers selected topics in interdisciplinary studies of culture not available in the regular course offerings.
Special Topic in Cultural Mediations
This in-class course offers selected topics in interdisciplinary studies of culture not available in the regular course offerings.
CLMD 6904 [0.5 credit]
Special Topic in Cultural Mediations
This in-class course offers selected topics in interdisciplinary studies of culture not available in the regular course offerings.
Special Topic in Cultural Mediations
This in-class course offers selected topics in interdisciplinary studies of culture not available in the regular course offerings.
CLMD 6907 [1.0 credit]
Comprehensive I
A general examination of the broad range of cultural theory of the twentieth century as it informs interdisciplinary work today and the historical, intellectual and cultural frames of reference that this work invokes.
Comprehensive I
A general examination of the broad range of cultural theory of the twentieth century as it informs interdisciplinary work today and the historical, intellectual and cultural frames of reference that this work invokes.
CLMD 6908 [1.0 credit]
Comprehensive II
A discipline-specific examination in a specialized area of study chosen by the student in consultation with the graduate supervisor. Students will choose from one of the following comprehensive areas: Literary Studies; Visual Culture; Musical Culture; New Technologies.
Comprehensive II
A discipline-specific examination in a specialized area of study chosen by the student in consultation with the graduate supervisor. Students will choose from one of the following comprehensive areas: Literary Studies; Visual Culture; Musical Culture; New Technologies.
CLMD 6909 [0.0 credit]
Ph.D. Thesis
Ph.D. Thesis
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca
Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca