Computer Science (COMP) Courses
COMP 5001 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5113)
Foundations of Programming Languages
Advanced study of programming paradigms from a practical perspective. Paradigms may include functional, imperative, concurrent, distributed, generative, aspect- and object-oriented, and logic programming. Emphasis on underlying principles. Topics may include: types, modules, inheritance, semantics, continuations, abstraction and reflection.
Foundations of Programming Languages
Advanced study of programming paradigms from a practical perspective. Paradigms may include functional, imperative, concurrent, distributed, generative, aspect- and object-oriented, and logic programming. Emphasis on underlying principles. Topics may include: types, modules, inheritance, semantics, continuations, abstraction and reflection.
COMP 5002 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5128)
Swarm Intelligence
Collective computation, collective action, and principles of self-organization in social agent systems. Algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems, division of labour, task allocation, task switching, and task sequencing with applications in security, routing, wireless and ad hoc networks and distributed manufacturing.
Swarm Intelligence
Collective computation, collective action, and principles of self-organization in social agent systems. Algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems, division of labour, task allocation, task switching, and task sequencing with applications in security, routing, wireless and ad hoc networks and distributed manufacturing.
COMP 5003 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5308)
Principles of Distributed Computing
Formal models of distributed environment; theoretical issues in the design of distributed algorithms; message and time complexity; problem solving in distributed settings. Problems discussed may include: coordination and control, information diffusion, leader election, consensus, distributed data operations, computing by mobile entities.
Principles of Distributed Computing
Formal models of distributed environment; theoretical issues in the design of distributed algorithms; message and time complexity; problem solving in distributed settings. Problems discussed may include: coordination and control, information diffusion, leader election, consensus, distributed data operations, computing by mobile entities.
COMP 5004 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5134)
Fault Tolerance
Hardware and software techniques for fault tolerance. Topics include modeling and evaluation techniques, error detecting and correcting codes, module and system level fault detection mechanisms, design techniques for fault-tolerant and fail-safe systems, software fault tolerance through recovery blocks, N-version programming, algorithm-based fault tolerance, checkpointing.
Fault Tolerance
Hardware and software techniques for fault tolerance. Topics include modeling and evaluation techniques, error detecting and correcting codes, module and system level fault detection mechanisms, design techniques for fault-tolerant and fail-safe systems, software fault tolerance through recovery blocks, N-version programming, algorithm-based fault tolerance, checkpointing.
COMP 5005 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5390)
Learning Systems for Random Environments
Computerized adaptive learning for random environments and its applications. Topics include a mathematical review, learning automata which are deterministic/stochastic, with fixed/variable structures, of continuous/discretized design, with ergodic/absorbing properties and of estimator families.
Learning Systems for Random Environments
Computerized adaptive learning for random environments and its applications. Topics include a mathematical review, learning automata which are deterministic/stochastic, with fixed/variable structures, of continuous/discretized design, with ergodic/absorbing properties and of estimator families.
Prerequisite(s): SYSC 5503 or equivalent.
COMP 5007 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5149)
Graphical Models and Applications
Bayesian networks, factor graphs, Markov random fields, maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) and maximum likelihood (ML) principles, elimination algorithm, sum-product algorithm, decomposable and non-decomposable models, junction tree algorithm, completely observed models, iterative proportional fitting algorithm, expectation- maximization (EM) algorithm, iterative conditional modes algorithm.
Graphical Models and Applications
Bayesian networks, factor graphs, Markov random fields, maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) and maximum likelihood (ML) principles, elimination algorithm, sum-product algorithm, decomposable and non-decomposable models, junction tree algorithm, completely observed models, iterative proportional fitting algorithm, expectation- maximization (EM) algorithm, iterative conditional modes algorithm.
COMP 5008 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5164)
Computational Geometry
Study of design and analysis of algorithms to solve geometric problems; emphasis on applications such as robotics, graphics, and pattern recognition. Topics include: visibility problems, hidden line and surface removal, path planning amidst obstacles, convex hulls, polygon triangulation, point location.
Computational Geometry
Study of design and analysis of algorithms to solve geometric problems; emphasis on applications such as robotics, graphics, and pattern recognition. Topics include: visibility problems, hidden line and surface removal, path planning amidst obstacles, convex hulls, polygon triangulation, point location.
COMP 5100 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5180.)
Topics in Artificial Intelligence
Areas in knowledge-based systems including recent approaches to machine learning and data mining, inference methods, knowledge-based and fuzzy systems, heuristic search, and natural language processing.
Topics in Artificial Intelligence
Areas in knowledge-based systems including recent approaches to machine learning and data mining, inference methods, knowledge-based and fuzzy systems, heuristic search, and natural language processing.
Precludes additional credit for COMP 4106 (no longer offered).
COMP 5101 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5311)
Distributed Databases and Transaction Processing Systems
Principles in the design and implementation of distributed databases and distributed transaction processing systems. Topics include: distributed computing concepts, computing networks, distributed and multi-database system architectures and models, atomicity, synchronization and distributed concurrency control algorithms, data replication, recovery techniques, reliability in distributed databases.
Distributed Databases and Transaction Processing Systems
Principles in the design and implementation of distributed databases and distributed transaction processing systems. Topics include: distributed computing concepts, computing networks, distributed and multi-database system architectures and models, atomicity, synchronization and distributed concurrency control algorithms, data replication, recovery techniques, reliability in distributed databases.
COMP 5102 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5312)
Distributed Operating Systems
Design issues of advanced multiprocessor distributed operating systems: multiprocessor system architectures; process and object models; synchronization and message passing primitives; memory architectures and management; distributed file systems; protection and security; distributed concurrency control; deadlock; recovery; remote tasking; dynamic reconfiguration; performance measurement, modeling, and system tuning.
Distributed Operating Systems
Design issues of advanced multiprocessor distributed operating systems: multiprocessor system architectures; process and object models; synchronization and message passing primitives; memory architectures and management; distributed file systems; protection and security; distributed concurrency control; deadlock; recovery; remote tasking; dynamic reconfiguration; performance measurement, modeling, and system tuning.
COMP 5103 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5148)
Wireless Ad Hoc Networking
Self-organized, mobile, and hybrid ad hoc networks. Physical, medium access, networks, transport and application layers, and cross-layering issues. Power management. Security in ad hoc networks. Topology control and maintenance. Data communication protocols, routing and broadcasting. Location service for efficient routing.
Wireless Ad Hoc Networking
Self-organized, mobile, and hybrid ad hoc networks. Physical, medium access, networks, transport and application layers, and cross-layering issues. Power management. Security in ad hoc networks. Topology control and maintenance. Data communication protocols, routing and broadcasting. Location service for efficient routing.
COMP 5104 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5314)
Object-Oriented Software Development
Issues in modeling and verifying quality and variability in object-oriented systems. Testable models in model-driven and test-driven approaches. System family engineering. Functional conformance: scenario modeling and verification, design by contract. Conformance to non functional requirements: goals, forces and tradeoffs, metrics.
Object-Oriented Software Development
Issues in modeling and verifying quality and variability in object-oriented systems. Testable models in model-driven and test-driven approaches. System family engineering. Functional conformance: scenario modeling and verification, design by contract. Conformance to non functional requirements: goals, forces and tradeoffs, metrics.
COMP 5107 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5185)
Statistical and Syntactic Pattern Recognition
Topics include a mathematical review, Bayes decision theory, maximum likelihood and Bayesian learning for parametric pattern recognition, non-parametric methods including nearest neighbor and linear discriminants. Syntactic recognition of strings, substrings, subsequences and tree structures. Applications include speech, shape and character recognition.
Statistical and Syntactic Pattern Recognition
Topics include a mathematical review, Bayes decision theory, maximum likelihood and Bayesian learning for parametric pattern recognition, non-parametric methods including nearest neighbor and linear discriminants. Syntactic recognition of strings, substrings, subsequences and tree structures. Applications include speech, shape and character recognition.
COMP 5108 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5126)
Algorithms in Bioinformatics
Fundamental mathematical and algorithmic concepts underlying computational molecular biology; physical and genetic mapping, sequence analysis (including alignment and probabilistic models), genomic rearrangement, phylogenetic inference, computational proteomics and systemics modelling of the whole cell.
Algorithms in Bioinformatics
Fundamental mathematical and algorithmic concepts underlying computational molecular biology; physical and genetic mapping, sequence analysis (including alignment and probabilistic models), genomic rearrangement, phylogenetic inference, computational proteomics and systemics modelling of the whole cell.
COMP 5110 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5136)
Computer Security and Usability
This course focuses on designing and evaluating security and privacy software with particular attention to human factors and how interaction design impacts security. Topics include current approaches to usable security, methodologies for empirical analysis, and design principles for usable security and privacy.
Computer Security and Usability
This course focuses on designing and evaluating security and privacy software with particular attention to human factors and how interaction design impacts security. Topics include current approaches to usable security, methodologies for empirical analysis, and design principles for usable security and privacy.
COMP 5111 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5153)
Data Management for Business Intelligence
Application of computational techniques to support business such as decision making, business understanding, data analysis, business process automation, learning from data, producing and using business models, data integration, data quality assessment and cleaning, use of contextual data, etc.
Data Management for Business Intelligence
Application of computational techniques to support business such as decision making, business understanding, data analysis, business process automation, learning from data, producing and using business models, data integration, data quality assessment and cleaning, use of contextual data, etc.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as COMP 4111, for which additional credit is precluded.
COMP 5112 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5154)
Algorithms for Data Science
Algorithmic techniques to handle (massive/big) data arising from, for example, social media, mobile devices, sensors financial transactions. Algorithmic techniques may include locality-sensitive hashing, dimensionality reduction, streaming, clustering, VC-dimensions, external memory, core sets, link analysis and recommendation systems.
Algorithms for Data Science
Algorithmic techniques to handle (massive/big) data arising from, for example, social media, mobile devices, sensors financial transactions. Algorithmic techniques may include locality-sensitive hashing, dimensionality reduction, streaming, clustering, VC-dimensions, external memory, core sets, link analysis and recommendation systems.
COMP 5113 [0.5 credit]
Machine Learning for Healthcare
Principles, techniques, technology and applications of machine learning for medical data such as medical imaging data, genomic data, physiological signals, speech and language.
Machine Learning for Healthcare
Principles, techniques, technology and applications of machine learning for medical data such as medical imaging data, genomic data, physiological signals, speech and language.
COMP 5114 [0.5 credit]
Quantum Communications and Networking
Quantum communications and networking; the use of individual photons and teleportation to represent and transmit information. Theoretical (mathematical) principles. Practical aspects (implementation and software simulation) of quantum communications and networking.
Quantum Communications and Networking
Quantum communications and networking; the use of individual photons and teleportation to represent and transmit information. Theoretical (mathematical) principles. Practical aspects (implementation and software simulation) of quantum communications and networking.
COMP 5115 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5344.)
Geometry Processing
Concepts, representations, and algorithms for processing 3D geometric datasets. Topics include shape representations (e.g., triangle meshes and implicit functions), and the geometry processing pipeline covering the acquisition (e.g., with laser scanning or depth cameras), reconstruction, manipulation, editing, analysis, and fabrication (3D printing) of geometric models.
Geometry Processing
Concepts, representations, and algorithms for processing 3D geometric datasets. Topics include shape representations (e.g., triangle meshes and implicit functions), and the geometry processing pipeline covering the acquisition (e.g., with laser scanning or depth cameras), reconstruction, manipulation, editing, analysis, and fabrication (3D printing) of geometric models.
COMP 5116 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5155.)
Machine Learning
This course provides a broad introduction to the fundamental concepts, techniques and algorithms in machine learning.
Machine Learning
This course provides a broad introduction to the fundamental concepts, techniques and algorithms in machine learning.
Prerequisite(s): Familiarity with probability and statistics; familiarity with linear algebra and calculus; programming skills at a level sufficient to write a reasonably non-trivial computer program.
COMP 5117 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5346.)
Mining Software Repositories
Introduction to the methods and techniques of mining software engineering data. Software repositories and their associated data. Data extraction and mining. Data analysis and interpretation (statistics, metrics, machine learning). Empirical case studies.
Mining Software Repositories
Introduction to the methods and techniques of mining software engineering data. Software repositories and their associated data. Data extraction and mining. Data analysis and interpretation (statistics, metrics, machine learning). Empirical case studies.
COMP 5118 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5347.)
Trends in Big Data Management
In-depth study of recent research articles in the field of data management, with focus on data integration, Internet of Things, large scale data management, recommendation systems, text processing, and question answering. Students will work on a term-long project.
Trends in Big Data Management
In-depth study of recent research articles in the field of data management, with focus on data integration, Internet of Things, large scale data management, recommendation systems, text processing, and question answering. Students will work on a term-long project.
Prerequisite(s): Upper level undergraduate course work in operating systems, database management systems, algorithm design and analysis; or permission of the instructor.
COMP 5119 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5345.)
Internet of Things Security
Security issues related to the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT device software design and device lifecycle, device pairing and configuration, management and security infrastructure, smarthome platforms, data and communication protocol security, IoT operating systems, malware, firmware in embedded systems, security administration and best practices.
Internet of Things Security
Security issues related to the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT device software design and device lifecycle, device pairing and configuration, management and security infrastructure, smarthome platforms, data and communication protocol security, IoT operating systems, malware, firmware in embedded systems, security administration and best practices.
COMP 5201 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5147)
Computer Animation
Theories and techniques in 3D modeling and animation. Animation principles, categories, and history. Forward and inverse kinematics. Motion capture, editing and retargeting. Flexible bodies. Particle animation. Behavioral animation. Human modeling. Facial animation. Cloth animation and other sub-topics.
Computer Animation
Theories and techniques in 3D modeling and animation. Animation principles, categories, and history. Forward and inverse kinematics. Motion capture, editing and retargeting. Flexible bodies. Particle animation. Behavioral animation. Human modeling. Facial animation. Cloth animation and other sub-topics.
COMP 5202 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5146)
Computer Graphics
Principles and advanced techniques in rendering and modelling. Research field overview. Splines, subdivision surfaces and hierarchical surface representations. Physics of light transport, rendering equation and Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function. Classical ray tracing, radiosity, global illumination and modern hybrid methods. Plenoptic function and image-based rendering.
Computer Graphics
Principles and advanced techniques in rendering and modelling. Research field overview. Splines, subdivision surfaces and hierarchical surface representations. Physics of light transport, rendering equation and Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function. Classical ray tracing, radiosity, global illumination and modern hybrid methods. Plenoptic function and image-based rendering.
COMP 5203 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5173)
Data Networks
Mathematical and practical aspects of design and analysis of communication networks. Topics include: basic concepts, layering, delay models, multi-access communication, queuing theory, routing, fault-tolerance, and advanced topics on high-speed networks, ATM, mobile wireless networks, and optical networks.
Data Networks
Mathematical and practical aspects of design and analysis of communication networks. Topics include: basic concepts, layering, delay models, multi-access communication, queuing theory, routing, fault-tolerance, and advanced topics on high-speed networks, ATM, mobile wireless networks, and optical networks.
COMP 5204 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5124)
Computational Aspects of Geographic Information Systems
Through recent advances in navigation systems, mobile devices, and new software such as Mapquest and Google Earth, GIS is becoming increasingly important and exciting from a CS perspective. This course lays the algorithmic foundations to understand, use and further this technology.
Computational Aspects of Geographic Information Systems
Through recent advances in navigation systems, mobile devices, and new software such as Mapquest and Google Earth, GIS is becoming increasingly important and exciting from a CS perspective. This course lays the algorithmic foundations to understand, use and further this technology.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as COMP 4202, for which additional credit is precluded.
COMP 5205 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5151)
Virtual Environments
Basic concepts. Virtual worlds. Hardware and software support. World modeling. Geometric modeling. Light modeling. Kinematic and dynamic models. Other physical modeling modalities. Multi-sensor data fusion. Anthropomorphic avatars. Animation: modeling languages, scripts, real-time computer architectures. Virtual environment interfaces. Case studies.
Virtual Environments
Basic concepts. Virtual worlds. Hardware and software support. World modeling. Geometric modeling. Light modeling. Kinematic and dynamic models. Other physical modeling modalities. Multi-sensor data fusion. Anthropomorphic avatars. Animation: modeling languages, scripts, real-time computer architectures. Virtual environment interfaces. Case studies.
COMP 5206 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5183)
Evolutionary Computation and Artificial Life
Study of algorithms based upon biological theories of evolution, applications to machine learning and optimization problems. Possible topics: Genetic Algorithms, Classifier Systems, and Genetic Programming. Recent work in the fields of Artificial Life (swarm intelligence, distributed agents, behavior-based AI) and of connectionism.
Evolutionary Computation and Artificial Life
Study of algorithms based upon biological theories of evolution, applications to machine learning and optimization problems. Possible topics: Genetic Algorithms, Classifier Systems, and Genetic Programming. Recent work in the fields of Artificial Life (swarm intelligence, distributed agents, behavior-based AI) and of connectionism.
COMP 5207 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5112)
Software Engineering
Topics of current interest in Software Engineering, such as requirements engineering, precise and advanced modelling, development processes, change management, standards, and emerging types of applications.
Software Engineering
Topics of current interest in Software Engineering, such as requirements engineering, precise and advanced modelling, development processes, change management, standards, and emerging types of applications.
COMP 5209 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5135)
Visual Analytics
Principles, techniques, technology and applications of information visualization for data analysis. Topics include human visual perception, cognitive processes, static and dynamic models of image semantics, interaction paradigms, big data visual analysis case studies.
Visual Analytics
Principles, techniques, technology and applications of information visualization for data analysis. Topics include human visual perception, cognitive processes, static and dynamic models of image semantics, interaction paradigms, big data visual analysis case studies.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
COMP 5210 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5167)
Human-Computer Interaction Models, Theories, and Frameworks
Emphasis on the application of theory to user interface design. Review of main theories of human behaviour relevant to HCI, including especially cognitive dimensions of notations framework, mental models, distributed cognition, and activity theory, and their application to design and development of interactive systems.
Human-Computer Interaction Models, Theories, and Frameworks
Emphasis on the application of theory to user interface design. Review of main theories of human behaviour relevant to HCI, including especially cognitive dimensions of notations framework, mental models, distributed cognition, and activity theory, and their application to design and development of interactive systems.
COMP 5220 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5175)
Mobile Commerce Technologies
Wireless networks support for m-commerce; m-commerce architectures and applications; mobile payment support systems; business models; mobile devices and their operating systems; mobile content presentation; security issues and solutions; relevant cross layer standards and protocols; case studies.
Mobile Commerce Technologies
Wireless networks support for m-commerce; m-commerce architectures and applications; mobile payment support systems; business models; mobile devices and their operating systems; mobile content presentation; security issues and solutions; relevant cross layer standards and protocols; case studies.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
COMP 5301 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5122)
Software Usability
Design principles and metrics for usability. Qualitative and quantitative methods for evaluation of software system usability: Heuristic evaluation, usability testing, usability inspections and walkthroughs, cognitive walkthroughs, formal usability experimentation. Ethical concerns. Economics of usability. Integration of usability engineering lifestyle.
Software Usability
Design principles and metrics for usability. Qualitative and quantitative methods for evaluation of software system usability: Heuristic evaluation, usability testing, usability inspections and walkthroughs, cognitive walkthroughs, formal usability experimentation. Ethical concerns. Economics of usability. Integration of usability engineering lifestyle.
COMP 5302 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5118)
Automated Verification & Validation of Software
Topics in formal test derivation methods, test management, high-level, CASE-based verification and validation, data-flow and control-flow measures and metrics for assessing quality of designs and code, regression analysis and testing.
Automated Verification & Validation of Software
Topics in formal test derivation methods, test management, high-level, CASE-based verification and validation, data-flow and control-flow measures and metrics for assessing quality of designs and code, regression analysis and testing.
COMP 5304 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5169)
Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing
Computational aspects and applications of design and analysis of mobile and wireless networking. Topics include Physical, Link Layer, Media Access Control, Wireless, Mobile LANs, Ad-Hoc, Sensor Networks, Power Consumption optimization, Routing, Searching, Service Discovery, Clustering, Multicasting, Localization, Mobile IP/TCP, File Systems, Mobility Models, Wireless Apps.
Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing
Computational aspects and applications of design and analysis of mobile and wireless networking. Topics include Physical, Link Layer, Media Access Control, Wireless, Mobile LANs, Ad-Hoc, Sensor Networks, Power Consumption optimization, Routing, Searching, Service Discovery, Clustering, Multicasting, Localization, Mobile IP/TCP, File Systems, Mobility Models, Wireless Apps.
COMP 5305 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5129)
Advanced Database Systems
In-depth study on developments in database systems shaping the future of information systems, including complex object, object-oriented, object-relational, and semi-structured databases. Data structures, query languages, implementation and applications.
Advanced Database Systems
In-depth study on developments in database systems shaping the future of information systems, including complex object, object-oriented, object-relational, and semi-structured databases. Data structures, query languages, implementation and applications.
COMP 5306 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5100)
Data Integration
Materialized and virtual approaches to integration of heterogeneous and independent data sources. Emphasis on data models, architectures, logic-based techniques for query processing, metadata and consistency management, the role of XML and ontologies in data integration; connections to schema mapping, data exchange, and P2P systems.
Data Integration
Materialized and virtual approaches to integration of heterogeneous and independent data sources. Emphasis on data models, architectures, logic-based techniques for query processing, metadata and consistency management, the role of XML and ontologies in data integration; connections to schema mapping, data exchange, and P2P systems.
COMP 5307 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5101)
Knowledge Representation
KR is concerned with representing knowledge and using it in computers. Emphasis on logic-based languages for KR, and automated reasoning techniques and systems; important applications of this traditional area of AI to ontologies and semantic web.
Knowledge Representation
KR is concerned with representing knowledge and using it in computers. Emphasis on logic-based languages for KR, and automated reasoning techniques and systems; important applications of this traditional area of AI to ontologies and semantic web.
COMP 5308 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5102)
Topics in Medical Computing
Introductory course on data structures, algorithms, techniques, and software development related to medical computing (in particular spatial modeling). Topics may include: computational geometry algorithms for cancer treatment, medical imaging, spatial data compression algorithms, dynamic programming for DNA analysis.
Topics in Medical Computing
Introductory course on data structures, algorithms, techniques, and software development related to medical computing (in particular spatial modeling). Topics may include: computational geometry algorithms for cancer treatment, medical imaging, spatial data compression algorithms, dynamic programming for DNA analysis.
COMP 5309 [5.0 credits] (CSI 5168)
Digital Watermarking
Overview of recent advances in watermarking of image, video, audio, and other media. Spatial, spectral, and temporal watermarking algorithms. Perceptual models. Use of cryptography in steganography and watermarking. Content authentication, copy control, intellectual property, digital rights management and other applications.
Digital Watermarking
Overview of recent advances in watermarking of image, video, audio, and other media. Spatial, spectral, and temporal watermarking algorithms. Perceptual models. Use of cryptography in steganography and watermarking. Content authentication, copy control, intellectual property, digital rights management and other applications.
COMP 5310 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5152)
Evolving Information Networks
Convergence of social and technological networks with WWW. Interplay between information content, entities creating it and technologies supporting it. Structure and analysis of such networks, models abstracting their properties, link analysis, search, mechanism design, power laws, cascading, clustering and connections with work in social sciences.
Evolving Information Networks
Convergence of social and technological networks with WWW. Interplay between information content, entities creating it and technologies supporting it. Structure and analysis of such networks, models abstracting their properties, link analysis, search, mechanism design, power laws, cascading, clustering and connections with work in social sciences.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as COMP 4206, for which additional credit is precluded.
COMP 5401 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5389)
Electronic Commerce Technologies
Introduction to business models and technologies. Search engines. Cryptography. Web services and agents. Secure electronic transactions. Value added e-commerce technologies. Advanced research questions.
Electronic Commerce Technologies
Introduction to business models and technologies. Search engines. Cryptography. Web services and agents. Secure electronic transactions. Value added e-commerce technologies. Advanced research questions.
COMP 5402 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5142)
Protocols for Mobile and Wireless Networks
Link and network layer protocols of wireless networks; applications of wireless networks may be discussed. Topics may include: protocol implementation, mobile IP, resource discovery, wireless LANs/PANs, and Spreadspectrum.
Protocols for Mobile and Wireless Networks
Link and network layer protocols of wireless networks; applications of wireless networks may be discussed. Topics may include: protocol implementation, mobile IP, resource discovery, wireless LANs/PANs, and Spreadspectrum.
Precludes additional credit for SYSC 5306.
COMP 5405 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5380)
Systems and Architectures for Electronic Commerce
Systems and Architectures for Electronic Commerce
COMP 5406 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5105)
Network Security and Cryptography
Advanced methodologies selected from symmetric and public key cryptography, network security protocols and infrastructure, identification, anonymity, privacy technologies, secret-sharing, intrusion detection, firewalls, access control technologies, and defending network attacks.
Network Security and Cryptography
Advanced methodologies selected from symmetric and public key cryptography, network security protocols and infrastructure, identification, anonymity, privacy technologies, secret-sharing, intrusion detection, firewalls, access control technologies, and defending network attacks.
Prerequisite(s): COMP 3203 and COMP 4109, or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.
COMP 5407 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5116)
Authentication and Software Security
Specialized topics in security including advanced authentication techniques, user interface aspects, electronic and digital signatures, security infrastructures and protocols, software vulnerabilities affecting security, untrusted software and hosts, protecting software and digital content.
Authentication and Software Security
Specialized topics in security including advanced authentication techniques, user interface aspects, electronic and digital signatures, security infrastructures and protocols, software vulnerabilities affecting security, untrusted software and hosts, protecting software and digital content.
COMP 5408 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5121)
Advanced Data Structures
Simple methods of data structure design and analysis that lead to efficient data structures for several problems. Topics include randomized binary search trees, persistence, fractional cascading, self-adjusting data structures, van Emde Boas trees, tries, randomized heaps, and lowest common ancestor queries.
Advanced Data Structures
Simple methods of data structure design and analysis that lead to efficient data structures for several problems. Topics include randomized binary search trees, persistence, fractional cascading, self-adjusting data structures, van Emde Boas trees, tries, randomized heaps, and lowest common ancestor queries.
COMP 5409 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5127)
Applied Computational Geometry
Computer-based representation and manipulation of geometric objects. Design and analysis of efficient algorithms for solving geometric problems in applied fields such as Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing, Cartography, Materials Science, and Geometric Network Design.
Applied Computational Geometry
Computer-based representation and manipulation of geometric objects. Design and analysis of efficient algorithms for solving geometric problems in applied fields such as Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing, Cartography, Materials Science, and Geometric Network Design.
COMP 5500 [0.5 credit]
Internet Measurements and Security
Measurement methodologies for understanding complex Internet phenomena and behaviors including: spread of vulnerabilities, remote network topologies, attack patterns, content popularity, Internet censorship, service quality, and adoption of security systems. Tools for efficient measurements, large-scale data analysis, stats, reproducibility of results. Ethical considerations.
Internet Measurements and Security
Measurement methodologies for understanding complex Internet phenomena and behaviors including: spread of vulnerabilities, remote network topologies, attack patterns, content popularity, Internet censorship, service quality, and adoption of security systems. Tools for efficient measurements, large-scale data analysis, stats, reproducibility of results. Ethical considerations.
COMP 5501 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5111)
Software Quality Engineering
Software quality issues. Quality components and metrics. Software process quality. Software reliability engineering. Software design for testability. Requirements capture and validation. Systematic design validation; grey-box approach, test design, implementation and management, case studies in validation and verification of communications software. Object-oriented design and test.
Software Quality Engineering
Software quality issues. Quality components and metrics. Software process quality. Software reliability engineering. Software design for testability. Requirements capture and validation. Systematic design validation; grey-box approach, test design, implementation and management, case studies in validation and verification of communications software. Object-oriented design and test.
COMP 5503 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5115)
Database Analysis & Design
The dimensional and multidimensional data models for data warehousing. Data dependencies and decomposition. Structure and use of data definition and manipulation languages. Database economics, engineering, deployment and evolution. Issues in integrity, security, the Internet and distributed databases. Relationships to decision support systems.
Database Analysis & Design
The dimensional and multidimensional data models for data warehousing. Data dependencies and decomposition. Structure and use of data definition and manipulation languages. Database economics, engineering, deployment and evolution. Issues in integrity, security, the Internet and distributed databases. Relationships to decision support systems.
COMP 5505 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5386)
Natural Language Processing
Overview of both rule-based or symbolic methods and statistical methods as approaches to Natural Language Processing (NLP), with more emphasis on the statistical ones. Applications such as information retrieval, text categorization, clustering, and statistical machine translation could be discussed.
Natural Language Processing
Overview of both rule-based or symbolic methods and statistical methods as approaches to Natural Language Processing (NLP), with more emphasis on the statistical ones. Applications such as information retrieval, text categorization, clustering, and statistical machine translation could be discussed.
COMP 5604 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5174)
Validation Methods for Distributed Systems
Review of formal specification and description techniques for distributed and open systems. Verification techniques. Correctness proofs. Verification of general properties of distributed systems. Analysis and relief strategies. Testing techniques. Test generation strategies. Test architectures.
Validation Methods for Distributed Systems
Review of formal specification and description techniques for distributed and open systems. Verification techniques. Correctness proofs. Verification of general properties of distributed systems. Analysis and relief strategies. Testing techniques. Test generation strategies. Test architectures.
COMP 5606 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5161)
Principles of Distributed Simulation
Distributed simulation principles and practices. Synchronization protocols: Optimistic vs Conservative, Deadlock detection in conservative simulations, Time warp simulation. Distributed interactive simulation: Data distribution management, Interest management, High Level Architectures (HLA), Run Time Infrastructure (RTI). Distributed web-based and agent based simulation. Real time applications.
Principles of Distributed Simulation
Distributed simulation principles and practices. Synchronization protocols: Optimistic vs Conservative, Deadlock detection in conservative simulations, Time warp simulation. Distributed interactive simulation: Data distribution management, Interest management, High Level Architectures (HLA), Run Time Infrastructure (RTI). Distributed web-based and agent based simulation. Real time applications.
COMP 5703 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5163)
Algorithm Analysis and Design
Topics of current interest in the analysis and design of sequential and parallel algorithms for non-numerical, algebraic and graph computations. Lower bounds on efficiency of algorithms. Complexity classes.
Algorithm Analysis and Design
Topics of current interest in the analysis and design of sequential and parallel algorithms for non-numerical, algebraic and graph computations. Lower bounds on efficiency of algorithms. Complexity classes.
COMP 5704 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5131)
Parallel Algorithms and Applications in Data Science
Multiprocessor architectures from an application programmer’s perspective: programming models, processor clusters, multi-core processors, GPU’s, algorithmic paradigms, efficient parallel problem solving, scalability and portability. Projects on high performance computing in Data Science, incl. data analytics, bioinformatics, simulations. Programming experience on parallel processing equipment.
Parallel Algorithms and Applications in Data Science
Multiprocessor architectures from an application programmer’s perspective: programming models, processor clusters, multi-core processors, GPU’s, algorithmic paradigms, efficient parallel problem solving, scalability and portability. Projects on high performance computing in Data Science, incl. data analytics, bioinformatics, simulations. Programming experience on parallel processing equipment.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
COMP 5706 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5387)
Data Mining & Concept Learning
Concepts and techniques of data mining. Methods for data summarization and data preprocessing. Algorithms for finding frequent patterns and association analysis; classification; cluster analysis and anomaly detection. Model selection, model evaluation and statistical significance testing. Applications of data mining and coping with Big Data.
Data Mining & Concept Learning
Concepts and techniques of data mining. Methods for data summarization and data preprocessing. Algorithms for finding frequent patterns and association analysis; classification; cluster analysis and anomaly detection. Model selection, model evaluation and statistical significance testing. Applications of data mining and coping with Big Data.
COMP 5707 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5110)
Principles of Formal Software Development
Methodologies in formal software specification, development, and verification. The use of theorem proving, automated deduction, and other related formal methods for software correctness. Applications in program verification and secure computation.
Principles of Formal Software Development
Methodologies in formal software specification, development, and verification. The use of theorem proving, automated deduction, and other related formal methods for software correctness. Applications in program verification and secure computation.
COMP 5709 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5165.)
Combinatorial Algorithms
Design of algorithms for solving problems that are combinatorial in nature, involving exhaustive generation, enumeration, search and optimization. Algorithms for generating basic combinatorial objects and for solving hard optimization problems. Metaheuristic search, backtracking, branch-and-bound. Computing isomorphism of combinatorial objects.
Combinatorial Algorithms
Design of algorithms for solving problems that are combinatorial in nature, involving exhaustive generation, enumeration, search and optimization. Algorithms for generating basic combinatorial objects and for solving hard optimization problems. Metaheuristic search, backtracking, branch-and-bound. Computing isomorphism of combinatorial objects.
COMP 5801 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5388)
Topics in Machine Learning
Topics in Machine Learning
COMP 5805 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5166)
Applications of Combinatorial Optimization
Topics in combinatorial optimization with emphasis on applications in Computer Science. Topics include network flows, various routing algorithms, polyhedral combinatorics, and the cutting plane method.
Applications of Combinatorial Optimization
Topics in combinatorial optimization with emphasis on applications in Computer Science. Topics include network flows, various routing algorithms, polyhedral combinatorics, and the cutting plane method.
COMP 5900 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5140)
Selected Topics in Computer Science
Selected topics, not covered by other graduate courses. Details will be available from the School at the time of registration.
Selected Topics in Computer Science
Selected topics, not covered by other graduate courses. Details will be available from the School at the time of registration.
COMP 5901 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5901)
Directed Studies (M.C.S.)
A course of independent study under the supervision of a member of the School of Computer Science.
Directed Studies (M.C.S.)
A course of independent study under the supervision of a member of the School of Computer Science.
COMP 5903 [1.0 credit] (CSI 6900)
Graduate Project (M.C.S.)
A one- or two-session course. For M.C.S. non-thesis option students only.
Graduate Project (M.C.S.)
A one- or two-session course. For M.C.S. non-thesis option students only.
COMP 5905 [2.5 credits] (THM 7999)
M.C.S. Thesis
M.C.S. Thesis
COMP 5913 [0.0 credit] (CGI 6001/CGI 6002)
Master's Co-operative Work Term
Master's Co-operative Work Term
COMP 6100 [0.5 credit] (CSI 7131)
Advanced Parallel and Systolic Algorithms
Continuation of COMP 5704.
Advanced Parallel and Systolic Algorithms
Continuation of COMP 5704.
COMP 6104 [0.5 credit] (CSI 7314)
Advanced Topics in Object-Oriented Systems
Advanced object-oriented software engineering, in particular the issues of reuse and testing. Sample topics include: interaction modeling; class and cluster testing; traceability; design patterns and testing; the C++ standard template library. Students will carry out research.
Advanced Topics in Object-Oriented Systems
Advanced object-oriented software engineering, in particular the issues of reuse and testing. Sample topics include: interaction modeling; class and cluster testing; traceability; design patterns and testing; the C++ standard template library. Students will carry out research.
COMP 6601 [0.5 credit] (CSI 7160)
Advanced Topics in the Theory of Computing
Advanced Topics in the Theory of Computing
COMP 6602 [0.5 credit] (CSI 7170)
Advanced Topics in Distributed Computing
Advanced Topics in Distributed Computing
COMP 6603 [0.5 credit] (CSI 7161, CSI 7561)
Advanced Topics in Programming Systems and Languages
Advanced Topics in Programming Systems and Languages
COMP 6604 [0.5 credit] (CSI 7162)
Advanced Topics in Computer Applications
Advanced Topics in Computer Applications
COMP 6605 [0.5 credit] (CSI 7163)
Advanced Topics in Computer Systems
Advanced Topics in Computer Systems
COMP 6901 [0.5 credit] (CSI 7901)
Directed Studies (Ph.D.)
Directed Studies (Ph.D.)
COMP 6902 [0.5 credit] (CSI 7900)
Graduate Project (Ph.D.)
Graduate Project (Ph.D.)
COMP 6907 [0.0 credit] (CSI 9998)
Doctoral Comprehensive
Committee assembled approves at least 3 topics for written examination: typically, a major and two minor areas. An oral examination occurs if the written exam is passed. Both elements must take place within the first 4 terms following initial registration in the program.
Doctoral Comprehensive
Committee assembled approves at least 3 topics for written examination: typically, a major and two minor areas. An oral examination occurs if the written exam is passed. Both elements must take place within the first 4 terms following initial registration in the program.
The comprehensive may be failed, passed conditionally (i.e., with extra course requirements) or passed unconditionally. If failed this course may be retaken at most one time.
COMP 6908 [0.0 credit] (CSI 9997)
Doctoral Proposal
Within 8 terms following initial registration in the program, a document generally defining the problem addressed, relating it to the literature, and outlining the hypotheses, goals, research methodology, initial results and validation approach must be submitted to an examination committee and successfully defended.
Doctoral Proposal
Within 8 terms following initial registration in the program, a document generally defining the problem addressed, relating it to the literature, and outlining the hypotheses, goals, research methodology, initial results and validation approach must be submitted to an examination committee and successfully defended.
COMP 6909 [0.0 credit] (THD 9999)
Ph.D. Thesis
Ph.D. Thesis
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca
Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca