Human-Computer Interaction (HCIN) Courses
HCIN 5100 [0.5 credit]
Fundamentals of HCI Design and Evaluation
Strategies and practices in HCI design and evaluation. Students will learn to perform studies in user interface analysis and design, read research literature critically, distill important points from readings, summarize, write papers, design user interfaces and present their work.
Fundamentals of HCI Design and Evaluation
Strategies and practices in HCI design and evaluation. Students will learn to perform studies in user interface analysis and design, read research literature critically, distill important points from readings, summarize, write papers, design user interfaces and present their work.
Precludes additional credit for PSYC 5105 (no longer offered).
HCIN 5200 [0.5 credit]
Software and User Interface Development
Design and development of user interfaces for software systems based on principles for supporting user interaction, with emphasis on frameworks, tools, and processes for user interface development.
Software and User Interface Development
Design and development of user interfaces for software systems based on principles for supporting user interaction, with emphasis on frameworks, tools, and processes for user interface development.
HCIN 5300 [0.5 credit]
Emerging Interaction Techniques
Advanced interaction styles and their associated technologies. Topics may include hand held and gestural interactions, ubiquitous computing, deformable user interfaces, physiological computing and tangible user interfaces.
Emerging Interaction Techniques
Advanced interaction styles and their associated technologies. Topics may include hand held and gestural interactions, ubiquitous computing, deformable user interfaces, physiological computing and tangible user interfaces.
Also listed as ITEC 5204.
HCIN 5400 [0.5 credit]
Experimental Methods and Statistics
An introduction to the design of experiments and the statistics needed to interpret data.
Experimental Methods and Statistics
An introduction to the design of experiments and the statistics needed to interpret data.
Also listed as CGSC 5101.
HCIN 5403 [0.5 credit]
Research methods in HCI
An introduction to quantitative and qualitative research methods in HCI. Students will acquire skills in collecting and analyzing HCI data, presenting the findings and specifying practical implications.
Research methods in HCI
An introduction to quantitative and qualitative research methods in HCI. Students will acquire skills in collecting and analyzing HCI data, presenting the findings and specifying practical implications.
Precludes additional credit for PSYC 5106 (no longer offered).
HCIN 5404 [0.5 credit]
Design Research Methods
Critical review of qualitative and quantitative research methods to support interdisciplinary design. Methods used by collaborators from the sciences and humanities as well as methods designers bring to interdisciplinary collaborations are introduced. Research for design, research through design and theoretical frameworks are discussed.
Design Research Methods
Critical review of qualitative and quantitative research methods to support interdisciplinary design. Methods used by collaborators from the sciences and humanities as well as methods designers bring to interdisciplinary collaborations are introduced. Research for design, research through design and theoretical frameworks are discussed.
HCIN 5405 [0.5 credit]
Methodologies for Discrete-Event Modelling and Simulation
Methodological aspects of simulation. Modelling discrete events systems. Modeling formalisms: FSA, FSM, Petri Nets, DEVS, others. Verification and Verification. Cellular models: Cellular Automata, Cell-DEVS. Continous and hybrid models. Parallel and Distributed simulation (PADS) techniques. PADS middleware: HLA, Parallel-DEVS, Time-Warp.
Methodologies for Discrete-Event Modelling and Simulation
Methodological aspects of simulation. Modelling discrete events systems. Modeling formalisms: FSA, FSM, Petri Nets, DEVS, others. Verification and Verification. Cellular models: Cellular Automata, Cell-DEVS. Continous and hybrid models. Parallel and Distributed simulation (PADS) techniques. PADS middleware: HLA, Parallel-DEVS, Time-Warp.
HCIN 5406 [0.5 credit]
Object-Oriented Software Development
Issues in modeling and verifying quality and variability in object-oriented systems. Testable models in model-driven and test-driven approaches. System family engineering. Functional conformance: scenario modeling and verification, design by contract. Conformance to non functional requirements: goals, forces and tradeoffs, metrics.
Object-Oriented Software Development
Issues in modeling and verifying quality and variability in object-oriented systems. Testable models in model-driven and test-driven approaches. System family engineering. Functional conformance: scenario modeling and verification, design by contract. Conformance to non functional requirements: goals, forces and tradeoffs, metrics.
HCIN 5501 [0.5 credit]
Virtual and Augmented Reality Technology
Research in and design of virtual/augmented reality systems. Applications, history, human factors, display and input hardware, and interaction techniques for navigation, selection and manipulation. Students develop and evaluate a VR/AR system using modern game engines and 3D hardware devices such as head-mounted displays.
Virtual and Augmented Reality Technology
Research in and design of virtual/augmented reality systems. Applications, history, human factors, display and input hardware, and interaction techniques for navigation, selection and manipulation. Students develop and evaluate a VR/AR system using modern game engines and 3D hardware devices such as head-mounted displays.
HCIN 5900 [0.5 credit]
Directed Studies
Independent study under supervision of a member of the Human/Computer Interaction faculty. Students are required to obtain their supervisor's written approval prior to registration and are limited to one such course in their program.
Directed Studies
Independent study under supervision of a member of the Human/Computer Interaction faculty. Students are required to obtain their supervisor's written approval prior to registration and are limited to one such course in their program.
Prerequisite(s): Enrolment in the HCI program and permission of the program Director.
HCIN 5901 [0.5 credit]
Advanced Topics
Topics not ordinarily treated in the regular course program due to their contemporary subject matter. The choice of topics varies from year to year. Details will be available at the time of registration.
Advanced Topics
Topics not ordinarily treated in the regular course program due to their contemporary subject matter. The choice of topics varies from year to year. Details will be available at the time of registration.
HCIN 5909 [2.5 credits]
Thesis in Human-Computer Interaction
Thesis in Human-Computer Interaction
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca
Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca