Political Economy (PECO) Courses
PECO 5000 [0.5 credit]
Theories of Political Economy
A survey of the core concepts and ideas proposed by both the founders and modern practitioners of political economy. Particular attention will be paid to contemporary theorists and classical theorists such as Smith, Ricardo, Marx, Mill, Schumpeter, Keynes, Veblen, and Innis.
Theories of Political Economy
A survey of the core concepts and ideas proposed by both the founders and modern practitioners of political economy. Particular attention will be paid to contemporary theorists and classical theorists such as Smith, Ricardo, Marx, Mill, Schumpeter, Keynes, Veblen, and Innis.
PECO 5001 [0.5 credit]
The Methodology of Political Economy
An examination of the methods, procedures, and rules for developing theory and guiding inquiry in political economy research, including topics such as logic of inquiry, conceptualization, research design, dialectics, level of analysis, comparison, evidence and statistics.
The Methodology of Political Economy
An examination of the methods, procedures, and rules for developing theory and guiding inquiry in political economy research, including topics such as logic of inquiry, conceptualization, research design, dialectics, level of analysis, comparison, evidence and statistics.
PECO 5002 [0.5 credit]
Political Economy of Work and Labour
Interdisciplinary survey of core concepts, contexts, and debates in the study of work and labour; critical and historical approach addressing inequalities of class, race, and disabilities; relational perspective on labour including technological change, care, political action, and the environment.
Political Economy of Work and Labour
Interdisciplinary survey of core concepts, contexts, and debates in the study of work and labour; critical and historical approach addressing inequalities of class, race, and disabilities; relational perspective on labour including technological change, care, political action, and the environment.
PECO 5501 [0.5 credit]
Selected Problems in Political Economy I
Selected Problems in Political Economy I
PECO 5502 [0.5 credit]
Selected Problems in Political Economy II
Selected Problems in Political Economy II
PECO 5503 [0.5 credit]
Selected Issues in Work and Labour I
Topics and emphasis vary from term to term according to current policies and events influencing the distribution and benefits of work and labour including migration, technological and environmental change, privatization, austerity, and transnational legislation.
Selected Issues in Work and Labour I
Topics and emphasis vary from term to term according to current policies and events influencing the distribution and benefits of work and labour including migration, technological and environmental change, privatization, austerity, and transnational legislation.
PECO 5504 [0.5 credit]
Selected Issues in Work and Labour II
Topics and emphasis vary from term to term according to current policies and events influencing the distribution and benefits of work and labour including migration, technological and environmental change, privatization, austerity, and transnational legislation.
Selected Issues in Work and Labour II
Topics and emphasis vary from term to term according to current policies and events influencing the distribution and benefits of work and labour including migration, technological and environmental change, privatization, austerity, and transnational legislation.
PECO 5900 [0.5 credit]
Tutorial in Political Economy
Directed readings on selected aspects of political economy, involving preparation of papers as the basis for discussion with the tutor. Offered when no regular course offering meets a candidate's specific needs.
Tutorial in Political Economy
Directed readings on selected aspects of political economy, involving preparation of papers as the basis for discussion with the tutor. Offered when no regular course offering meets a candidate's specific needs.
Prerequisite(s): permission of the Director.
PECO 5906 [0.5 credit]
Reflective Practice on Work and Labour
Through a reflection on their current work environment, it is expected that students that are working would apply the knowledge received to enrich their work place. Students will provide relevant reflections and proposals to enrich their work-practices over the period of one-semester.
Reflective Practice on Work and Labour
Through a reflection on their current work environment, it is expected that students that are working would apply the knowledge received to enrich their work place. Students will provide relevant reflections and proposals to enrich their work-practices over the period of one-semester.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): PECO 5002 and permission of the department.
Prerequisite(s): PECO 5002 and permission of the department.
PECO 5907 [0.5 credit]
Placement in Political Economy
This course offers an opportunity to earn academic credit by engaging in research activities under the supervision of professional researchers in the community. Placement possibilities may be initiated by the student or arranged through community contacts established by the Institute of Political Economy.
Placement in Political Economy
This course offers an opportunity to earn academic credit by engaging in research activities under the supervision of professional researchers in the community. Placement possibilities may be initiated by the student or arranged through community contacts established by the Institute of Political Economy.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): permission of the Director.
Prerequisite(s): permission of the Director.
PECO 5908 [1.0 credit]
Research Essay
Directly linked to the student's course work, the research essay must be interdisciplinary in approach.
Research Essay
Directly linked to the student's course work, the research essay must be interdisciplinary in approach.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
PECO 5909 [2.0 credits]
M.A. Thesis
The thesis is an alternative to the research essay. It must also be interdisciplinary in approach, and requires greater substance and originality than the Research Essay. Normally, a student's thesis committee will be composed of members from more than one discipline.
M.A. Thesis
The thesis is an alternative to the research essay. It must also be interdisciplinary in approach, and requires greater substance and originality than the Research Essay. Normally, a student's thesis committee will be composed of members from more than one discipline.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
PECO 6000 [0.5 credit]
Political Economy: Core Concepts
Core concepts in political economy, drawn from classical and contemporary writings. Topics will be selected in consultation with participating units, taking into account the potential number of students, their research interests and those of the participating units.
Political Economy: Core Concepts
Core concepts in political economy, drawn from classical and contemporary writings. Topics will be selected in consultation with participating units, taking into account the potential number of students, their research interests and those of the participating units.
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca
Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca