Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies
(Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
Directed Interdisciplinary Studies (DIST) Courses
DIST 3901 [0.5 credit]
Themes in Interdisciplinary Inquiry
Examination of topics of interest to a number of disciplines, along with various methods and styles of thought used to study them. Students will synthesize the various perspectives. Open only to students in Directed Interdisciplinary Studies and Child Studies.
Themes in Interdisciplinary Inquiry
Examination of topics of interest to a number of disciplines, along with various methods and styles of thought used to study them. Students will synthesize the various perspectives. Open only to students in Directed Interdisciplinary Studies and Child Studies.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing in Child Studies or Directed Interdisciplinary Studies.
Seminar three hours a week.
Seminar three hours a week.
DIST 3902 [0.5 credit]
Selected Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies
An examination of one or more interdisciplinary topics selected by faculty to present interdisciplinary thought and research not available elsewhere in the university curriculum.
Selected Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies
An examination of one or more interdisciplinary topics selected by faculty to present interdisciplinary thought and research not available elsewhere in the university curriculum.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing or permission of the Institute.
Seminar three hours a week.
Seminar three hours a week.
DIST 4901 [0.5 credit]
Directed Reading
Individual or small-group tutorial related to the theme of a Directed Interdisciplinary Studies program. Written permission from the Director of Interdisciplinary Studies is required before registering; please contact the DIS administrator.
Directed Reading
Individual or small-group tutorial related to the theme of a Directed Interdisciplinary Studies program. Written permission from the Director of Interdisciplinary Studies is required before registering; please contact the DIS administrator.
Prerequisite(s): for Directed Interdisciplinary Studies students with fourth year Honours standing and a CGPA of 9.00 or better or permission of the Institute.
DIST 4902 [0.5 credit]
Directed Reading
Individual or small-group tutorial related to the theme of a Directed Interdisciplinary Studies program. Written permission from the Director of Interdisciplinary Studies is required before registering; please contact the DIS administrator.
Directed Reading
Individual or small-group tutorial related to the theme of a Directed Interdisciplinary Studies program. Written permission from the Director of Interdisciplinary Studies is required before registering; please contact the DIS administrator.
Prerequisite(s): for Directed Interdisciplinary Studies students with fourth year Honours standing and a CGPA of 9.00 or better or permission of the Institute.
DIST 4904 [0.5 credit]
Selected Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies
An examination of one or more interdisciplinary topics selected by faculty to present interdisciplinary thought and research not available elsewhere in the university curriculum.
Selected Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies
An examination of one or more interdisciplinary topics selected by faculty to present interdisciplinary thought and research not available elsewhere in the university curriculum.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing or permission of the Institute.
Seminar three hours a week.
Seminar three hours a week.
DIST 4905 [0.5 credit]
Directed Interdisciplinary Studies Fieldwork I
Fieldwork related to the theme of a Directed Interdisciplinary Studies program. A proposal with a fieldwork research question and a supervisor must be approved prior to registration. A paper relating the fieldwork to the student's DIS program must be submitted. Graded as Sat/Uns.
Directed Interdisciplinary Studies Fieldwork I
Fieldwork related to the theme of a Directed Interdisciplinary Studies program. A proposal with a fieldwork research question and a supervisor must be approved prior to registration. A paper relating the fieldwork to the student's DIS program must be submitted. Graded as Sat/Uns.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year Honours standing in Directed Interdisciplinary Studies or permission of the Institute.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year Honours standing in Directed Interdisciplinary Studies or permission of the Institute.
DIST 4906 [0.5 credit]
Directed Interdisciplinary Studies Fieldwork II
Fieldwork related to the theme of a Directed Interdisciplinary Studies program. A proposal with a fieldwork research question and a supervisor must be approved prior to registration. A paper relating the fieldwork to the student's DIS program must be submitted. Graded as Sat/Uns.
Directed Interdisciplinary Studies Fieldwork II
Fieldwork related to the theme of a Directed Interdisciplinary Studies program. A proposal with a fieldwork research question and a supervisor must be approved prior to registration. A paper relating the fieldwork to the student's DIS program must be submitted. Graded as Sat/Uns.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year Honours standing in Directed Interdisciplinary Studies or permission of the Institute.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year Honours standing in Directed Interdisciplinary Studies or permission of the Institute.
DIST 4907 [0.5 credit]
Honours Essay
Interdisciplinary research project designed to develop research and writing skills. Topics must be approved by the Program Coordinator also charged with marking the essay.
Honours Essay
Interdisciplinary research project designed to develop research and writing skills. Topics must be approved by the Program Coordinator also charged with marking the essay.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): fourth year standing.
Prerequisite(s): fourth year standing.
DIST 4908 [1.0 credit]
Honours Project
Interdisciplinary project for Honours Directed Interdisciplinary Studies students. In selecting a project, students must consult with the D.I.S. Program Coordinator. Students will work closely with a supervisor. Approval from the Program Coordinator to register for this course is necessary.
Honours Project
Interdisciplinary project for Honours Directed Interdisciplinary Studies students. In selecting a project, students must consult with the D.I.S. Program Coordinator. Students will work closely with a supervisor. Approval from the Program Coordinator to register for this course is necessary.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): fourth year standing in the B.A. Honours Directed Interdisciplinary Studies program and a 9.0 CGPA or higher.
Prerequisite(s): fourth year standing in the B.A. Honours Directed Interdisciplinary Studies program and a 9.0 CGPA or higher.
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca
Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca