6.1 Special Students
Special students may be admitted to a degree program if their academic achievement at Carleton University indicates a reasonable probability of future academic success. Previous post-secondary studies at other institutions will also be taken into consideration at the time the application for admission is evaluated. Students with previous, unsuccessful post-secondary studies should contact the Admissions Services before attempting to qualify for admission on the basis of studies as a Special student.
6.2 Application
Applications to study as a Special student are submitted online to the Registrar's Office at https://carleton.ca/registrar/special-students/. Applications must include transcripts from the most recent study (high school, post-secondary), as well as the application fee. Documentation provided must satisfy the English language requirements of the University (see 6.3 below).
6.3 Proficiency in English
Special students must satisfy the University English language proficiency requirement listed in the Admissions Regulations section.
6.4 Course Selection
Special students are eligible to register in most courses provided they meet prerequisites. Space in certain courses may be limited and some courses are restricted to degree students. Restrictions and prerequisites are listed in the Class Schedule and the Calendar course description.
Special students planning on applying for admission to a program in the future are advised to note the specific Faculty requirements for course selection and the admission requirements for Special students as listed in this Calendar.
6.5 Course Load
Special students may enrol in a maximum of 1.0 credit in each of the summer, fall and winter terms.
Students who enrol as Special after suspension from a degree or certificate program do not qualify for course overload.
Special students who have completed at least 1.0 credit taken at Carleton University and have a CGPA of at least 7.00 may petition to the Registrar's Office to register in a maximum of 1.5 credits in each of the summer, fall and winter terms. Permission from the Registrar's Office is required.
Special students may enrol in 2.5 credits in each of the fall and winter terms and in 2.0 credits in the summer term if the student holds an undergraduate degree from a recognized post-secondary institution and presents official documentation to confirm their degree.
Students studying with an official approved Letter of Permission from a recognized post secondary institution will be permitted to enrol in the course load indicated on their Letter of Permission.
6.6 Academic Performance Evaluation
Academic Performance Evaluation for Special students is carried out at the same time as for degree students. Special students receive their first Academic Performance Evaluation when the student has completed 2.0 credits since the most recent admission to Special studies when final grades are available. Subsequent evaluations occur when the student has completed an additional 2.0 or more credits. The result of an Academic Performance Evaluation is that the student is in Good Standing, on Academic Warning or is Suspended.
A Special student is considered to be in Good Standing at an Academic Performance Evaluation if their CGPA is at least 3.00.
A Special student is considered to be on Academic Warning at an Academic Performance Evaluation if their CGPA is less than 3.00 and at least 1.00 and they were in Good Standing before the evaluation.
Special students are Suspended if:
- they are on Academic Warning at the time of a subsequent Academic Performance Evaluation and do not achieve Good Standing at that Academic Performance Evaluation; or,
- their CGPA is less than 1.00 at the time of any Academic Performance Evaluation.
A Suspended Special student may not return to Special studies for one year.
6.7 Special Students Enrolling in Graduate-Level Courses
Anyone wishing to enrol in a graduate-level course as a Special student must obtain permission from the appropriate department. Requests are submitted through the registration system as a Course Override Request. Anyone considering pursuing a graduate degree is urged to contact the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs prior to registration as a Special student.