- B. Hum. (Honours)
- B. Hum. and Biology (Honours)
Admission Requirements
First Year
The Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent including a minimum of six 4U or M courses. The Bachelor of Humanities and Biology option must include 4U Chemistry or 4U Biology.
The overall admission cut-off average and/or prerequisite average may be considerably higher than the stated minimum requirements for admission. Applicants with lower averages may be asked to submit a portfolio in support of their application. For detailed information about the portfolio and whether you are required to submit one, please consult with the Bachelor of Humanities website. The portfolio should be submitted to the College of the Humanities, Carleton University.
Advanced Standing
Applications for admission with advanced standing to the program leading to the Bachelor of Humanities will be evaluated individually. On admission, students will not receive credit for courses graded below C-. The College also maintains a number of places in second and third year for students who wish to transfer from Carleton or elsewhere. Applications will be assessed on their merits but normally an overall CGPA of 8.0 (B) or higher is required. On admission, students will not receive credit for courses graded below C-.