- B.S.W. (Honours)
Admission Requirements
First Year
The Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent including a minimum of six 4U or M courses.
Although it is not an admission requirement, a 4U course in English is strongly recommended. Preference will be given to applicants with human service work experience, which may be met by employment and/or volunteer experience. Applicants will be requested to complete a personal information document that will assist in the evaluation of their suitability for the program.
Advanced Standing
Students who meet the Faculty Honours continuation standards will be considered for transfer into the second year of the B.S.W. program when spaces are available. Students who have completed an undergraduate degree are normally admitted into the program with Third-year standing.
Community College Applicants
Articulation agreements between the School of Social Work at Carleton University and several community colleges have been negotiated to facilitate the application of their graduates in their human or social service worker programs to Carleton's Bachelor of Social Work. Agreements have been established with Algonquin College, Sir Sandford Fleming College and St. Lawrence College (Cornwall and Kingston). Contact the School for more details.