Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (Joint) (MAAJ) Courses
Theory of Elasticity
Advanced Stress Analysis
Theory Perfectly Plastic Solid
Theory of Plates and Shells
Continuum Mechanics
Advanced Topics in Elasticity
Adv. Dynamics w/Applications
Finite Element Analysis
Advanced Topics in Finite Element Analysis
Performance and Economics of V/Stol Aircraft
Advanced Topics in Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
Computational Metallurgy
Advanced Dynamics
Ground Transportation Systems and Vehicles
Methods of Energy Conversion
Nuclear Engineering
Wind Engineering
System Modelling, Dynamics and Control
Nonlinear System Analysis and Controls
3D Machine Vision: From Robots to the Space Station
Engineering Acoustics
Gas Turbines
Convective Heat and Mass Transfers
Deformation and Fracture of Engineering Materials
Failure Analysis of High-Temperature Protective Coatings for Aerospace Applications
Fatigue and Damage Tolerance in Aircraft
Finite-Volume Methods for Compressible Flows
High-Performance Parallel Scientific Computing
Materials Characterization Techniques
Materials Selection in Engineering Design
Non-Equilibrium Gas Dynamics
Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Micromechanics of Solids
Gas Dynamics
Experimental Stress Analysis
Integrated Manufacturing - CIMS
Non-Linear Optimization
Intro to Composite Materials
Introduction to Plasticity
Fracture Mechanics
Optimal Control Systems
Dynamics and Aerodynamics of Flight
Theory of Viscous Flows
Incompressible Non-Viscous Flows
Compressible Non-Viscous Flows
Orbital Mechanics and Space Control
Lightweight Structures
Space Mission Analysis and Design
Experimental Methods in Fluid Mechanics
Smart Structures
Deformation of Materials
Hot Working of Metals
Guidance, Navigation and Control
Neuro and Fuzzy Control
Finite Element Analysis II
Building Performance Simulation
Heat Transfer by Conduction
Heat Transfer by Convection
Heat Transfer by Radiation
Heat Transfer w/Phase Change
Advanced Thermodynamics
Special Studies in Fluid Mech and Heat Transfer
Special Studies in Solid Mechanics and Materials
Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering
Special Topics in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Special Topics in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Special Topics in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Special Topics in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Special Topics in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Special Topics in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Special Topics in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Special Topics in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Special Topics in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Gas Turbine Combustion
Computational Fluid Dynamics of Compressible Flow
Theory of Subsonic Flows
Theory of Supersonic Flows
Statistical Thermodynamics
Special Topics in Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
Special Topics in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Theorie d'Ecoulement Visqueux
Theorie de Turbulence
Superalloys and Ceramix-Metal Matrix Composites
Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer
Méthodes numeriques en mécanique
Laminar Flow Theory
Theory of Turbulance
Inviscid Flow Theory
Measurement of Fluid Mech
Num Comp:Fluid Dyn and Heat Tran
Advanced Production Planning and Control
Advanced Vibration Analysis
Advanced Kinematics
Nuclear Reactor Engineering
Industrial Organization
Advanced Topics in Reliability Engineer
Failure Prevention
The Boundary Element Method
Microstructure and Properties of Materials
Computer-Aided Design
Applied Reliability Theory
Systems Engineer and Integration
Robot Mechanics
Manufacturing System Analysis
Metallic Phases and Transformations
Theory of Elastic Instability
Multivariable Digital Control
Non-Linear Disc Dyn and Control
Special Topics in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Safety and Risk Assessment of Nuclear Power
Special Topics in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Special Topics in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Special Topics in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Special Topics in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Special Topics in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Special Topics in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Combustion in Premixed Systems
Combustion in Diffusion System
Note: Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca.
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca