Mathematics (MATH) Courses
Commutative Algebra
Prime spectrum of a commutative ring (as a topological space); localization of rings and modules; tensor product of modules and algebras; Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz and consequences for finitely generated algebras; Krull dimension of a ring; integral dependence, going-up, going-down; Noether Normalization Lemma and dimension theory.
Algebraic Geometry
Brief overview of commutative algebra, Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz, algebraic sets, and Zariski topology. Affine and projective varieties over algebraically closed fields. Regular functions and rational maps. Additional topics.
Banach Algebras
Commutative Banach algebras; the space of maximal ideals; representation of Banach algebras as function algebras and as operator algebras; the spectrum of an element. Special types of Banach algebras: for example, regular algebras with involution, applications.
Complex Analysis
Complex differentiation and integration, harmonic functions, maximum modulus principle, Runge's theorem, conformal mapping, entire and meromorphic functions, analytic continuation.
Real Analysis I (Measure Theory and Integration)
General measure and integral, Lebesgue measure and integration on R, Fubini's theorem, Lebesgue-Radon-Nikodym theorem, absolute continuity and differentiation, LP-spaces. Selected topics such as Daniell-Stone theory.
Real Analysis II (Functional Analysis)
Banach and Hilbert spaces, bounded linear operators, dual spaces. Topics selected from: weak-topologies, Alaoglu's theorem, compact operators, differential calculus in Banach spaces, Riesz representation theorems.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as MATH 4003, for which additional credit is precluded.
Introduction to Hilbert Space
Geometry of Hilbert Space, spectral theory of linear operators in Hilbert Space.
Group Representations and Applications
An introduction to group representations and character theory, with selected applications.
Rings and Modules
Generalizations of the Wedderburn-Artin theorem and applications, homological algebra.
Lie Algebras
Basic concepts: ideals, homomorphisms, nilpotent, solvable, semi-simple. Representations, universal enveloping algebra. Semi-simple Lie algebras: structure theory, classification, and representation theory.
Group Theory
Fundamental principles as applied to abelian, nilpotent, solvable, free, and finite groups; representations.
Algebra I: Rings and Modules
Noetherian and artinian modules and rings. Varieties, Hilbert Basis Theorem, radical ideals, Hilbert Nullstellensatz. Localization and tensor products of modules and algebras. Semisimple rings and modules, Schur's Lemma, Jacobson Density Theorem, Artin-Wedderburn Theorem. Short exact sequences. Free, projective, injective and flat modules.
Homological Algebra and Category Theory
Axioms of set theory, categories, functors, natural transformations; free, projective, injective and flat modules; tensor products and homology functors, derived functors; dimension theory.
Algebra II: Groups and Galois Theory
Group actions, class equation, Sylow theorems, central, composition and derived series, Jordan-Holder theorem, field extensions and minimal polynomials, algebraic closure, separable extensions, integrality, Galois groups, fundamental theorem of Galois theory, finite fields, cyclotomic field extensions, fundamental theorem of algebra, transcendental extensions.
Topics in Geometry
Various axiom systems of geometry. Detailed examinations of at least one modern approach to foundations, with emphasis upon the connections with group theory.
Homology Theory
The Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms and their consequences, singular homology theory, applications to topology and algebra.
Topology I
Topological spaces, product and identification topologies, countability and separation axioms, compactness, connectedness, homotopy, fundamental group, net and filter convergence.
Topology II
Covering spaces, homology via the Eilenberg-Steenrod Axioms, applications, construction of a homology functor.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as MATH 4206, for which additional credit is precluded.
Foundations of Geometry
A study of at least one modern axiom system of Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry, embedding of hyperbolic and Euclidean geometries in the projective plane, groups of motions, models of non-Euclidean geometry.
Differentiable Manifolds
A study of differentiable manifolds from the point of view of either differential topology or differential geometry. Topics such as smooth mappings, transversality, intersection theory, vector fields on manifolds, Gaussian curvature, Riemannian manifolds, differential forms, tensors, and connections are included.
Mathematical Cryptography
Analysis of cryptographic methods used in authentication and data protection, with particular attention to the underlying mathematics, e.g. Algebraic Geometry, Number Theory, and Finite Fields. Advanced topics on Public-Key Cryptography: RSA and integer factorization, Diffie-Hellman, discrete logarithms, elliptic curves. Topics in current research.
Mathematical Logic
A basic graduate course in mathematical logic. Propositional and predicate logic, proof theory, Gentzen's Cut-Elimination, completeness, compactness, Henkin models, model theory, arithmetic and undecidability. Special topics (time permitting) depending on interests of instructor and audience.
Analytic Number Theory
Dirichlet series, characters, Zeta-functions, prime number theorem, Dirichlet's theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions, binary quadratic forms.
Algebraic Number Theory
Algebraic number fields, bases, algebraic integers, integral bases, arithmetic in algebraic number fields, ideal theory, class number.
Topics in Applied Mathematics
Ordinary Differential Equations
Linear systems, fundamental solution. Nonlinear systems, existence and uniqueness, flow. Equilibria, periodic solutions, stability. Invariant manifolds and hyperbolic theory. One or two specialized topics taken from, but not limited to: perturbation and asymptotic methods, normal forms and bifurcations, global dynamics.
Partial Differential Equations
First-order equations, characteristics method, classification of second-order equations, separation of variables, Green's functions. Lp and Sobolev spaces, distributions, variational formulation and weak solutions, Lax-Milgram theorem, Galerkin approximation. Parabolic PDEs. Wave equations, hyperbolic systems, nonlinear PDEs, reactiondiffusion equations, infinite-dimensional dynamical systems, regularity.
Topics in Partial Differential Equations
Theory of distributions, initial-value problems based on two-dimensional wave equations, Laplace transform, Fourier integral transform, diffusion problems, Helmholtz equation with application to boundary and initial-value problems in cylindrical and spherical coordinates.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as MATH 4701, for which additional credit is precluded.
Asymptotic Methods of Applied Mathematics
Asymptotic series: properties, matching, application to differential equations. Asymptotic expansion of integrals: elementary methods, methods of Laplace, Stationary Phase and Steepest Descent, Watson's Lemma, Riemann-Lebesgue Lemma. Perturbation methods: regular and singular perturbation for differential equations, multiple scale analysis, boundary layer theory, WKB theory.
Theory of Automata
Algebraic structure of sequential machines, de-composition of machines; finite automata, formal languages; complexity.
Game Theory
Two-person zero-sum games; infinite games; multi-stage games; differential games; utility theory; two-person general-sum games; bargaining problem; n-person games; games with a continuum of players.
Topics in Combinatorial Mathematics
Courses in special topics related to Combinatorial Mathematics, not covered by other graduate courses.
Linear Optimization
Linear programming problems; simplex method, upper bounded variables, free variables; duality; postoptimality analysis; linear programs having special structures; integer programming problems; unimodularity; knapsack problem.
Nonlinear Optimization
Methods for unconstrained and constrained optimization problems; Kuhn-Tucker conditions; penalty functions; duality; quadratic programming; geometric programming; separable programming; integer nonlinear programming; pseudo-Boolean programming; dynamic programming.
Topics in Operations Research
Topics in Algorithm Design
Numerical Analysis
Error analysis for fixed and floating point arithmetic; systems of linear equations; eigen-value problems; sparse matrices; interpolation and approximation, including Fourier approximation; numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations.
Formal Language and Syntax Analysis
Computability, unsolvable and NP-hard problems. Formal languages, classes of language automata. Principles of compiler design, syntax analysis, parsing (top-down, bottom-up), ambiguity, operator precedence, automatic construction of efficient parsers, LR, LR(O), LR(k), SLR, LL(k). Syntax directed translation.
Combinatorial Optimization I
Network flow theory and related material. Topics will include shortest paths, minimum spanning trees, maximum flows, minimum cost flows. Optimal matching in bipartite graphs.
Combinatorial Optimization II
Topics include optimal matching in non-bipartite graphs, Euler tours, and the Chinese Postman problem. Other extensions of network flows: dynamic flows, multicommodity flows, and flows with gains, bottleneck problems. Matroid optimization. Enumerative and heuristic algorithms for the Traveling Salesman and other problems.
Discrete Applied Mathematics I: Graph Theory
Paths and cycles, trees, connectivity, Euler tours and Hamilton cycles, edge colouring, independent sets and cliques, vertex colouring, planar graphs, directed graphs. Selected topics from one or more of the following areas: algebraic graph theory, topological graph theory, random graphs.
Discrete Applied Mathematics II: Combinatorial Enumeration
Ordinary and exponential generating functions, product formulas, permutations, rooted trees, cycle index, WZ method. Lagrange inversions, singularity analysis of generating functions and asymptotics. Selected topics from one or more of the following areas: random graphs, random combinatorial structures, hypergeometric functions.
Quantum Computing
Space of quantum bits; entanglement. Observables in quantum mechanics. Density matrix and Schmidt decomposition. Quantum cryptography. Classical and quantum logic gates. Quantum Fourier transform. Shor's quantum algorithm for factorization of integers.
Mathematical Aspects of Wavelets and Digital Signal Processing
Lossless compression methods. Discrete Fourier transform and Fourier-based compression methods. JPEG and MPEG. Wavelet analysis. Digital filters and discrete wavelet transform. Daubechies wavelets. Wavelet compression.
Directed Studies
Research Internship
This course affords students the opportunity to undertake research in mathematics as a cooperative project with governmental or industrial sponsors. The grade will be based upon the mathematical content and upon oral and written presentation of results.
Prerequisite(s): permission of the graduate director.
M.Sc. Thesis in Mathematics
M.Sc. Project in Mathematics
Project in mathematics supervised by a professor approved by the graduate director resulting in a major report (approximately 30-40 pages), together with a short presentation on the report. Graded by the supervisor and another professor appointed by the graduate director.
Research Participation
Harmonic Analysis on Groups
Transformation groups; Haar measure; unitary representations of locally compact groups; completeness and compact groups; character theory; decomposition.
Topics in Analysis
Topics in Algebra
Lie Groups
Matrix groups: one-parameter groups, exponential map, Campbell-Hausdorff formula, Lie algebra of a matrix group, integration on matrix groups. Abstract Lie groups.
Topics in Topology
Topics in Probability
Topics in Mathematical Logic
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
Foundations of functional languages, lambda calculi (typed, polymorphically typed, untyped), Curry-Howard Isomorphism, proofs-as-programs, normalization and rewriting theory, operational semantics, type assignment, introduction to denotational semantics of programs, fixed-point programming.
Directed Studies
Ph.D. Thesis
Note: Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca.
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca