School of Information Technology
230 Azrieli Pavilion
This section presents the requirements for programs in:
- Master of Information Technology: Digital Media
- Master of Information Technology: Digital Media with Collaborative Specialization in Data Science
- Master of Information Technology: Network Technology
- Ph.D. Information Technology
Program Requirements
Master of Information Technology:
Digital Media (5.0 credits)
Requirements: | ||
1. 0.5 credit in: | 0.5 | |
ITEC 5002 [0.5] | Fundamentals of Information Technology Research | |
2. 0.0 credit in: | ||
ITEC 5001 [0.0] | Information Technology Seminars | |
3. 1.5 credits from core courses (For students admitted to 4.0-credit program, 1.0 credit): | 1.5 | |
ITEC 5010 [0.5] | Applied Programming I | |
ITEC 5200 [0.5] | Entertainment Technologies | |
ITEC 5201 [0.5] | Computer Animation Technologies | |
ITEC 5202 [0.5] | Visual Effects Technologies | |
ITEC 5203 [0.5] | Game Design and Development Technologies | |
ITEC 5204 [0.5] | Emerging Interaction Techniques | |
ITEC 5205 [0.5] | Design and Development of Data-Intensive Applications | |
ITEC 5206 [0.5] | Data Protection and Rights Management | |
ITEC 5207 [0.5] | Data Interaction Techniques | |
ITEC 5208 [0.5] | Virtual and Augmented Reality Technology | |
ITEC 5920 [0.5] | Selected Topics in Digital Media | |
4. 0.5 credit in electives, which may include up to 0.5 credit from a 4000-level course, or a 0.5 credit graduate course from another discipline, with permission from their graduate supervisor or the Associate Director of Graduate Studies in the School. | 0.5 | |
5. 2.5 credits in: | 2.5 | |
ITEC 5909 [2.5] | Master's Thesis | |
Total Credits | 5.0 |
Master of Information Technology: Digital Media
with Collaborative Specialization in Data Science (5.0 credits)
Requirements: | ||
1. 0.5 credit in: | 0.5 | |
DATA 5000 [0.5] | Data Science Seminar | |
2. 0.5 credit in: | 0.5 | |
ITEC 5002 [0.5] | Fundamentals of Information Technology Research | |
3. 1.0 credit from core courses: | 1.0 | |
ITEC 5010 [0.5] | Applied Programming I | |
ITEC 5200 [0.5] | Entertainment Technologies | |
ITEC 5201 [0.5] | Computer Animation Technologies | |
ITEC 5202 [0.5] | Visual Effects Technologies | |
ITEC 5203 [0.5] | Game Design and Development Technologies | |
ITEC 5204 [0.5] | Emerging Interaction Techniques | |
ITEC 5205 [0.5] | Design and Development of Data-Intensive Applications | |
ITEC 5206 [0.5] | Data Protection and Rights Management | |
ITEC 5207 [0.5] | Data Interaction Techniques | |
ITEC 5208 [0.5] | Virtual and Augmented Reality Technology | |
ITEC 5920 [0.5] | Selected Topics in Digital Media | |
4. 0.5 credit in electives, which may include up to 0.5 credit from a 4000-level course, or a 0.5 credit graduate course from another discipline, with permission from their graduate supervisor or the Associate Director of Graduate Studies in the School. | 0.5 | |
5. 2.5 credits in: | 2.5 | |
ITEC 5909 [2.5] | Master's Thesis (in the specialization) | |
Total Credits | 5.0 |
Note: No additional IT seminar requirements for this stream.
Master of Information Technology:
Network Technology (5.0 credits)
Requirements - Coursework pathway: | ||
1. 0.5 credit in: | 0.5 | |
ITEC 5002 [0.5] | Fundamentals of Information Technology Research | |
2. 0.0 credit in: | ||
ITEC 5001 [0.0] | Information Technology Seminars | |
3. 2.5 credits from core courses: | 2.5 | |
ITEC 5010 [0.5] | Applied Programming I | |
ITEC 5100 [0.5] | Planning and Design of Computer Networks | |
ITEC 5101 [0.5] | Cross Layer Design for Wireless Multimedia Networks | |
ITEC 5102 [0.5] | Designing Secure Networking and Computer Systems | |
ITEC 5103 [0.5] | Cloud and Datacentre Networking | |
ITEC 5205 [0.5] | Design and Development of Data-Intensive Applications | |
ITEC 5910 [0.5] | Selected Topics in Network Technologies | |
4. 1.0 credit in ITEC electives, which may include up to 0.5 credit in a 4000-level ITEC course with permission from the graduate supervisor or the Associate Director of Graduate Studies in the School. | 1.0 | |
5. 1.0 credit in electives at the 5000-level, which may include ITEC courses, chosen with permission from the graduate supervisor or the Associate Director of Graduate Studies in the School. | 1.0 | |
Total Credits | 5.0 |
Requirements - Thesis pathway: | ||
1. 0.5 credit in: | 0.5 | |
ITEC 5002 [0.5] | Fundamentals of Information Technology Research | |
2. 0.0 credit in: | ||
ITEC 5001 [0.0] | Information Technology Seminars | |
3. 1.5 credits from core courses (For students admitted to 4.0-credit program, 1.0 credit): | 1.5 | |
ITEC 5010 [0.5] | Applied Programming I | |
ITEC 5100 [0.5] | Planning and Design of Computer Networks | |
ITEC 5101 [0.5] | Cross Layer Design for Wireless Multimedia Networks | |
ITEC 5102 [0.5] | Designing Secure Networking and Computer Systems | |
ITEC 5103 [0.5] | Cloud and Datacentre Networking | |
ITEC 5205 [0.5] | Design and Development of Data-Intensive Applications | |
ITEC 5910 [0.5] | Selected Topics in Network Technologies | |
4. 0.5 credit in electives, which may include ITEC 5900, or up to 0.5 credit at the 4000-level, or a 0.5 credit graduate course from another discipline, with permission from their graduate supervisor or the Associate Director of Graduate Studies in the School. | 0.5 | |
5. 2.5 credits in: | 2.5 | |
ITEC 5909 [2.5] | Master's Thesis | |
Total Credits | 5.0 |
Ph.D. Information Technology (1.5 credits)
Requirements: | ||
1. 0.5 credit in: | 0.5 | |
ITEC 6200 [0.5] | Introduction to Interdisciplinary Research in Information Technology | |
2. 1.0 credit in two courses, at least one of which must be from a different discipline than that of the degree and approved by the supervisor | 1.0 | |
3. 0.0 credit in: | 0.0 | |
ITEC 5001 [0.0] | Information Technology Seminars | |
4. 0.0 credit in: | 0.0 | |
ITEC 6907 [0.0] | Doctoral Comprehensive | |
5. 0.0 credit in: | 0.0 | |
ITEC 6908 [0.0] | Doctoral Proposal | |
6. 0.0 credit in: | ||
ITEC 6909 [0.0] | Doctoral Thesis | |
Total Credits | 1.5 |
For full-time students:
Second Year: completion of ITEC 6907 [0.0] before the end of the sixth term of registration.
Third Year: completion of ITEC 6908 [0.0] before the end of the ninth term of registration.
For part-time students:
Completion of ITEC 6907 [0.0] before the end of the ninth term of registration, and completion of ITEC 6908 [0.0] by the end of the thirteenth term of registration.
Information Technology (ITEC) Courses
Information Technology Seminars
A seminar based course where the students make the presentations and participate in discussions. Some seminars done by guest lecturers. Graded Sat/Uns.
Fundamentals of Information Technology Research
Basic concepts and techniques in information technology, including information systems, algorithms and software development process, research methods, and research and technical writing.
Precludes additional credit for ITEC 5000 (no longer offered).
Applied Programming I
Algorithm design and computer programming with practical industry problems in information technology. Topics include algorithms and pseudocode, programming fundamentals, memory operations, data structures, object oriented programming, program design, testing and debugging.
Planning and Design of Computer Networks
Planning process of computer networks; needs and technical requirements; modeling of different network planning problems; exact and approximate algorithms; topological planning and expansion problems; equipment (switch, router) location problem; approximate and optimal routing algorithms; presentation of various case studies.
Cross Layer Design for Wireless Multimedia Networks
Quality of service measures at different layers. Parameter adaptation, trade-offs, and optimization at physical, data-link, network, transport, and application layers. Cross-layer design in cellular, ad hoc, sensor, local area, green, and cognitive radio networks.
Designing Secure Networking and Computer Systems
Network security with coverage of computer security in support of networking concepts. Security issues in data networks at different protocol layers. Routing security, worm attacks, and botnets. Security of new mobile networks and emerging networked paradigms such as social networks and cloud computing.
Cloud and Datacentre Networking
Special issues of the networking requirements in datacentres and cloud computing environments. Performance, power requirements, redundancy of datacentre networks.
Emerging Network Technologies
Overview of technologies, protocols and techniques related to Information Technology networking that are either in their early stage of adoption or are not yet mainstream (i.e. beta or prototype stage). Focus will vary from year to year to reflect the evolutionary nature of this domain.
Multimedia Networking
Audio and video compression. H.261, JPEG, MPEG and DVI. Accessing audio and video from a web server. Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP). Multimedia operating systems. Multimedia database. Network support for multimedia applications. Multimedia synchronization.
Secure Mobile Networking
The concept, principle and rationale of mobile networking. Mobile network architecture, protocols, mobility management, routing and mobile TCP/IP; Security challenges, vulnerabilities and threats in mobile networks; Security defense techniques and countermeasures in mobile networks.
Network Simulation
Introduction to discrete event simulation; fundamental stochastic models for networking; queueing theory; deterministic algorithms for networking; confidence intervals; introduction to network modeling. Simulation exercises including traffic monitoring, congestion, routing protocols, resource utilization and growth planning using OPNET simulation tool.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as NET 4001, for which additional credit is precluded.
Networked Applications
Architectures for computing in modern data networks that adopt the Internet architecture. Topics covered include socket programming, RPC and RMI. Client-server and peer-to-peer models. Emerging application architectures.
Entertainment Technologies
Advanced topics in entertainment technologies including web-based, film and television, video games and interactive systems.
Computer Animation Technologies
Advanced topics in computer animation: full body motion capture, space-time systems, physics-based animation, realistic rendering techniques, industry methods for large scene animations and live action integration; behavioural animation.
Visual Effects Technologies
Advanced look at the processes and technologies in visual effects, specifically in advanced processing of virtual sets (e.g. using chroma-keying), lighting and colour integration, filming technologies, motion tracking, and the integration of 3D objects/elements into real scenes.
Game Design and Development Technologies
Advanced technologies in the development of computer game systems and gaming experiences; the production process from idea to design: story, level, and character development. Games, game engine, theory and methodology.
Emerging Interaction Techniques
Advanced interaction styles and their associated technologies. Topics may include hand held and gestural interactions, ubiquitous computing, deformable user interfaces, physiological computing and tangible user interfaces.
Design and Development of Data-Intensive Applications
Design and development of data-intensive applications dealing with large-scale data. Data may include spatial data, time series, text, social media and different forms of digital media. Data modeling and management techniques will be discussed that enhance data analysis techniques and improve data-intensive applications.
Data Protection and Rights Management
Understanding how to use technology to implement data privacy, security, protection and related legal issues. Insights on how to develop systems for managing digital rights, data privacy rules, laws or policies relevant to different jurisdictions, rights, and responsibilities for protecting data and personal information.
Data Interaction Techniques
Design and development of how humans (e.g., end-users, knowledge-users and expert-users) interact with data ecosystem like data collection, storage, analysis and visualization. Techniques, methods and tools will be discussed on how humans interact with data based on capabilities of machines and needs of humans.
Virtual and Augmented Reality Technology
Research in and design of virtual/augmented reality systems. Applications, history, human factors, display and input hardware, and interaction techniques for navigation, selection and manipulation. Students develop and evaluate a VR/AR system using modern game engines and 3D hardware devices such as head-mounted displays.
Directed Studies
A course of independent study that fits the student’s area of interest under the supervision of a faculty member of the School.
Master's Thesis
Selected Topics in Network Technologies
Recent and advanced topics in network technologies. Trends in wireless networking, software defined networks, power-line networking. Students may be expected to contribute to lectures or seminars on selected topics.
Selected Topics in Digital Media
Recent and advanced topics in Digital Media. Students may be expected to contribute to lectures or seminars on selected topics.
Introduction to Interdisciplinary Research in Information Technology
Introduction to concepts and practices for research in Information Technology. Understanding the defining properties of computer-based systems and related technologies. Emphasis on bringing together skills related to technology, people and content in order to solve problems and explore new possibilities.
Directed Studies
A course of independent study that fits the student’s area of interest under the supervision of a faculty member of the School.
Doctoral Comprehensive
Ph.D. comprehensive examination in the student's field. The exam consists of a written submission and an oral examination.
Doctoral Proposal
Ph.D. thesis proposal. Defending a proposal consists of a written submission and an oral examination.
Doctoral Thesis
Selected Topics in Digital Media
Recent and advanced topics in Digital Media. Students are expected to contribute to lectures or seminars.
Note: Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca.
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca
See the General Regulations section of this Calendar.
Regularly Scheduled Break
For immigration purposes, the summer term (May to August) for the M.I.T. Network Technology (coursework pathway only) is considered a regularly scheduled break approved by the University. Students should resume full-time studies in September.
M.I.T. Digital Media
Students entering the program will have an undergraduate degree in one of the related three primary disciplines of Technology (e.g. Computer Science/Engineering and Information Technology), Content (e.g. Arts and Humanities), and People (e.g. Psychology, Communication and Business).
All students will apply for the 5.0 credit M.I.T. Digital Media.
Applicants with substantial professional experience in digital media in Canada may be considered for admission to professional entry, requiring them to complete 4.0 credits, to be determined by the School of Information Technology and the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs.
Accelerated Pathway Digital Media
The accelerated pathway in the Master of Information Technology - Digital Media (MIT-DM) is a flexible and individualized plan of graduate study. Students in their final year of a Carleton BIT IMD and IRM degree with demonstrated academic excellence and aptitude for research may qualify for this option.
Students in their third‐year of study in the BIT IMD and IRM degree should consult with both their Undergraduate Program Coordinator and the Associate Chair for Graduate Studies to determine if the accelerated pathway is appropriate for them and to confirm their selection of courses for their final year of undergraduate studies.
Accelerated Pathway Requirements:
- At least 0.5 credit in one of the following courses ITEC 52XX or ITEC 5920 with a grade of B+ or higher;
- Minimum overall CGPA of A-.
Students may receive advanced standing with transfer of up to 1.0 credit, which can reduce their time to completion.
M.I.T. Network Technology
Students entering the program will have an undergraduate degree in network technology, electrical engineering, computer science, engineering, or a closely-related discipline.
All students will apply for the 5.0 credit M.I.T. Network Technology.
Applicants with substantial professional experience in network technology in Canada may be considered for admission to professional entry, requiring them to complete 4.0 credits, to be determined by the School of Information Technology and the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs.
Accelerated Pathway Network Technology
The accelerated pathway in the Master of Information Technology - Network Technology (MIT-NET) is a flexible and individualized plan of graduate study. Students in their final year of a Carleton BIT Network Technology degree with demonstrated academic excellence and aptitude for research may qualify for this option.
Students in their third‐year of study in the BIT Network Technology degree should consult with both their Undergraduate Program Coordinator and the Associate Chair for Graduate Studies to determine if the accelerated pathway is appropriate for them and to confirm their selection of courses for their final year of undergraduate studies.
Accelerated Pathway Requirements:
- At least 0.5 credit from: ITEC 5110, ITEC 5111, ITEC 5112, ITEC 5113, ITEC 5114 with a grade of B+ or higher;
- Minimum overall CGPA of A-.
Students may receive advanced standing with transfer of up to 1.0 credit, which can reduce their time to completion.
Applicants to this program will normally hold a Master's degree in one of the three related disciplines (Technology, Content, and People) but demonstrate the ability to work in multi-disciplinary groups and have some general technology (digital media) background.
Applicants judged to be generally acceptable but deficient in some preparation may be asked to complete course work in addition to the program requirements.
In addition to transcripts and letters of reference, application packages will include a statement of interest outlining the applicant's proposed area of research.