Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism
(Faculty of Engineering and Design)
Architecture - Theory/History (ARCH) Courses
Introduction to Architecture
Architecture in the matrix of human conditions: linkages among architecture, fine arts, humanities, social sciences, physical sciences, mathematics and philosophy. Architectural ideas will be introduced through a discussion of cities, buildings and landscapes. (Core Course).
Contemporary Society
The relationship of architecture, architectural thought and the architectural profession to the societies in which they exist (and which they must serve). Topics are selected to emphasize key issues. (Elective Course).
Theory and History of Design
The theoretical and historical background of industrial design and design; disciplinary foundations and interdisciplinary connections; methodological aspects and economic and social contexts; contemporary scenarios in design; technological innovation and manufacturing processes. (Elective course).
Industrial Design Analysis
Principles of comparative product design analysis covering marketing and sales, manufacturing techniques and materials, ambiance and qualities of the object/context relationship, and design analysis from the perspective of the designer, the end-user and the environment. (Elective course).
Also listed as IDES 1001.
Prerequisite(s): ARCH 2006 or IDES 1000.
Lectures three hours a week.
Introduction to Modern Architecture
Architectural and urban ideals of modernism with emphasis upon the development of the avant-garde in the early twentieth century. The phenomenon of modern architecture within the broader framework of the development of western thought. (Core Course).
Prerequisite(s): B.A.S. students require ARTH 1100 or ARTH 1200 and ARTH 1101 or ARTH 1201.
Lectures three hours a week.
Urban Space Architecture
Design explorations that are directed towards the search for aesthetic form and meaning in urban space, with particular application to the Canadian context. Project-oriented. (Workshop).
Prerequisite(s): permission of the School.
Lecture, seminar, lab or field work six hours a week.
Architectural Discourse I
Examines ideas relevant to contemporary architectural discourses and practices focused on the development of critical thinking and communication skills situated in emerging inquiries within a longer lineage of existing architectural theory. (Core Course).
Lecture 3 hours per week
Theory of Architecture
Workshop focuses on one specific aspect of architecture in the area of theory and history. Workshop offerings change from year to year. (Workshop).
Lecture, seminar, lab or field work six hours a week.
Canadian Architecture
Canadian architecture from the seventeenth century to the present. Building styles, methods, construction techniques, and materials in the context of social and economic conditions of both indigenous and settlement approaches to the built environment.
Also listed as ARTH 3002.
Precludes additional credit for ARCH 3002.
Prerequisite(s): ARCH 2300 or permission of the School.
Lectures, seminars three hours a week.
Architectural Theory
An exploration of architectural intentions in the early period of Western history, with special emphasis on Renaissance treatises and ideas. Architectural intentions in relation to shifting world-views as a basis of historical interpretation. (Theory/History Elective).
Lectures three hours a week.
Origins of Modernism
Exploration of architectural theories with special emphasis on the European context from the seventeenth century to the late nineteenth century. (Theory/History Elective).
Prerequisite(s): ARCH 2300 or permission of the School.
Lectures three hours a week.
Foundations of Modernism
Major critical perspectives as applied to architecture as a fine art. The debate between classicism and romanticism with consideration of its cultural roots. (Theory/History Elective).
Theory of the Avant-Garde
Exploration of architectural theories with special emphasis on the development of the avant-garde in the early twentieth century, looking at the avant-garde within the larger framework of modernism. (Theory/History Elective).
Prerequisite(s): ARCH 2300 or permission of the School.
Lectures three hours a week.
Theories of Landscape Design
Introduction to landscape architecture as the organization of outdoor space. Historical, cultural, economic and political factors as a basis for interpreting spatial organization in urban and rural areas of human settlement. Emphasis on the period from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century. (Theory/History Elective).
Lectures three hours a week.
Architectural Conservation Philosophy and Ethics
Analysis of philosophical theories and related approaches to the material transformation of buildings. Micro-histories in architectural conservation theory and practice; overview of historical and contemporary concepts in architectural conservation. Preservation, restoration, rehabilitation, reconstruction, adaptive re-use, conservation anamnesis, diagnosis.
Prerequisite(s): ARCC 3502 and third-year standing in B.A.S.; OR third-year status in B.Eng. (Architectural Conservation and Sustainability).
Lectures three hours a week.
History of Modern Housing
Study of housing as a function of social organization, demographics, market demand and public policy. Topics include the evolution of housing form, the role of the state, and the participation of architects in the housing marketplace in the 19th and 20th century. (Theory/History Elective).
Lectures three hours a week.
The Design Professions
Architecture and design professions in relation to traditional professions and to occupations in art and design. Professions in the development of culture and society; education, career and work; knowledge in the design professions; and the nature of design practice. (Elective Course).
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing in the B.A.S. program; fourth-year standing in Sociology; fourth-year standing in the B.A. Honours Architecture/Art History program; or permission of the School.
Seminar three hours a week.
User-Building Synopsis
Projects to develop skills in the analysis of building performance. Examination of occupancy analysis, safety and risk assessment, post-occupancy evaluation, and social impact assessment. (Workshop).
Prerequisite(s): permission of the School.
Lecture, seminar, lab or field work six hours a week.
Recycling Architecture in Canada and Abroad
Concepts of mediating old and new architecture at the scale of the city through to the detail of the construction joint. Issues in sustainability and cultural identity illuminated by recycled architecture and adaptive reuse are explored through readings, drawings and case studies. (Theory/History Elective).
Lectures three hours a week.
Neo-Classical Architecture
18 th - and 19 th- century architecture and urban form in Western Europe. Emphasis on the cultural and philosophical framework of rising modernity to illuminate architectural production and theory as well as the development of urban form. (Theory/History Elective).
Prerequisite(s): ARCH 2300 or permission of the School.
Lectures three hours a week.
Post-War Architecture
Theoretical, ideological and artistic debates that have influenced the development of world architecture since 1950. (Theory/History Elective).
Prerequisite(s): ARCH 2300 or ARTH 3609 or permission of the instructor.
Lecture or seminar three hours per week.
Pre-Columbian Architecture
Monumental temples of the ancient Mesoamericans are compared with other world traditions at similar levels of cultural development. Selected examples considered in terms of morphology, technology, iconography, social/political context, world view and general architectural theory. (Theory/History Elective).
Greek Architecture
Architecture of Greek antiquity and its relationship to its philosophical, artistic, and mythical contexts. The development of the idea of the city; the presence of architecture within its symbolic landscape. (Theory/History Elective).
The Architecture of Rome
Rome in its classical to late-antique periods. Its founding mythologies and landscape. In-depth analysis of Rome, with special attention to its public buildings. Early Christian architecture within the Roman context. (Theory/History Elective).
Medieval Architecture
Gothic architecture and its relation to its philosophic and artistic predecessors. Special attention to the coexistence of the monastic tradition, late Romanesque building, and new experiments in gothic during this period, marked by intellectual and political ferment. (Theory/History Elective).
Renaissance Theory
The rise of architectural theory within the context of the Italian Renaissance. Canonic texts explored and compared in the context of the architectural developments of the period. (Theory/History Elective).
Muslim Architecture
Historical and theoretical discussions about the architecture of Muslim cultures. Selected sites and monuments from eighth to eighteenth century, covering the vast geography from North Africa to Southeast Asia. (Theory/History Elective).
Asian Architecture
Anthropological history of the architecture of the Near and Far East. The architecture and urban form of Ancient Egypt, Anatolia, Sumer and Persia; ancient China and India. (Theory/History Elective).
Mesoamerican Architecture
Selected works of Mesoamerican architecture in terms of iconography, morphology, technology, function, historical development, and concept. Mesoamerican architectural features compared with other world traditions. Emphasis on design. (Theory/History Elective).
A survey of the architectural and urban history of a specific culture. These discussions address the present reality of a country, region or city being visited by the fourth year of the program. (Elective Course).
Lectures three hours a week.
Research and Criticism
Preparation for the independent research and design work. Work related to the nature of research and criticism in architecture, with emphasis on current issues. (Theory/History Elective).
Lectures and seminars three hours a week.
Seminar in Theory and History
History and theory of architecture. Topics will vary from year to year. Limited enrolment. (Elective Course).
Lectures three hours a week.
Architectural Discourse II
Examines ideas and methods relevant to contemporary architectural discourse with a focus on cultural diversity and global perspectives. Architectural Discourse II builds on learned skills from previous work and acts as a preparatory course for research skills necessary at the graduate level. (Core Course).
Lecture three hours per week.
Special Topics
An aspect of architecture in the area of theory and history. Topics vary from year to year. (Theory/History Elective).
Independent Study
(Elective Course).
Directed Reading
Supervised readings and research projects. Guidelines must be obtained from BAS Academic Advisors prior to registration. (Core course).
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing in B.A.S (Philosophy and Criticism).
Honours Project
Students propose a topic of study in Philosophy and Criticism for approval and produce a substantial research project, supervised by BAS faculty. (Core course).
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing in B.A.S (Philosophy and Criticism).
Note: Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca.
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca