School of Industrial Design
(Faculty of Engineering and Design)
Industrial Design (IDES) Courses
Theory and History of Design
The theoretical and historical background of industrial design and design; disciplinary foundations and interdisciplinary connections; methodological aspects and economic and social contexts; contemporary scenarios in design; technological innovation and manufacturing processes.
Industrial Design Analysis
Principles of comparative product design analysis covering marketing and sales, manufacturing techniques and materials, ambiance and qualities of the object/context relationship, and design analysis from the perspective of the designer, the end-user and the environment.
Also listed as ARCH 2101.
Prerequisite(s): IDES 1000 or ARCH 2006.
Lectures three hours a week.
Projects IA
An introduction to the skills and processes of industrial design including drawing and sketching as an aid to design, basics of line, shape, ideation, and visualization, product drawing, presentation techniques, basic model making, studio equipment and practices, introduction to the design process.
Prerequisite(s): IDES 1000 (may be taken concurrently).
Studio and lectures six hours a week.
Projects IB
Aspects of industrial design theory and practice, specifically those dealing with principles of product development, fundamentals of form and colour and case studies. Students will explore the design process with emphasis on creative problem-solving techniques and visual communication in design.
Prerequisite(s): IDES 1300.
Studio and lectures six hours a week.
Design for Manufacturing A
Transformation techniques applied to manufacturing materials. Part-design requirements and cost factors for manufacturing processes. Influences and role of assembly, finishing, production tooling, and costing.
Prerequisite(s): IDES 1001, IDES 1301.
Lecture and tutorials three hours a week, laboratory three hours a week.
Design for Manufacturing B
Continuation of IDES 2101. Transformation techniques applied to manufacturing materials. Part-design requirements and cost factors for manufacturing processes. The influences and role of assembly, finishing, production tooling, costing are addressed.
Prerequisite(s): IDES 2101 or permission of the School of Industrial Design.
Lecture and tutorials three hours a week, laboratory three hours a week.
Computer Applications A
Provides industrial design students with working knowledge of design related 2D computer applications, such as graphic manipulation, illustration software, and 2D Computer-Aided Design (CAD). Labs and projects are oriented towards building a foundation in software and group work skills for studio courses.
Prerequisite(s): IDES 1301.
Lecture and tutorials three hours a week.
Computer Applications B
Provides industrial design students with working knowledge of design related 3D computer applications, such as surface and solids modelling CAD software. Labs and projects are oriented towards building a foundation in software and group work skills for studio courses.
Prerequisite(s): IDES 1301.
Lecture and tutorials three hours a week.
Sensory Aspects of Design for User Experience
An exploration of multi-sensory qualities derived from and designed into products to optimize product-interaction experiences. Visual, tactile, auditory, and other related sensory aspects of design and design principles that contribute to the product multi-sensory characteristics while adding meaning and emotional value.
Precludes additional credit for IDES 2203 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): IDES 1001 or permission of the School of Industrial Design.
Lectures and tutorials three hours a week.
Projects IIA
Principles of design sketching used in the industrial design process. Topics include: sketching as a tool for problem definition; idea exploration and form development; rendering techniques and the communication of design concepts; basic physical prototyping and modeling-making techniques.
Prerequisite(s): IDES 1001 and IDES 1301, or permission of the School of Industrial Design.
Studio and lectures six hours a week.
Projects IIB
Introduction to the design principles associated with adapting products to an existing product semantic. Topics covered: principles of design, product semantics, design analysis, design synthesis, design evaluation, and modeling techniques. The design project(s) explore some or all of the design principles covered in the lectures.
Prerequisite(s): IDES 2300 or permission of the School of Industrial Design.
Studio and lectures six hours a week.
Human Factors/Ergonomics in Design
Foundation course in human factors/ergonomics providing an overview of physical and cognitive considerations in product design and related design fields. Anthropometrics, biomechanical considerations, cognition, social interaction, and emotional interaction are introduced in relation to supporting user experience, health and safety, performance and productivity.
Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1001 and PSYC 1002, or PSYC 1000.
Lectures and discussion three hours a week.
Exhibition Design
Exhibition design is explored through lectures, case studies, field trips and guest lectures. Students participate in exercises and apply design skills to a variety of exhibition design realms. Introduces students to the potential of the built environment for exploring a range of diverse exhibit applications.
Prerequisite(s): IDES 1301 or permission of the School of Industrial Design.
Lectures and tutorials three hours a week.
Visual Communication and Package Design
A survey of visual communication and package design principles relevant to industrial designers. Product/brand definition and corporate identity through package design.
Prerequisite(s): IDES 1301 or permission of the School of Industrial Design.
Lectures and tutorials three hours a week.
Advanced Computer Applications
Examination of complex product geometry utilizing 3D computer applications. Topics include spline, surface and solids construction, surface verification tools, and rendering tools and techniques. Workflow, robust design, reverse design techniques and 3D printing will be explored through exercises.
Prerequisite(s): IDES 2105.
Lecture and tutorials three hours a week.
Design and Sustainability
Explores the industrial designer's role in creating more environmentally and socially responsible products. Addresses imperatives and drivers for integrating sustainability into products. Includes: sustainable design strategies, strategies and tools, sustainable design business case, circular economy model for designed products, and case studies.
Prerequisite(s): IDES 1301 or permission of the School of Industrial Design.
Lectures and tutorials three hours a week.
Advanced Studies in Form and Colour
Students may continue the research and study encountered in IDES 2205, IDES 2300 and IDES 2302 by doing advanced research in the phenomena of form and/or colour and their communicative functions in products. Directed Study.
Prerequisite(s): IDES 2302 or permission of the School of Industrial Design.
Lecture and tutorials three hours a week.
Projects IIIB
Introduction to the principles of innovation as found in industrial design. Invention, innovation, entrepreneurship, basic mechanisms. The design project(s) explore some or all of the design principles covered in the lectures.
Precludes additional credit for IDES 3301 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): IDES 3300 or IDES 3310 or permission of the School of Industrial Design.
Studio and lectures six hours a week.
Special Studies
Special Industrial Design Studies deal with specific projects, which may differ from year to year depending on the availability of specialists in a particular field or study opportunities as they present themselves.
Lectures, tutorials, laboratory and studio three hours a week or equivalent.
Special Studies
Special Industrial Design Studies deal with specific projects, which may differ from year to year depending on the availability of specialists in a particular field or study opportunities as they present themselves.
Lectures, tutorials, laboratory and studio three hours a week or equivalent.
Projects IIIA
Introduction to the design principles associated with the evaluation and re-design of an existing product. Topics include: user/machine relationship, component packaging, and manufacturability. The design project(s) explore some or all of the design principles covered in the lectures.
Precludes additional credit for IDES 3300 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): IDES 2302 or permission of the School of Industrial Design.
Studio and lectures twelve hours a week.
Contextual Nature of Products
Cultural subjects which have an influence on contemporary industrial design. The perspective of the course is anthropological: the context and cultural relevance of industrial design.
Research for Design
Basic design research techniques to foster design exploration. Methods focus on understanding context and user experience to produce meaningful, actionable insights and design opportunities. Processes include qualitative and quantitative research, as well as creative and evaluative research with people. Teamwork and collaboration are explored.
Prerequisite(s): IDES 2600.
Lectures or laboratory three hours a week.
Co-operative Work Term
Industrial Design Seminar
Topics vary yearly and address key contemporary industrial design issues. There is a focus on writing, discussion, and debate. Students organize a seminar with design professionals and other community experts including student and professional presentations, interaction, and discussion.
Seminar three hours a week.
Professional Practice
The organizational aspects of consultancies and client responsibilities within the framework of corporate management. Topics include: the form of contracts for consultancy, determination of fees, legal implications, patents and copyrights. Guest lecturers.
Prerequisite(s): IDES 3300 or IDES 3310 or permission of the School of Industrial Design.
Lectures and discussion three hours a week.
Adv. Studies in Manufacturing
Advanced manufacturing concepts and workflows are examined through a series of workshops and minor projects utilizing state-of-the-art equipment.
Prerequisite(s): IDES 2101 and IDES 2102.
Lectures or laboratory three hours a week.
Form Organization
Using form organization as a tool to design, the definition and prescription of monolithic solids by means of an abstract system; making and verifying materialized approximations of such solids.
Prerequisite(s): IDES 2300 and IDES 2302 or permission of the School of Industrial Design.
Lectures, tutorials and laboratory six hours a week.
Minor Projects
Advanced skills-based course that enhances student experience in novel, experimental processes and techniques in design. Workshop-style activities and short projects focus on increasing skill competence and versatility in a variety of fields. Emphasis on time management and the ability to work independently.
Prerequisite(s): IDES 3302 or permission of the School of Industrial Design.
Studio and lectures six hours a week.
Special Studies
Like the third-year Special Industrial Design Studies, those of fourth year deal with specific projects, which may differ each year depending on the availability of specialists among the faculty of the School of Industrial Design or on particular opportunities as they present themselves.
Lectures, tutorials, laboratory and studio three hours a week or equivalent.
Special Studies
Like the third-year Special Industrial Design Studies, those of fourth year deal with specific projects, which may differ each year depending on the availability of specialists among the faculty of the School of Industrial Design or on particular opportunities as they present themselves.
Lectures, tutorials, laboratory and studio three hours a week or equivalent.
Capstone Project
Application of design principles in a comprehensive design project. Problem area should be product-oriented and of sufficient complexity. Normally undertaken in consultation with off-campus organizations and/or industry. Supervised by faculty and/or sessional members.
Precludes additional credit for IDES 4300 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): IDES 3302 or permission of the School of Industrial Design.
Studio and lectures six hours a week in Fall and twelve hours a week in Winter.
Internship Field Report
Work experience related to industrial design. Following the internship period, normally 12 weeks, a comprehensive report describing observations and insights will be submitted. Graded Sat or Uns.
Prerequisite(s): IDES 3300 or IDES 3310 or permission of the School of Industrial Design.
Tutorial hours arranged.
Note: Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca.
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca