Civil Engineering (CIVE) Courses
Solid Mechanics
Cartesion tensor notation; stresses and strains in a continuum; transformations, invariants; equations of motion; constitutive relations; generalized Hooke's Law, bounds for elastic constant: strain energy, superposition, uniqueness; formulation of plane stress and plane strain problems; energy principles, variational methods; plasticity.
Finite Element Analysis 1
Advanced finite element methods for linear systems. The relationship with variational and Galerkin formulations, system of linear equations, polynomial interpolation, numerical integration, and theory of elasticity is explored. Isoparametric formulations for structural and continuum elements are examined. Introduction to linear dynamics and nonlinear problems.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as CIVE 4201, for which additional credit is precluded.
Earthquake Engineering and Analysis
Advanced vibration analysis techniques; Rayleigh-Ritz procedure; subspace iteration; derived Ritz coordinates; proportional and non-proportional damping; introduction to seismology; earthquake response analysis via time and frequency domain; response spectrum approach; multiple input excitations; design considerations and code requirements; other advanced topics in earthquake engineering.
Finite Element Analysis 2
Variational and Galerkin formulations: assumed displacement, assumed stress and hybrid elements; plate bending: convergence, completeness and conformity, patch test, Kirchhoff and Mindlin plate theories, nonlinear elasticity and plasticity; geometric non-linearity, Eulerian and Lagrangian formulations; incremental and iterative schemes, finite elements in dynamics.
Prerequisite(s): CIVE 5103 or permission of the Department.
Dynamics of Structures
Structural dynamics, single and multi-degree-of-freedom systems, formulation of equations of motion, methods of analytical mechanics, free and forced vibrations, normal mode analysis, numerical methods for the response analyses of single and multiple-degree-of-freedom systems.
Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering
Seismic performance assessment of new and existing buildings using modelling. Design and construction of nonlinear structural models. Accounting for mass, material behaviour, damping, and nonlinear geometry. Use of pushover and time history analysis methods to determine seismic performance. Consideration of nonstructural elements in determining performance.
Estimation and Identification in Dynamics using Data
Dynamical systems and their computational models, probability and stochastic processes, stochastic dynamical systems, state estimation in linear dynamics using Kalman filtering, state estimation of nonlinear dynamical systems, system identification using combined state and parameter estimation, application to engineering.
Masonry Behaviour and Design
Properties of masonry materials and assemblages. Behaviour and design of walls, columns and lintels. Treatment of specialized design and construction topics. Design of lowrise and highrise structures. Discussion of masonry problems. Emphasis on a practice-oriented approach.
Structural Assessment of Historic Buildings
General concepts related to conservation of heritage structures; materials, construction techniques and structural components; classical structural analysis approaches; seismic behaviour, damage and collapse mechanisms of historic buildings; modern conservation criteria and practical implementation of repair or strengthening strategies.
Advanced Steel Structures
Limit states design philosophy; material behaviour; tension members; plate buckling; torsion; lateral torsional buckling; beams, axially loaded columns and beam-column behaviour; brittle fracture and fatigue; frame stability and second order effects.
Prestressed Concrete
Behaviour and analysis of prestressed concrete elements subjected to axial loads, flexure and shear: material properties; prestressing systems; linear and non-linear behaviour; deflections; compression-field approaches; disturbed regions; restraint of deformations; design requirements; applications to pressure vessels, bridges and frames.
Advanced Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete
Review of various analytical methods, constitutive models, and failure criteria for reinforced concrete structures; performance assessment and forensic analysis; nonlinear finite element analysis of concrete structures.
Geotechnical Case Studies
The critical study of case histories relating to current procedures of design and construction in geotechnical engineering. The importance of instrumentation and monitoring field behaviour will be stressed. In-situ testing.
Advanced Computational Modeling Strategies of Historic Buildings
Introduction to conservation engineering; commonly used construction materials in historic buildings and their constitutive laws; Graphical and numerical methods to analyze masonry arches; Theory and application of discrete element method and its applications to assess masonry buildings.
Advanced Soil Mechanics
Effective stress, pore pressure parameters, saturated and partially saturated soils; seepage; permeability tensor, solutions of the Laplace equation; elastic equilibrium; anisotropy, non-homogeneity, consolidation theories; shear strength of cohesive and cohesionless soils; failure and yield criteria.
Pavements and Materials
An analysis of the interaction of materials, traffic, and climate in the planning, design construction, evaluation, maintenance, and rehabilitation of highway and airport pavements.
Traffic Engineering
Introduction to principles of traffic engineering. Traffic operation concepts. Travel modes and modal characteristics. Traffic stream characteristics and queuing theory. Capacity and level of service analysis of roads and intersections.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as CIVE 4205, for which additional credit is precluded.
Urban Transportation
Urban transportation systems, planning and management. Introduction to models of urban travel demand. Overview of modern transportation planning issues and policies. The role of transportation planning within the wider context of transportation decision-making. Transportation land use interaction.
Highway Geometric Design
Principles of highway geometric design. Safety and human factors, and their interaction with the road elements. Multimodal considerations. Road design elements. New and evolving concepts.
Road Safety Analysis
Fundamental analytical techniques for road safety analysis, background of traffic safety analysis, network screening, before and after analysis, and surrogate measures of safety.
Airport Planning
Framework for airport planning and design. Aircraft characteristics; demand forecasting; airport site selection; noise, airside capacity; geometric design; the passenger terminal complex; cargo area; general aviation; ground transportation; land use planning.
Earth Retaining Structures
Approaches to the theoretical and semi-empirical analysis of earth retaining structures. Review of the earth pressure theories. Analysis and design methods for rigid and flexible retaining walls, braced excavations, and tunnels. Instrumentation and performance studies.
Advanced Foundation Engineering
Review of methods of estimating compression and shear strength of soils. Bearing capacity of shallow and deep foundations. Foundations in slopes. Pile groups. Use of in-situ testing for design purposes.
Numerical Methods in Geomechanics
Advanced theories of soil and rock behaviour. Plasticity models. Generalized failure criteria. Critical state and cap models. Dilatancy effects. Associative and non-associative flow rules. Hardening rules. Consolidation, visco-elasticity, creep behaviour. Finite element formulation. Iterative schemes. Time marching schemes. Solution of typical boundary value problems.
Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
Seismic hazards, earthquakes and ground motion, wave propagation, ground response analysis, soil properties for dynamic analysis: laboratory tests, in-situ tests, modulus and damping curves, liquefaction susceptibility, post liquefaction response, seismic effects on slope stability, retaining structures.
Fundamentals of Geomechanics
Tensor calculus, Cauchy stress, kinematics of continuum deformation (strain), elasticity for geomaterials, plasticity for geomaterials, constitutive models for soils, Cam-clay model.
Blast Load Effects on Structures
Threats, risk analysis, vulnerability assessment; explosives: types and mechanisms; load determination; response of structural elements under blast loads, analysis and design for blast loads; blast mitigation, retrofit of structures; post-event assessment.
Prerequisite(s): those enrolled in the M.IPIS program must have prior knowledge of structural steel and reinforced concrete design, typically obtained through the completion of an undergraduate engineering degree.
Advanced Building Characterization, Conservation and Rehabilitation
Supporting concepts and techniques for the identification, documentation, and conservation of heritage and existing buildings; advanced workshops by experts from key disciplines and practice areas in heritage conservation.
Probability, Statistics, Stochastic Processes and Statistical Inference in Engineering
Fundamental of probability and statistics, (robust and ridge) regression, generalised linear models, sparse models, mixture models, stochastic processes, statistical inference and applications.
Fundamentals of Fire Safety Engineering
The fire safety system, including social, economic and environmental issues; description of the fire safety regulatory system and the governing building codes and standards. This includes the global fire safety system in a facility and active fire protection systems; detection, suppression, smoke management.
Fire Dynamics I
Fundamentals of combustion including material and energy balances, chemical thermodynamics, kinetics, premixed and diffusive burning. Advanced topics in the theory of combustion, flame propagation, efficiency of combustion, and the physico-chemical properties of combustible material.
People in Fires
Review of the work presented by the founders in the field of human behaviour in fire. Introduction to the basic notions of perception, cognition, information processing, decision-making and problem solving. Behavioural concepts such as panic, commitment, affiliation, familiarity and role are discussed.
Fire Modeling
Fire modeling and its role in fire safety engineering. Review of the main modeling techniques used in Fire Safety Engineering: network, zone and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD).
Fire Dynamics II
Fire dynamics from ignition through heat transfer to growth and spread of fires and their suppression. Factors such as containment and its role in the dynamics of fires and explosions are covered.
Design for Fire Resistance
Behaviour of materials and structures at elevated temperatures; fire-resistance tests; fire-resistance ratings; building code requirements; real-world fires; assessing the fire resistance of steel, concrete and wood building assemblies.
Fire Behaviour of Materials
Fundamentals and scientific aspects of materials behaviour during fires, material specifications, thermal and mechanical properties, fire hazards of materials, structural fire response, residual strength, failure criteria, mechanisms of flame retardancy, and standards and testing protocols.
Wood Structures and Fire
Introduction to fire-safe design of wood buildings, brief review of wood products and wood design, prescriptive code requirements, determination of fire-resistance of wood structures through different methods.
Practical Applications of Fire Protection
Introduction to the practical application of fire protection engineering from a consulting and a regulatory perspective. Main highlights include performance-based design, fire forensics, emergency preparedness and firefighting.
Topics in Structures
Courses in special topics related to building design and construction, not covered by other graduate courses.
Topics in Structures
Courses in special topics related to building design and construction, not covered by other graduate courses.
Topics in Structures
Courses in special topics related to building design and construction, not covered by other graduate courses.
Topics in Structures
Courses in special topics related to building design and construction, not covered by other graduate courses.
Topics in Structures
Courses in special topics related to building design and construction, not covered by other graduate courses.
Topics in Geotechnique
Courses in special topics in geotechnical engineering, not covered by other graduate courses.
Topics in Geotechnique
Courses in special topics in geotechnical engineering, not covered by other graduate courses.
Topics in Geotechnique
Courses in special topics in geotechnical engineering, not covered by other graduate courses.
Topics in Geotechnique
Courses in special topics in geotechnical engineering, not covered by other graduate courses.
Topics in Geotechnique
Courses in special topics in geotechnical engineering, not covered by other graduate courses.
Topics in Transportation
Courses in special topics in transportation engineering, not covered by other graduate courses.
Topics in Transportation
Courses in special topics in transportation engineering, not covered by other graduate courses.
Topics in Transportation
Courses in special topics in transportation engineering, not covered by other graduate courses.
Topics in Transportation
Courses in special topics in transportation engineering, not covered by other graduate courses.
Topics in Transportation
Courses in special topics in transportation engineering, not covered by other graduate courses.
Topics in Fire Safety
Courses in special topics related to fire safety, not covered by other graduate courses.
Topics in Fire Safety
Courses in special topics related to fire safety, not covered by other graduate courses.
Topics in Fire Safety
Courses in special topics related to fire safety, not covered by other graduate courses.
Topics in Fire Safety
Courses in special topics related to fire safety, not covered by other graduate courses.
Topics in Fire Safety
Courses in special topics related to fire safety, not covered by other graduate courses.
Civil Engineering Project
Students enrolled in the program M.Eng. by project will conduct an engineering study, analysis, or design project under the general supervision of a member of the Department.
Master's Seminar
The series consists of presentations by graduate students or external speakers. Graduate students in the Civil Engineering program are required to participate in these seminar series by attending all seminars and making at least one presentation during their graduate studies.
Directed Studies 1
M.A.Sc. Thesis
Ph.D. Seminar
The series consists of presentations by graduate students or external speakers. Graduate students in the Civil Engineering program are required to participate in these seminar series by attending all seminars and making at least one presentation during their graduate studies.
Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination
Graduate students at the Doctoral level in the Civil Engineering program are required to successfully complete written and oral comprehensive examinations in subject areas determined by the student's advisory committee.
Ph.D. Proposal
Graduate students at the Doctoral level in the Civil Engineering program are required to successfully complete a PhD Thesis Proposal which consists of a written proposal and a successful defence of the proposal. Students should register in term they will defend their proposal.
Directed Studies 2
Ph.D. Thesis
Note: Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca.
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca