Environmental Engineering - Joint (ENVJ) Courses
Biofilm Processes in Wastewater Treatment
Adsorption Separation Process
Microporous materials and molecular sieves as adsorbents. Adsorption equilibrium and adsorption kinetics. Equilibrium adsorption of single fluids and mixtures. Diffusion in porous media and rate processes in adsorbers. Adsorber dynamics: bed profiles and breakthrough curves. Cyclic fluid separation processes. Pressure swing adsorption.
Water Resources Management
Global water supply and demand, integrated water resources management, modelling and optimization of water resources systems, reservoir management, uncertainty modelling, climate change and water, decision under uncertainty.
Mixing and Transport in Water Bodies
Water resources systems models: rivers, lakes, estuaries; water quality parameters, conservative and non-conservative parameters, laminar and turbulent flows, dispersion, pollution sources; modelling: simplified, dilution, three-dimensional; advection-diffusion equation, analytical solution, numerical solution, non-conservative transport and multi-component systems.
Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources
Spatiotemporal distribution of water and its impact on human activities, including domestic and municipal consumption, hydropower generation, rain-fed and irrigated agriculture, design and operation of sewer systems, floodplain zoning, navigation, etc. Critical assessment of methodologies for climate change impacts estimation.
Prerequisite(s): Theoretical knowledge and hands-on application experience needed to perform climate change analysis on a water resources system.
Soil and Water Conservation Engineering
Design, water quality and climate change impacts of soil and water conservation systems. Topics include: urban storm water management (including LID) erosion control practices, subsurface and surface drainage systems and irrigation technologies.
Decentralized Wastewater Management
Fundamental principles and practical design applications of decentralized wastewater treatment for domestic and industrial sources. Management of decentralized wastewater systems, pre-treatment systems, soil infiltration systems, advanced onsite technologies, constructed wetlands, alternative collection systems, wastewater reuse and septage management.
Research Methodology
Key components and strategies required to build a robust scientific research program in environmental engineering including research questions, literature review, experiment design, data interpretation, scientific manuscripts, public speaking, ethics, and plagiarism.
Membranes in Clean Processes
Membrane separations as clean and cleaning technologies. Reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, vapour permeation and pervaporation to the treatment of industrial process and waste streams. Nanostructured membrane materials. Membrane fouling models, foulant-membrane material interactions, solvent resistant membranes, aqueous and non-aqueous separations.
Membrane Liquid Separation Processes and Materials
Advanced Numerical Methods in Chemical and Biological Engineering
Interfacial Phenomena in Engineering
Environmental Assessment of Civil Engineering Projects
Procedures and methods for systematic evaluation of the environmental impact of civil engineering projects including wastewater disposal systems, solid waste disposal systems, and water resource development systems.
Wastewater Treatment Process Design
The physical, chemical and biological processes involved in the treatment of domestic and industrial wastes. Waste characteristics, stream assimilation, biological oxidation, aeration, sedimentation, anaerobic digestion, sludge disposal.
Unit Operations of Water Treatment
Unit operations and unit processes involved in the treatment of a water supply for various uses. Topics included are water quality, water microbiology, sedimentation, chemical treatment, disinfection, water chemistry, flocculation.
Advanced Water Treatment
Scope, limitations and design procedures for water treatment processes for removal of toxic and non-standard contaminants. Water treatment problems and regulations, activated carbon treatment, ion exchange, disinfection practices and oxidation via advanced oxidation processes, iron and manganese removal, recent developments in coagulation, membranes, air stripping.
Water and Wastewater Treatment Process Analysis
Mass balancing in complex systems. Reaction kinetics and kinetic data analysis: classical and computer based methods. Reactor design: ideal reactors and real reactors. Analysis of tracer tests. Interfacial mass transfer: common theories. Mass transfer models.
Solid Waste Management
Collection and disposal of solid wastes. Sanitary landfill, composting, incineration and other methods of disposal. Material and energy recovery.
Chemistry for Environmental Engineering
Dilute aqueous solution chemistry of water and wastewater treatment. Chemical kinetics and equilibrium. Carbonate, phosphate and chlorine chemistry. Precipitation and complex formation. Corrosion. Analytical techniques and applications.
Anaerobic Digestion
Design and application of anaerobic processes used for treatment of municipal and industrial wastewaters. Microbiology and biochemistry fundamentals, techniques for monitoring anaerobic digestion performance, municipal sludge stabilization, anaerobic composting, anoxic/anaerobic bioremediation, Andrew's dynamic model. Design of two-phase digestion; DSFF reactors; UASB; UBF, ASB reactors.
Special Topics in Environmental Engineering
Special Topics in Environmental Engineering
Special Topics in Environmental Engineering
Special Topics in Environmental Engineering
Special Topics in Environmental Engineering
Selected Topics in Chemical Engineering
Note: Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca.
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca