Migration and Diaspora Studies (MGDS) Courses
MA Core Seminar: Migration and Diaspora Studies
Advanced overview of major themes in and approaches to both migration studies and diaspora studies, drawing on different disciplinary perspectives.
Key Issues in Migration and Diaspora Studies
Social, cultural, economic and political implications of the movement and transnational settlement of people with a multidisciplinary and multiscalar approach to topics such as citizenship, forced migration, diasporic communities, exile, immigration, global identities and transnationalism.
Research Seminar in Migration and Diaspora Studies
Research design and methodology in migration and diaspora studies. Coursework students design a research project to be completed during the term. Research essay and thesis pathway students produce a proposal and work on the initial stages of their research project.
Prerequisite(s): MGDS 5001 and enrolment in the MGDS MA program or permission of the department.
Practicum in Migration and Diaspora Studies
Practicum placement in an organization that works in an area relevant to migration and diaspora studies. Requires written academic assignments. Graded SAT/UNS.
Prerequisite(s): permission of the department.
Migration and Diaspora History Special Topics
Seminar on a topic in the history of Migration and Diaspora. Topic varies from year to year.
Topics in Migration and Diaspora: Europe, Russia and Eurasia
Topics in Migration and Diaspora Studies with a regional focus on Europe, Russia and Eurasia.
Special Topics in Migration and Diaspora Studies
Advanced topics in Migration and Diaspora Studies. Topics vary from term to term.
Directed Readings in Migration and Diaspora Studies
Directed readings on a specific topic in Migration and Diaspora Studies.
Research Essay
A research essay on a topic relating to Migration and Diaspora Studies. The topic must be approved by the program supervisor.
Prerequisite(s): permission of the department.
M.A. Thesis
Prerequisite(s): permission of the department.
Co-operative Work Term
Prerequisite(s): registration in the Co-operative Education Program option in the M.A.
Note: Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca.
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca