BIOC 4001 [0.5 credit] Methods in Biochemistry
Principles and applications of modern biochemical methodology, including ultracentrifugation, electrophoresis, ELISA, EMSA, experimental planning, ligand binding kinetics, fluorescence spectroscopy, affinity purification, and in vitro translation.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): BIOC 3103 and BIOC 3104 or permission of the Institute.
Lectures and discussion two hours, laboratory four hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): BIOC 3103 and BIOC 3104 or permission of the Institute.
Lectures and discussion two hours, laboratory four hours a week.
Undergraduate Calendar
...the concentration. If PSYC 4001 is presented in...ARCH, ARCN, ARCS, ARCU, BIOC, BIOL, BIT, CHEM...
Co-operative Education
Undergraduate Calendar
...Designation. Work Term Course : BIOC 3999 Work/Study...FOOD 3003, and FOOD 4001; Obtained an Overall...
Undergraduate Calendar
...3002 , TSES 3500 , TSES 4001 , TSES 4002 , TSES...ARCH, ARCN, ARCS, ARCU, BIOC, BIOL, BIT, CHEM...