BIOLĀ 3901 [0.5 credit] Research Proposal
The development of a competitive research proposal in consultation with an advisor.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): third year standing in an Honours Biology program and permission of the Department.
Prerequisite(s): third year standing in an Honours Biology program and permission of the Department.
Undergraduate Calendar
...degree. Notes: If PSYC 3901 , PSYC 3902 or...ARCN, ARCS, ARCU, BIOC, BIOL, BIT, CHEM, CIVE...
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Undergraduate Calendar
...Field Placement Practicum ( CRCJ 3901 [1.0] Practicum...ARCN, ARCS, ARCU, BIOC, BIOL, BIT, CHEM, CIVE...