BIOL 4908 [1.0 credit] Honours Research Thesis
An independent research project undertaken in the field and/or the laboratory, under the direct supervision of a faculty adviser. Evaluation is based on a written thesis and a poster presentation.
Precludes additional credit for BIOL 4905 and BIOL 4907.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing in an Honours biology program with a minimum CGPA of 8.0 in the major or permission of the Department.
Undergraduate Calendar
...LAWS 4902 or LAWS 4908 [1.0] toward...ARCN, ARCS, ARCU, BIOC, BIOL, BIT, CHEM, CIVE...
Undergraduate Calendar
...the thesis course PSYC 4908 [1.0] requires...ARCN, ARCS, ARCU, BIOC, BIOL, BIT, CHEM, CIVE...
Mathematics and Statistics
Undergraduate Calendar
...of Mathematics and Statistics: BIOL 3604 , COMS 3001...An Honours Essay ( ECON 4908 [1.0]) may...
Political Science
Undergraduate Calendar
...Honours Research Essay PSCI 4908 [1.0] on...ARCN, ARCS, ARCU, BIOC, BIOL, BIT, CHEM, CIVE...