CHEMĀ 1004 [0.5 credit] Drugs and the Human Body
No science background required. Topics include drug origins, laws, metabolism and dependence, pharmaceutical industry, over the counter medications, placebo effect, antibiotics, pain killers, stimulants, alcohol, marijuana, hallucinogens, birth control and steroids. Students in Science programs may use this course only as a free elective.
Lectures three hours a week.
Undergraduate Calendar
...MATH 1004 , MATH 1104 , CHEM 1101 (or CHEM 1001 and CHEM 1002 ), and PHYS 1004...
Bachelor of Engineering Degree
Undergraduate Calendar
...MATH 1004 , MATH 1104 , CHEM 1101 (or CHEM 1001 and CHEM 1002 ), and PHYS 1004...