CHEM 4908 [1.0 credit] Research Project and Seminar
Senior students in Honours Chemistry carry out a research project under the direction of one of the members of the Department. A written report and an oral presentation of the work are required before a grade can be assigned.
Precludes additional credit for CHEM 4907, FOOD 4907 and FOOD 4908.
Prerequisite(s): any two of CHEM 3107, CHEM 3205, CHEM 3305 and CHEM 3504, and permission of the department.
Laboratory and associated work equivalent to at least eight hours a week for two terms.
Graduate Calendar
Comprehensive examination Part 1 examines the depth and breadth of knowledge in the student's own research area and is normally completed in the third term of registration.
Undergraduate Calendar
...LAWS 4902 or LAWS 4908 [1.0] toward...ARCU, BIOC, BIOL, BIT, CHEM, CIVE, COMP, ECOR...
Undergraduate Calendar
...the thesis course PSYC 4908 [1.0] requires...ARCU, BIOC, BIOL, BIT, CHEM, CIVE, COMP, ECOR...
Political Science
Undergraduate Calendar
...Honours Research Essay PSCI 4908 [1.0] on...ARCU, BIOC, BIOL, BIT, CHEM, CIVE, COMP, ECOR...