CIVJĀ 5311 [0.5 credit] (CVG 5312) Durability of Concrete Structures
Properties of cementitious materials (constituents of concrete, hydration of cement, structure of hardened concrete, transport processes in concrete); deterioration of concrete (built-in problems, construction defects, cracking, dimensional stability, alkali-aggregate reaction, sulphate attack, corrosion of reinforcing steel, freezing-thawing cycles); evaluation of concrete structures.
CIVJĀ 5312 [0.5 credit] (CVG 5313) Seismic Analysis and Design of Concrete Structures
Review of seismic hazards in Canada, building code provisions for earthquake loads, uniform hazard spectra, linear elastic modal response spectrum analysis, linear elastic time history analysis, equivalent static force procedure, advanced state-of-the-art nonlinear modeling techniques (FEM and fiber modeling), performance-based earthquake engineering and displacement-based design.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity