CLCV 3307 [0.5 credit] Studies in Roman Art
A study of a period or theme in the art and archaeology of the ancient Romans. Topics may vary from year to year.
Also listed as ARTH 3105, RELI 3733.
Precludes additional credit for RELI 3731 and ARTH 3101(no longer offered) and RELI 3306 (if taken summer 2005, summer 2006, summer 2007).
Prerequisite(s): second-year standing or permission of the unit. Permission of the unit is required to repeat this course.
Lecture three hours a week.
Precludes additional credit for RELI 3731 and ARTH 3101(no longer offered) and RELI 3306 (if taken summer 2005, summer 2006, summer 2007).
Prerequisite(s): second-year standing or permission of the unit. Permission of the unit is required to repeat this course.
Lecture three hours a week.