COMP 3105 [0.5 credit] Introduction to Machine Learning
An introduction to methods for automated learning of relationships on the basis of empirical data. Includes topics in supervised and unsupervised machine learning and deeper knowledge of specific algorithms and their applications. Evaluation and quantification of performance of ML systems. Discussion of data ethics.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Precludes additional credit for COMP 4105 (no longer offered), SYSC 4415.
Prerequisite(s): COMP 2402 and (COMP 2404 or SYSC 3010 or SYSC 3110) and COMP 2804 and (MATH 1104 or MATH 1107).
Lectures three hours a week.
Precludes additional credit for COMP 4105 (no longer offered), SYSC 4415.
Prerequisite(s): COMP 2402 and (COMP 2404 or SYSC 3010 or SYSC 3110) and COMP 2804 and (MATH 1104 or MATH 1107).
Lectures three hours a week.