COMP 4001 [0.5 credit] Distributed Computing
Overview of distributed computing. Topics include: computational models, communication complexity, design and analysis of distributed algorithms and protocols, fault-tolerant protocols, synchronous computations. Applications may include: communication in data networks, control in distributed system (e.g., election, distributed mutual exclusion), manipulation of distributed data (e.g., ranking).
Prerequisite(s): COMP 1805 with a minimum grade of C-, COMP 2401 with a minimum grade of C-, and (COMP 2406 or SYSC 4504).
Lectures three hours a week.
Mathematics and Statistics
Undergraduate Calendar
...3806 , COMP 3806 (no longer offered), COMP 3800...offered), ECON 3001 , ECON 4001 , ECON 4002 , ECON...
Undergraduate Calendar
...the concentration. If PSYC 4001 is presented in...BIOL, BIT, CHEM, CIVE, COMP, ECOR, ELEC, ENSC...
Co-operative Education
Undergraduate Calendar
...FOOD 3003, and FOOD 4001; Obtained an Overall...the first work term, COMP 2404 ; Obtained an...
Undergraduate Calendar
...3002 , TSES 3500 , TSES 4001 , TSES 4002 , TSES...BIOL, BIT, CHEM, CIVE, COMP, ECOR, ELEC, ENSC...