COMP 5204 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5124) Computational Aspects of Geographic Information Systems
Through recent advances in navigation systems, mobile devices, and new software such as Mapquest and Google Earth, GIS is becoming increasingly important and exciting from a CS perspective. This course lays the algorithmic foundations to understand, use and further this technology.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as COMP 4202, for which additional credit is precluded.
Biomedical Engineering
Graduate Calendar
...COMP 5100 , COMP 5101 , COMP 5107 , COMP 5108 , COMP 5111 , COMP 5112 , COMP 5204 , COMP...
Data Science (Collaborative Specialization)
Graduate Calendar
...COMP 5100 , COMP 5101 , COMP 5107 , COMP 5108 , COMP 5111 , COMP 5112 , COMP 5204 , COMP...