COMS 2700 [0.5 credit] Global Media and Communication
An introduction to global media and communication, with an emphasis on debates about media power and expansion, digitalization, technology transfer, and societal implications/changes. Students will investigate historical and contemporary contexts of global and transnational communication through a variety of approaches and perspectives.
Precludes additional credit for COMM 3405/JOUR 3405 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): COMS 1001 or COMS 1002, and second-year standing in Communication and Media Studies (including BGInS related specializations and streams), or permission of the School of Journalism and Communication.
Lectures three hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): COMS 1001 or COMS 1002, and second-year standing in Communication and Media Studies (including BGInS related specializations and streams), or permission of the School of Journalism and Communication.
Lectures three hours a week.