COMSĀ 3003 [0.5 credit] Media and Crime
A critical exploration of the mediation of crime and violence in historical and contemporary contexts. Topics may include celebrity criminals, true crime media, news, photography, courtroom TV, victimhood, and vigilante justice.
Prerequisite(s): Third-year standing and enrollment in Communication and Media Studies (including BGInS related specializations and streams) or third-year standing in Criminology and Criminal Justice (BA / Honours streams), or permission of the School of Journalism and Communication.
Lecture three hours a week.
Lecture three hours a week.
Co-operative Education
Undergraduate Calendar
...3002, FOOD 3005, FOOD 3003, and FOOD 4001...student in the B.Com Honours program; Successfully...
Mathematics and Statistics
Undergraduate Calendar
...and Statistics: BIOL 3604 , COMS 3001 , CRCJ 3001...2606 , GEOG 2006 , GEOG 3003 , NEUR 2001 , NEUR...