CYBR 5000 [1.0 credit] Science and Social Science of Cybersecurity
Overview of legal, governance, and strategic considerations of cybersecurity from a Canadian and international perspective, and the computer science and engineering concepts critical to effective cybersecurity operations.
Cybersecurity (Collaborative Specialization)
Graduate Calendar
All students must complete the 0.5 credit economics course for their designated field, or an approved alternate economics course. For students in the IEP field both INAF 5308 and INAF 5309 , or approved equivalent, must be completed. For elective courses, 1.5 credits of the total required 5.0 credits may be selected from courses offered in other departments, with a maximum of 1.0 credit from a single department and a maximum of 1.0 credit selected from fourth year undergraduate courses. Any course not identified as an INAF 5000-level course must be approved by the M.A. Program Supervisor. Students must successfully complete an examination in second language proficiency administered by Carleton University's School of Linguistics and Language Studies, or meet the equivalent standard as determined by the School of Linguistics and Language Studies. Details of the language requirement are provided on the School website.