Data Science (Collaborative Specialization)
Graduate Calendar
Students enrolled in the Collaborative Program in Data Science must meet the requirements of their respective home units as well as those of the Collaborative Program. The requirements of the Collaborative Program do not, however, add to the number of credits students are required to accumulate by their home unit and the credit value of the degree remains the same. Consult the individual programs for detailed program requirements.
Biomedical Engineering
Graduate Calendar
...with Collaborative Specialization in Data Science (5.0...5703 , COMP 5704 , PHYS 5002 , SYSC 5001 , SYSC...
Graduate Calendar
...with Collaborative Specialization in Data Science (5.0...course, such as PHYS 5002 , within the minimum...
DATA 5002 [0.5 credit] Data Science, Ethics & Society
The ethical, social, political, and environmental implications of data science including the roles and responsibilities of data scientists in contemporary and emerging technological systems and the impact these systems may have at multiple scales, individual, group, institution, across sectors and nation-states.
Also listed as COMS 5225.
Precludes additional credit for COMS 5225, ITEC 5206.
PHYS 5002 [0.5 credit] (PHY 5344) Statistical Data Analysis Techniques for Physics
Computational methods used in analysis of experimental data. Introduction to probability and random variables. Monte Carlo methods for simulation of random processes. Statistical methods for parameter estimation and hypothesis tests. Confidence intervals. Multivariate data classification. Unfolding methods. Examples taken primarily from particle and medical physics.
Prerequisite(s): an ability to program in Python, Java, C, or C++, and permission of the Department.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PHYS 4807, for which additional credit is precluded.