ECON 6019 [0.5 credit] (ECO 7119) Mathematical Foundations for Economic Theory
Mathematical techniques needed to understand micro- and macro-economic theory at the Ph.D. level, and to carry out research. Real analysis. Review of static optimization. Continuous- and discrete-time dynamic optimization in deterministic and stochastic environments. Applications to economic theory are presented.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): ECON 5020 (or equivalent) and ECON 5021 (or equivalent), or permission of the Department.
Prerequisite(s): ECON 5020 (or equivalent) and ECON 5021 (or equivalent), or permission of the Department.
Graduate Calendar
Students completing the dual degree pathway will graduate with: M.A. Economics with Concentration in Financial Economics, and M.B.A. with Concentration in Financial Economics.